Northwest Out Sourcing

Unions aren't the answer. Solidarity is. Right now, all the working people are under attack by Corporate Greed.
One union or the other isn't the answer. It's all the workers standing up together. We are not just fighting over pennies here. We are now fighting a war on the middle class and our American way of life.

You are exactly right Dea. As soon as the unionist realize this then something can eventually be done. Right now the unions have the people divided. Till these guys realize that there will be no solidarity among the People.
The AFL-CIO has been in a coma for years. We need a grass roots effort to get going. Writing the Senate and Congress on a daily basis, rallies, educating the's a big job but I believe it can and must be done if we have any chance to save our country from becoming a debt-ridden, third-rate nation.

Thanks for the link! I like what I've seen of Andy Stern. Great article on him in BusinessWeek a while back. I've been impressed with H.E.R.E in Chicago too.

We've got our work cut out for us, but I think it's do-able.

On the nose again Dea, you are on a role tonight. I think you should have your own card drive. I might even sign that one. These guys slam the companies, which I am sure they were programmed to do when they were children. The companies operate under government rules, laws and regulations. The people control the government. Unions attack the company while the companies pay the government to sit by and watch and or twist the rules in their favor. The unions tell the people to attack the company which is operating under the government. When are you guys going to attack the real problem here? Which is the government.
On the nose again Dea, you are on a role tonight. I think you should have your own card drive. I might even sign that one. These guys slam the companies, which I am sure they were programmed to do when they were children. The companies operate under government rules, laws and regulations. The people control the government. Unions attack the company while the companies pay the government to sit by and watch and or twist the rules in their favor. The unions tell the people to attack the company which is operating under the government. When are you guys going to attack the real problem here? Which is the government.
This post, above most all others... shows how really nieve you are 'Cods.

"The people control the government".... holey sh*t... :rolleyes:

I generally do a voters registration drive around town here. For the past 10 years, it's been rather apathetically recieved until recently. I believe the middle class is waking up.

We've had just awful representation in our government. Too many fat cats bloated on the "donations" from Big Business. It's just a matter of time before the Bush House of Cards comes tumbling down. I pray it's before too much damage has been done. The national debt is never going to get paid off at this rate.

We've got some dark days ahead of us, to be sure.

This post, above most all others... shows how really nieve you are 'Cods.
"The people control the government".... holey sh*t... :rolleyes:

This post Hackman just goes to show your full blown ignorance. Yes the people control the government. The problem here is people do not know how to use their voice to control their government. How many of you guys are going to vote democrat or republican the next election? We can all see how ignorant and useless robbed's voice is.

Dea is right, it is going to take a Grassroots effort to turn this country around.
Hackman is not as ignorant as you pto. at least Hackman states the true points, especially about scabs like you
We don't control the government. The big business lobbyists like Abrahamoff do. There was a grassroots effort to get the AMT professionals the pay and benefits they deserved at NWA. Then scumbag scabs like you PTO walked all over their picketline. You're a disgrace to aircraft mechanics everywhere,PTO. You say you're a veteran, but then you stab your fellow veterans in the back by scabbing. I feel very sorry for the military AMT's over in Iraq. They are gonna come home to a career that will have it's pay and benefits decimated by filthy rotten scabs.
I'm neither republican or democrat. Both political parties are infested with crooked individuals who work for the lobbyists, not the people. I agree that a grassroots effort is needed to get rid of both the republican and democratic parties and replace them with political parties that are not controlled by the lobbyists, but the American people. The corruption in both the republican and democratic parties is too entangled to irrradicate. Only a complete wipeout of the demos and repubs will allow the American political system to start over with a clean slate.
I'm neither republican or democrat. Both political parties are infested with crooked individuals who work for the lobbyists, not the people. I agree that a grassroots effort is needed to get rid of both the republican and democratic parties and replace them with political parties that are not controlled by the lobbyists, but the American people. The corruption in both the republican and democratic parties is too entangled to irrradicate. Only a complete wipeout of the demos and repubs will allow the American political system to start over with a clean slate.

Agree with you, the only way we could make that happen is a "velvet revolution" . Worked perfectly where my family came from. The US worker is being cheated by companies, and the government. Also the exculsion of a foreign goverment meddling in our (US) affairs.
There was a grassroots effort to get the AMT professionals the pay and benefits they deserved at NWA. Then scumbag scabs like you PTO walked all over their picketline. You're a disgrace to aircraft mechanics everywhere,PTO.

What a feeble attempt that was. A union pecking away at a company is not the answer. I am not sure of the right angle of attack here but I assure you that an obscure union led by scoundrels is not the answer. You can’t start underneath the totem pole on this one.
What a feeble attempt that was. A union pecking away at a company is not the answer. I am not sure of the right angle of attack here but I assure you that an obscure union led by scoundrels is not the answer. You can’t start underneath the totem pole on this one.

Led by scoundrels? O.V. Delle-Femine is a licensed A+P mechanic who is also a veteran of the armed forces. He worked at AA as an AMT until,I believe,1964 to start AMFA. An aircraft mechanics union for aircraft mechanics. How does this make him a scroundrel? All the officers including Mr. Delle-Femine are elected by their peers,so if they were to become "scoundrels" they could be voted out of office or even recalled.

So what is the answer,PTO? Scabbing for less wages and benefits? Helping a corrupt management team decimate the AMT profession? Helping destroy the middle class? You're even destroying contract maintenance,PTO. Does suicide run in your family? You sure do like cutting your own throat.
What a feeble attempt that was. A union pecking away at a company is not the answer. I am not sure of the right angle of attack here but I assure you that an obscure union led by scoundrels is not the answer. You can’t start underneath the totem pole on this one.

"an obscure union"

AMFA currently represents more AMTs than ANY OTHER UNION!

"led by scoundrels"

If this is your opinion, you are entitled to it. Although, it shows your utter lack of knowledge concerning AMFA, and aviation labor unions as a whole.

Just a suggestion, you may wish to read up on the IAM,TWU,IBT before attempting to label AMFA leaders as scoundrels. You'd sound alot less foolish.

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