This is insane

That other guy got so boring the inspectors mind wandered.
Dog, I wish you would stop trying to spy on me!
You would think they would encourage the change of subject. Staying on topic is getting embarrassing for them.
Liston Pan, are you really surprised that the main stream media would try and capitalize on some Indian trying to push his own agenda this way?
It didn't change me at all as I knew is was BS all along. As it was it fell apart pretty quickly.

You and your merry band of ignorant NPC's fell for it, because that's what the media told you to do.

You're obviously a product of a steady diet of liberal media. You're not fooling anyone.

You're completely unable to think for yourself.

Again I ask: How does it feel to be duped and made the fool?

Talk about liberal media?

Check this out...goes way beyond the Buzzfeed article.....just about says it all:

What is this eerie power Donald Trump has to select the perfect enemies, enemies whose own myriad failings often cause them to commit ritual suicide whenever they face him? He usually doesn’t even have to do anything – these goofs do it to themselves.
His latest victim is BuzzFraud, that listcicle-curating web site for millennial geeks that had the mainstream media in a 24-hour festival of onanism over a report so full of Schumer that even Mueller and his pack of Democrat activists had to shout, “Yo, chill.”
You were funny not intentionally of course, you and LaLa would make a lovely couple. Couple of boring victims of the media.
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You were funny not intentionally of course, you and LaLa would make a lovely couple. Couple of boring victims of the media.

Talk about a lack of self awareness.This story blew up in your faces in record time.

You and xUT would also make a lovely couple since you both got spanked being "victims of the media".