AA and pilots reach deal on leave & buyout plans

In agreement. AA needs to adjust the offers. Offer 25-50% pay to stay home and keep benefits and have Pilots make sure they keep up their training monthly for a quick recovery when needed.
AA expecting people to take leaves without pay is not serious about avoiding layoffs and furloughs when other airlines are offering much better offers.
Just FYI: Just read this article below about Delta wanting 3K F/A's to take leaves WITHOUT pay, yea right. If they want to get serious about getting the numbers they want they are gonna have to offer some sort of reduced pay to stay at home like the other airlines have. Otherwise they will never get the numbers they need and layoffs and furloughs are inevitable and they know this. I am still thinking AA will have to layoff and furlough even if there is another extension on the PPP assistance as they are so overly staffed from the merger still.

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In agreement.
Just FYI: Just read this article below about Delta wanting 3K F/A's to take leaves WITHOUT pay, yea right. If they want to get serious about getting the numbers they want they are gonna have to offer some sort of reduced pay to stay at home like the other airlines have. Otherwise they will never get the numbers they need and layoffs and furloughs are inevitable and they know this.


Maybe this "lavish" offer will wake up the Delta flight attendants (finally) to the need for a union. Delta, like AA, seems to think that people who make $30K to $50K can go several month without an income as easily as people making $100K to $150K. Which, I admit, they can as long as they just give up on luxuries like eating, driving a gas-powered vehicle and sleeping indoors.
Maybe this "lavish" offer will wake up the Delta flight attendants (finally) to the need for a union. Delta, like AA, seems to think that people who make $30K to $50K can go several month without an income as easily as people making $100K to $150K. Which, I admit, they can as long as they just give up on luxuries like eating, driving a gas-powered vehicle and sleeping indoors.
Many flight attendants come from 2 income families and don't NEED to work.

Also who are you to say that Delta flight attendants NEED a UNION. They very well may not WANT a UNION. Also I imagine for the most part Delta takes fairly good care of their employees as to avoid UNION entanglement.

My wife's fathers employer was nonUNION and the employees did not WANT The UNION in there. Their pay and benefits were comparable so why bother? Another perk for the employees is they don't accumulate as much dead weight enjoying UNION protections that should have been fired years ago.

Honestly after dealing with 12 years of UNION entitlement at AA (senior people who literally come to work and do NOTHING) I think I rather have worked for Delta. Maybe had I worked for Delta I would still be in the airline business. My main reason for leaving AA is I got tired of the UNION BS (yes they closed my shop down but I could have been back to the base 20 times over by now by putting in a local transfer, I just didn't want to). I am not saying every UNION is bad (they most certainly are not) but TWU was a toxic cesspool of entitlement coupled with spineless management. Perhaps the employees of Delta don't want to chance that toxicity in their workplace.
Maybe this "lavish" offer will wake up the Delta flight attendants (finally) to the need for a union. Delta, like AA, seems to think that people who make $30K to $50K can go several month without an income as easily as people making $100K to $150K. Which, I admit, they can as long as they just give up on luxuries like eating, driving a gas-powered vehicle and sleeping indoors.

This was an easier sell when it meant getting the spring/summer off. The $600/wk. from the Feds made it all the more appealing.

DL is hoping to make this happen so they can sell the war time effort narrative of everyone coming together. People here are all-in on wanting to help, but even that has it's limits.