21,000 free tickets given away by AA

Did I forget to say positive space ticket.
The free unlimited travel you refer to is last person on if a seat is available.
And lately its been next to impossible to fly.
Youre right i dont work for AA that is obvious ;)

Well, try flying out of Love Field, which is the only place these tickets are valid for. I don't think you'll have any problem getting a seat to AUS, SAT, MCI, or STL.
Even if the terms and conditions render the vouchers useless for 90% of the people who got them, it's still a great promotion at very little out of pocket cost to AMR.
Well they have been misleading the employees for years, I guess they figure they will try it out on the passengers.

Bad move to me.

Reminds of the so called $3.5 billion they claimed they lost, the $988 million in "Goodwill", the write down of the AAdvantage miles, prepaid leases, etc,etc.

The way I see it they are going to piss off the 90% that recieve useless vouchers. Unlike the employees the customers can easily take their business elsewhere.

What ever happened to the idea of integrity? Why not just give people what you say you are giving and leave out all the small print crap? Perhaps thats why SWA makes money and others dont.

Is it the company or twu that have the excuses? ;)
Is there a difference?
Who ever said we couldn't fill airplanes out of Love field? AA is about to prove them all wrong. Even if we have to give the seats away. ROTFLMAO

Hell 20,000 free tickets sounds like a typical day of oversales in Miami. No big deal, they give the airline away twice a week due to overbooking.

Enter the Haitian gentleman at MIA Concourse A trying desperately to sell 400.00 vouchers for 20 bucks american because he had so many they were expiring faster than he could use them!
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  • #21
SWA resonds to the AA give-away Southwest Airlines Co. chief executive Gary Kelly told reporters Thursday morning that his carrier, also a big Mavericks booster, would serve free drinks on all its Love Field flights from tomorrow until Memorial

Day.story here
It's obvious you don't work for AA. At 5 years with the company we get free unlimited domestic flight benefits.

yes, after 5 years AA employees get free domestic coach benefits. But if you work for Southwest you get free unlimited domestic benefits for not working at AA! And if you are a pilot you can get free travel in any cabin there is a seat on AA even though AA employees have to pay!!!! Great way to improve employee morale there. :rolleyes:

This free ticket thing doesn't stir me up. It is my personal opinion that Garton is just a huge Maverick's fan and he just wanted to see himself on TV at the game with Cuban and the team. I wonder how many people were actually in on this brainstorm? He probably thought this one up when he was watching a game with his friends and had the ablsoulute power to carry it through. I guess 20,000 tickets don't matter when the love field thing was not really expected to bring in revenue anyway. Wasn't it already written off as a loss before it even began?
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It's not as if American's flights from Love are jammed anyway. All but weekend flights appear to have plenty of seats available at low fares, according to the carrier's Web site.

The Love Field flights are about 50 percent to 60 percent full overall, Mr. Garton told reporters after the event. The move was simply good marketing, not an effort to fill half-full planes, he said.

"It's not desperation – it's aggressive competition," Mr. Garton said. "Look, we're in a real battle at Love. We've done a lot of 10-percent-off deals, but we don't do a lot of deals for 100 percent off."

American chairman and chief executive Gerard Arpey said Wednesday that the results at Love have been "encouraging compared to what we had forecast."

Other American executives have said the Love flights are not profitable.

The free ticket idea came from a few marketing employees about five or six weeks ago, but took a lot of persuasion at the airline to make it happen, Mr. Garton said. He had to go through the plan alone with Mr. Arpey to convince him it would pay off in the long run.

American estimates that those who do take the free ticket will persuade friends and family to come along and buy tickets themselves, diminishing the revenue impact. The giveaway might even make the airline more money than if it hadn't tried it, he said.
yes, after 5 years AA employees get free domestic coach benefits. But if you work for Southwest you get free unlimited domestic benefits for not working at AA! And if you are a pilot you can get free travel in any cabin there is a seat on AA even though AA employees have to pay!!!! Great way to improve employee morale there. :rolleyes:

Get a load of this situation. If I travel on AA using my benefits and the flight is full then I am out of luck, but if a pilot from another airline wants to jump seat he gets on and flies for free, but I being an employee of AA (A/C Maint.) can not fly cockpit jumpseat. First the company told us it was the FAA that kept maintenance out of the cockpit, we researched it and that was false. Then they told us it was the company that wanted us out of the cockpit, somewhat true, the real truth is that the Flight department does not want us in the cockpit. But it is ok to let a fellow pilot from another airline fly jumpseat.
Then they say pull together win together. FOR WHO??
Here is another true story. A while back two of our fellow AMT's went on a field trip somewhere in the Carribean to fix an aircraft. When they finished the flight back was full. So they had to fly cockpit jumpseat with the approval from the MOD on A type passes. The captain refused to allow the two AMT's to fly jumpseat on the very aircraft they fixed. They had to wait for the next flight several hours later. No matter what the company says we are still divided as work groups. The pilots always want theirs when it is convenient for them. When the aircraft has problems and they want to get home they are your best friend.
I don't hate pilots as a group just the ones that are real jerks and A$$E$. It amazes me that these guys are taxiing on one engine to save fuel and not running APU's and the company on the other hand gives away 21,000 free tickets as well as Horton gets an $8 million bonus for just walking in the door before he even settles down behind his desk.
You have to wonder if AA is really losing money.
Yea makes for great promotion of employee morale, when we're being told the sky is falling day after day, that we've got to get our cost in line, we've got to work more effecient, labor cost are too high, fuel cost are too high, ticket prices are too low...etc.

Yea what marketing genuis alright!

"Hey lets piss down their backs and tell'em its raining.."

Do you have any documentation to indicate that the promotion will not make money? I’m drawing my conclusions on the redemption rate off travel vouchers. It got AA lots of PR. The redemption rate on these vouchers will probably be far less than the redemption rate of regular travel vouchers due to the fact that they are not as practical to use as a voucher.

I do not see how the company can be held responsible for your inability to understand the promotion.

The way I see it they are going to piss off the 90% that recieve useless vouchers. Unlike the employees the customers can easily take their business elsewhere.

What ever happened to the idea of integrity? Why not just give people what you say you are giving and leave out all the small print crap? Perhaps thats why SWA makes money and others dont.
Is there a difference?

Good lord. Find me a promotion like that. No fine print? "Promotions" are just to get you in the door. "Get $10,000 off this SUV". I bet you believe that don't you? "I'll beat any price or I'll give it to you free." "Buy one get one free" -- certain restrictions apply.

Bob, I know this is difficult for you to understand so I will type as slowly as I can so you can keep up.

The main reason South West makes money because they are a single aircraft carrier with no perks who does not fly across the ocean. AA cannot be SWA and SWA cannot be AA.

The vouchers were free. Most people (present company excluded) understand that you do not get something for nothing. It's a free voucher. If they can use it, great, if not OH well.
Get a load of this situation. If I travel on AA using my benefits and the flight is full then I am out of luck, but if a pilot from another airline wants to jump seat he gets on and flies for free, but I being an employee of AA (A/C Maint.) can not fly cockpit jumpseat. First the company told us it was the FAA that kept maintenance out of the cockpit, we researched it and that was false. Then they told us it was the company that wanted us out of the cockpit, somewhat true, the real truth is that the Flight department does not want us in the cockpit. But it is ok to let a fellow pilot from another airline fly jumpseat.
Then they say pull together win together. FOR WHO??
Here is another true story. A while back two of our fellow AMT's went on a field trip somewhere in the Carribean to fix an aircraft. When they finished the flight back was full. So they had to fly cockpit jumpseat with the approval from the MOD on A type passes. The captain refused to allow the two AMT's to fly jumpseat on the very aircraft they fixed. They had to wait for the next flight several hours later. No matter what the company says we are still divided as work groups. The pilots always want theirs when it is convenient for them. When the aircraft has problems and they want to get home they are your best friend.
I don't hate pilots as a group just the ones that are real jerks and A$$E$. It amazes me that these guys are taxiing on one engine to save fuel and not running APU's and the company on the other hand gives away 21,000 free tickets as well as Horton gets an $8 million bonus for just walking in the door before he even settles down behind his desk.
You have to wonder if AA is really losing money.
Yeah, I know the situation. There are people in this company that think because they are parts changers or aircraft seat changers they should be able to ride jumpseat. Heck I even know employees who load bags and go to the same church as AMT's, think they should ride jumpseat also. I mean lets all "pull together win togehter" type thing.
Actually I sincerely beleive no pilot from any other airline should have a free ride. The jumpseat should be used for official or emergency reasons only. Not AMTs FAs Agents FSCs or pilots form OAs. Just MO
Do you have any documentation to indicate that the promotion will not make money?
Do you have any proof that it will?

yea you may have got some exposure, but at the expense of many on the floor who are fed up with this "Pull together win Together" hypocrisy B.S.

I do not see how the company can be held responsible for your inability to understand the promotion.
So since Im not a company yes man im unable to grasp the concept?

Is the Koolaide sweet enough for ya?