150 reasons why Obama is the worst president ever!

Ms Tree said:
Yep.  And I think we are better off than we would have been with Romney/Ryan.  Especially since the budget ideas that Ryan proposed were nothing more than a fantasy.
 I disagree
can we safely add economic expert to your list of titles since you clearly know more than Ryan?
cltrat said:
 I disagree
can we safely add economic expert to your list of titles since you clearly know more than Ryan?
Can we add it to your list since you disagree?  Read what the economists said about his budget and the unemployment.
Ms Tree said:
OH snap. A picture of Obama smoking. We should just execute the SOB like the lady in Bridenstin's town meeting suggested.
Why Tree! I'm surprised you'd suggest such a thing! ------- Remember! Big brother is watching! You might get your income tax audited! Or have the FBI come breaking down your door!
delldude said:
Dow on artificial life support due to the fed buying up our own debt?
And you do know they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar on the labor stats.
Buying up dept with money right off the printing press, backed by nothing! And the press have not stopped yet. That's why the market has gone out of sight. All that paper has  to end up somewhere! As for the unemployment rate, what about all those who have given up and dropped and given up ? If counted  it would be more like 12%!
MCI transplant said:
Why Tree! I'm surprised you'd suggest such a thing! ------- Remember! Big brother is watching! You might get your income tax audited! Or have the FBI come breaking down your door!
Ill take my chances. If that idiot from the town meeting is still walking around I think im good.
Ms Tree said:
Everyone contributes and no one gets a free ride. No one has to use the ER as a primary care facility. 
Nope.  These people do not contribute and will always use the ER as a primary care facility because they don't care and will never pay anything.
Neither are they Obama voters either because they can't be bothered with voting.
The unemployment number has been measured the same way for a long time. It has also been used by people running for office for a long time. Just because it does not currently support your objective does not make it invalid.


"Is there only one official definition of unemployment?

Yes, there is only one official definition of unemployment, and that was discussed above. However, some have argued that this measure is too restricted, and that it does not adequately capture the breadth of labor market problems. For this reason, economists at BLS developed a set of alternative measures of labor underutilization. These measures are published every month in the Employment Situation news release. They range from a very limited measure that includes only those who have been unemployed (as officially defined) for 15 weeks or more to a very broad one that includes total unemployed (as officially defined), all persons marginally attached to the labor force, and all individuals employed part time for economic reasons."
If the Obama Administration can sweep another 25 million long term unemployed under the carpet, they should be able to knock that unemployment rate down to 2 percent!
Ms Tree said:
Ill take my chances. If that idiot from the town meeting is still walking around I think im good.
Just like that idiot Reid calling all those who were screwed by Obamacare liers!!! But, he made sure he and his fellow Senators and Congressmen are exempt from it!
MCI transplant said:
Just like that idiot Reid calling all those who were screwed by Obamacare liers!!! But, he made sure he and his fellow Senators and Congressmen are exempt from it!
I think advocating the execution of a person with out trial is a bit more extreme but what ever floats your boat.
Ms Tree said:
Can we add it to your list since you disagree?  Read what the economists said about his budget and the unemployment.
a brief search shows economists who agree with Ryan,economists who think it's hogwash and even some who says it doesn't do enough so your statement is a bit of a reach
Glenn Quagmire said:
The unemployment number has been measured the same way for a long time. It has also been used by people running for office for a long time. Just because it does not currently support your objective does not make it invalid.


"Is there only one official definition of unemployment?

Yes, there is only one official definition of unemployment, and that was discussed above. However, some have argued that this measure is too restricted, and that it does not adequately capture the breadth of labor market problems. For this reason, economists at BLS developed a set of alternative measures of labor underutilization. These measures are published every month in the Employment Situation news release. They range from a very limited measure that includes only those who have been unemployed (as officially defined) for 15 weeks or more to a very broad one that includes total unemployed (as officially defined), all persons marginally attached to the labor force, and all individuals employed part time for economic reasons."
Cute....what of Obama doctoring the fugures before the 2012 election.
cltrat said:
a brief search shows economists who agree with Ryan,economists who think it's hogwash and even some who says it doesn't do enough so your statement is a bit of a reach
As I recall, for his budget to work unemployment needed to be sub 3%.  When was the last time that happened?  And he thinks that will happen in a period of 8 years.
Ms Tree said:
As I recall, for his budget to work unemployment needed to be sub 3%.  When was the last time that happened?  And he thinks that will happen in a period of 8 years.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't think that with obama running the show.