Trump / Bush pull even in the polls. Trouble for the GOP ?

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OH, the JOY.
Trump, should he not get the nomination from the fk-ed up   GOP might very well run as an ' INDY '
WOW, anyone think that Clinton  history can  repeat itself (Think BILL Clinton winning in a 3-way race  vs...perot and the old man Bush), to then become....' HILL  beating  T-Rump and whomever emerges from the Republican CLOWN CAR !
The fact that (the) Donald is running as a REPLUG and driving a MASSIVE wedge within the GOP, only to (very possibly) Run as an INDY, I mean on my best day, I could not write (up ) a script that FUNNY/GOOD to ram up the asss of the Grand Old Party !
The  G I F T....that ...(ALWAYS)......Keeps on........G I V I N G   !!!!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
really? so when was Jeb Bush running against Kerry ? sounds like distortions or out right lies by what ever the hell Democratic underground is
bikeguy said:
Trump opens up a double digit lead!
Seems like the people are liking what they are hearing.
They are not the people who will get him in the WH.  Only the people who might get him on the ticket.  
I don't if he gets in the WH. I just said he has a double digit lead over the #2 guy.
Therefore the people are liking whatever he is saying.
700UW said:
Stupid mistake but I don't think that's a big deal.  Trump does not over see every ad campaign that is put out on his behalf.  Some intern grabbed some stock pictures and popped out an ad.  Trump will have far bigger issues when he actually starts having debates and gets called out on all his insane BS.  
The fact that his campaign did not learn their lesson the first time ought to concern Trump a bit (if he actually is serious about running which I doubt).  When are people going to learn how to do the most basic of fact checking.
I bet thge DNC is salivating over the idea of Trump on the ticket.  The election results would be epic.  Personally I would like to see the GOP actually put a moderate, sane candidate on the tickt that would present an alternative to Clinton.  If the GOP puts nearly any of the current candidates on the ticket they might as well just let Clinton start picking out decorations now.
bikeguy said:
I don't if he gets in the WH. I just said he has a double digit lead over the #2 guy.
Therefore the people are liking whatever he is saying.
I understand that, but this seems to be hurting the GOP because the crazy base of the GOP is not the group who should be making this decision.  Trump is the worst face the GOP can present.  He is the stereotypical republican that the DNC like to portray.  