What is the rush?

Ah yes, the ol' "If-you-don't-like-it-quit" blather. Kudos for at least rephrasing that stale mantra...

No thanks; I think I'll stay and see how things play out.
Haha I knew you would like it. :lol: But seriously....why not? Your not one of those cats who stands by and complains, yet does nothing about it. Are you? :huh:
Go get'em tiger...rawrrrr!

How wonderfully condescending of you. I'm shocked, just shocked!

You'd prefer I just ate up the lies/half truths upper management is trying to foist on all of us?

Maybe I'd see things different if I spent most of my time on special assignment instead of on the line...
How wonderfully condescending of you. I'm shocked, just shocked!

You'd prefer I just ate up the lies/half truths upper management is trying to foist on all of us?

Maybe I'd see things different if I spent most of my time on special assignment instead of on the line...

Im going to start charging you $1 for every time you call me a "special assignment". Im going to be sooo rich. :lol:
Not really, since I'll be charging $1.00 per emoticon.

I notice you never flatly deny being on special assignment... What kinds of work do you do?
Kev, seriously now. In our long sordid love affair, you often accused and I often denied so much so that (i thought) we had an understanding. How soon some forget when hearts drift yonder. How easy it is for you to forget. :(

Im FA Kev, and you know that too. Jeez I feel so....dejected.

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