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A Non Interventionist Foreign Policy! WHY?


Nov 30, 2009
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WHY? Here's why
No one should ever be placed in harms way to protect the Central Bankers and Crony Capitalist interests in foreign lands. The role of those in the video is the preservation of Liberty. God Bless everyone who served and serves.
Do you really need a better reason?
SparrowHawk said:
WHY? Here's why
No one should ever be placed in harms way to protect the Central Bankers and Crony Capitalist interests in foreign lands. The role of those in the video is the preservation of Liberty. God Bless everyone who served and serves.
Do you really need a better reason?
May I remind you that you said US pilots flying over Iraq and Syria were guilty of murder and no different from the ISIS fighters.  So as someone who has served all I can say is cram it.
Well Sparrow, I get the vast majority of what you've saying., and agree with you.
I've always agreed with Ron Paul as far as "taking care of our own" (eapecially NOT shipping jobs or MONEY out of the country,.............Yes, I've always have been for a SECURE (Fence) Mexican Border,...................................(NOT like the phoney GOP Capitalists/Agri-business owners).
Couple ALL THAT with out Good and needed neighbors to the north/ Canada, and 2 HUGE oceans, then we all have the perfect scenario to tell everyone else to............................" F " -- OFF !
Thats not to say don't sell (for an example) a country like say Norway, the latest Submarines, or jet fighters.  A country LIKE Norway WANTS to be 'left alone' while it proudly takes care of it's OWN business.
Helll, even Israel has said time and again................' Don't send us   $$$$$..., we Don't need it "  !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Well Sparrow, I get the vast majority of what you've saying., and agree with you.
I've always agreed with Ron Paul as far as "taking care of our own" (eapecially NOT shipping jobs or MONEY out of the country,.............Yes, I've always have been for a SECURE (Fence) Mexican Border,...................................(NOT like the phoney GOP Capitalists/Agri-business owners).
Couple ALL THAT with out Good and needed neighbors to the north/ Canada, and 2 HUGE oceans, then we all have the perfect scenario to tell everyone else to............................" F " -- OFF !
Thats not to say don't sell (for an example) a country like say Norway, the latest Submarines, or jet fighters.  A country LIKE Norway WANTS to be 'left alone' while it proudly takes care of it's OWN business.
Helll, even Israel has said time and again................' Don't send us   $$$$$..., we Don't need it "  !
A fellow name of Thomas Jefferson summed it up nicely.  

"Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.”
777 fixer said:
May I remind you that you said US pilots flying over Iraq and Syria were guilty of murder and no different from the ISIS fighters.  So as someone who has served all I can say is cram it.
YES, you may remind me. None of our recent adventures meets the standard of a "Just War" in my opinion. The last "Just War" we fought was WWII. Korea, Vietnam, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria along with others DO NOT meet the just war standard. More on the concept of a just war here http://www.iep.utm.edu/justwar/
"Saint Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. In the Summa Theologicae, Aquinas presents the general outline of what becomes the traditional just war theory as discussed in modern universities. He discusses not only the justification of war but also the kinds of activity that are permissible (for a Christian) in war (see below). Aquinas's thoughts become the model for later Scholastics and Jurists to expand and to gradually to universalize beyond Christendom – notably, for instance, in relations with the peoples of America following European incursions into the continent."
While most support our troops as individual citizen soldiers. Many, like me are asking questions regarding them being placed in harms way due to the interests of geo-political individuals and institutions that do not have the best interests of the average Joe/Jane that draws a paycheck. I must be a slow study as I have yet to figure out how us aiding financially rich people in foreign countries with money confiscated from poor people in this country helps advance the cause of Liberty or preserves it for the common person.
I just think you are full of it saying out of one side of your mouth god bless those who serve/served and out of the other side of your mouth calling them murderers.
777 fixer said:
I just think you are full of it saying out of one side of your mouth god bless those who serve/served and out of the other side of your mouth calling them murderers.
That's why they make Ford's and Chevy's.
It is however interesting that in 2012, Ron Paul raised more money from the active military then all other candidates COMBINED, including the Liar in Chief.
Let's take a look at the ISIS rap sheet:
  • mass executions of military prisoners
  • mass executions of religious minorities
  • mass executions of ethnic minorities
  • sponsorship of suicide bombings
  • forced conversions often featuring torture and mutilation
  • child abduction, child torture, use of children as human shields
  • impressment of children into combat
  • enslavement
  • mass rape
  • sexual slavery
  • publicized executions of journalists and aid workers
  • destruction of places of worship and sites of cultural heritage
  • theft of cultural and historical artifacts sold on the black market
  • the banning of the enjoyment of music, art, or dancing
Of course, ISIS has no reverence for things like national sovereignty, international law, just war, or individual liberty; they don't recognize any rules of engagement or even, apparently, any degree of human decency.  They are theocratic fascists who wield violence as a holy weapon against any and all who do not share their very strict, very narrow interpretation of Islam, and their explicit aim is to spread their power and territory as far and deeply as possible.
I for one have no problem with direct assaults on ISIS by American forces or the arming of those who are willing to fight it in their own backyards.  In my thinking, claiming the lofty ideal of 'just war' as an excuse not to confront abject evil of this magnitude is moral absurdity bordering on the grotesque.
SparrowHawk said:
That's why they make Ford's and Chevy's.
It is however interesting that in 2012, Ron Paul raised more money from the active military then all other candidates COMBINED, including the Liar in Chief.
A  'PM'  enroute for you.
delldude said:
Yours fixed?
Mine KTB
I get PM's, but are you saying.............you're.. Persona-non-grata ?
You're # 1 in my book "Brotha   !!!!!!!!!!!
I finally saw Martin Van Burens  post prez. 'crib.   It was a mere few miles from me, in my 'hood.
My 'hood is Great !   A TON of Dutch people w/a zillion BLONDES walkin'  'round.
1 problem. the joint is INFESTED wit'  REPLUGS !!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I get PM's, but are you saying.............you're.. Persona-non-grata ?
You're # 1 in my book "Brotha   !!!!!!!!!!!
I finally saw Martin Van Burens  post prez. 'crib.   It was a mere few miles from me, in my 'hood.
My 'hood is Great !   A TON of Dutch people w/a zillion BLONDES walkin'  'round.
1 problem. the joint is INFESTED wit'  REPLUGS !!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:


1 problem. the joint is INFESTED wit'  REPLUGS !!
So I take your not receiving any handouts and pissed about it!

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