Vote No Video from Presidents

listening to jim little now and I think he was refering to you (Bob) about putting disimformation out

not that I agree with him just think he was calling you out
Im so sick and tired of the TUL bashing you assholes. there are how many locals he mentioned 2 more in his statement and you you go straight to tulsa f you. there are plenty here that are voting no so quit your bashing its getting old, hell im about so sick of it i might just vote yes to piss you off. im getting layed off yes or no, but im really sick of its all my fault.

You are a real piece of works.

You come and preach over and over again to turn down everything. So far your track record stinks. Before the negotiations you supported organizations that destroyed our profession. Now you are attempting to drive us into extinction.

Thanks Bob for negotiating this piece of junk.

For the life of me I can't see why anyone would want to listen to you!!!!!

Im so sick and tired of the TUL bashing you assholes. there are how many locals he mentioned 2 more in his statement and you you go straight to tulsa f you. there are plenty here that are voting no so quit your bashing its getting old, hell im about so sick of it i might just vote yes to piss you off. im getting layed off yes or no, but im really sick of its all my fault.

Wasn't bashing Tulsa as a whole. Actually damn proud of those in Tulsa who are stepping it up. Just bashing the local leadership who are not on or endorsing the video like others. If they choose to endorse the video, I will gladly retract the statement. My apologies if I offended you.
I would just like to personally thank these Local Presidents for taking the time to make this informative video. While no promises are made about what anyone might or might not gain from a NO VOTE, these leaders make clear and concise points as to why we should VOTE NO and continue the process.

These are difficult times for everyone and both AA and the TWU International are using FEAR and small monetary carrots to once again ask us to lead the industry and the profession back towards the stone ages. The only stone age that AA needs to see is a return of a Union that stands together, willing to fight together, instead of being further divided and weak. Lord knows it has been ages since we in the TWU have taken our turn at the battle front instead of caving like cowards.

It is no secrest that I was a yes voter on T/A, but only because I had my doubts that given the environment and company tools available that we would ever see a better deal come forward. Well that is now water under the bridge and the time has come to challenge the company and stop selling ourselves short. There is no promise of a better agreement down the road, but this last best offer is as bad as bad gets, and we cannot allow ourselves to be ruled by fear any longer. Just because there are small differences between the March 22 1113c proposal and this last best offer, don't be fooled by this, because it is clear that the 3/22 term sheet was a precursor to attempt to sell this garbage, and nothing more than a tool of threat for them to compare and sell you this bag a trash today.

Not only should this offer be rejected, it should be rejected in such a large percentage that the result leaves AA no question that much of this offer must be modified by large amounts instead of perception that is was a close vote and that small changes from this offer will suffice.

While some have already attacked Bob for his previous stance, and even I myself threw my share of stones at his earlier video. I now commend him and agree 100% with the direction he and the others are now leading us given our current circumstance.

Many of the TWU supporters you see on this board are perfect examples of what a selfish union man really is, and some of them have no less than two or three family members working at AA now in Tulsa, many of them without real skill and very little seniority. These individuals are willing to sacrifce you and everyone else to protect their own. In other words, their relatives are now worth your demise and decimation, as long as they are saved. This is sad fact, but none the less the truth.

Everyone should VOTE LOUD, and VOTE NO.


PS please stop the attacks on your fellow union brothers, rather it be Tulsa, Bob, or anyone else. If you are too foolish to see that now is the time to unite and stop that nonsense, then you deserve what you get as a result of ignorance.

Great videos guys. Thanks for your time

If anyone needs any proof of company scare tactics check out this little prelude to the 1995, six year joke.

Quote by Robert Crandall: "Unless the world changes, we will never buy another airplane. We won't replace the airplanes that wear out......The company simply won't be here anymore"
While everyone will lose with this Gun to the head offer, TUL will lose the most if
this passes !!
Wasn't bashing Tulsa as a whole. Actually damn proud of those in Tulsa who are stepping it up. Just bashing the local leadership who are not on or endorsing the video like others. If they choose to endorse the video, I will gladly retract the statement. My apologies if I offended you.
Sorry for my anger but I've heard on here so much about tulsa this and tulsa that. and I'm just here to say that there are men with backbone in tul