Alternative Facts


Jun 28, 2003
Dallas, TX
Ellen DeGeneres take on the alternative facts claim...

"I realized that I didn't fail math in high school. I was just using an alternative set of answers.":rolleyes::)
Is why we need to do away with Common Core Math.......
Ellen DeGeneres take on the alternative facts claim...

"I realized that I didn't fail math in high school. I was just using an alternative set of answers.":rolleyes::)
I can think of three reasons the inauguration crowds were off
1) Lousy day weather wise
2) People were afraid of the demonstrations
3) All of Trumps supporters have jobs they had to go to
The left hoisted another falsehood that has become the truth.

Look at what I found:

This is the picture that went viral on social media:


Note the size of the white tarps and the sparse distribution of people.

Now look at these from the opposite end and pay attention to the areas exposed in white displayed in the upper photo and compare to this:

Pic looking to building in foreground of upper photo, notice people on tarp and how close they are to the building.

Next frame zooming back towards podium, again, note dense crowd on tarps and compare to viral pic.


Link article:

The Highest Quality Photograph of Trump's Inauguration Yet Has Been Released. Guess What the Crowd Looks Like? __________________

At the end of the day, there was a lot more people that were there than shown in the viral shot.

Here's a cool link where you can explore the entire view from the podium:

FYI- use zoom on the gigapixel link and look for snipers on the rooftops.
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Of course the crowd would be thickest up near the Capitol where the podium is. If only 10 people showed up for the inauguration, why would they occupy the empty space at the opposite end of the Mall when there would be space near the podium. DUH! The difference is that at the first Obama inauguration there was no space left anywhere on the Mall. So let's look at the big white space at the opposite end of the Mall at the Donald's inauguration. Oh my, it appears to be empty. Must be trick photography by the liberals. The Donald's alternative set of facts (No such thing in the real world. I guess their playing Star Trek again at the White House with the alternate realities) could not possibly be wrong.

You all keep telling yourselves that whatever Donald says is the truth and anyone who disagrees is a liberal retard--let's use the term you all mean when you say libtard. If you are going to disparage people with disabilities (like the Donald did), at least have the intestinal fortitude to be open and honest about your despicable attitudes toward others. Oh, and at the end of the next four years let me know how much of that "tax cut" you got as compared to the people in the Donald's income category. And, let's measure then how tall the wall is. Then, let's finish up with what kind of relationships the U.S. has with other countries in the world. Don't respond now. The Donald has not had a real chance to start his destructive plans.
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Of course the crowd would be thickest up near the Capitol where the podium is. If only 10 people showed up for the inauguration, why would they occupy the empty space at the opposite end of the Mall when there would be space near the podium. DUH! The difference is that at the first Obama inauguration there was no space left anywhere on the Mall. So let's look at the big white space at the opposite end of the Mall at the Donald's inauguration. Oh my, it appears to be empty. Must be trick photography by the liberals. The Donald's alternative set of facts (No such thing in the real world. I guess their playing Star Trek again at the White House with the alternate realities) could not possibly be wrong.

You all keep telling yourselves that whatever Donald says is the truth and anyone who disagrees is a liberal retard--let's use the term you all mean when you say libtard. If you are going to disparage people with disabilities (like the Donald did), at least have the intestinal fortitude to be open and honest about your despicable attitudes toward others. Oh, and at the end of the next four years let me know how much of that "tax cut" you got as compared to the people in the Donald's income category. And, let's measure then how tall the wall is. Then, let's finish up with what kind of relationships the U.S. has with other countries in the world. Don't respond now. The Donald has not had a real chance to start his destructive plans.

The original 'viral' picture that the useful idiots are off and running with was taken at "exactly" the same time as Obama's.

I found, according to Reuter's........the Trump pic was taken at "exactly" 12:01pm and the Obama pic was taken "exactly" between 12:07 and 12:26pm.


Looks like the left has the "alternative facts" Jimbo..........
Yeah and in two months he's done more good than your "dear leader" Obama did in eight years.
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Yeah and in two months he's done more good than your "dear leader" Obama did in eight years.

Besides undoing Obama's executive orders, what has he done? And that doesn't change the fact that it took him 5 months to accept that he won. I'm still not sure he completely accepts it.
Besides undoing Obamas executive orders he is finally enforcing immigration laws and doing his best to bring jobs back to the US (be honest Obama didn't even try). As far as accepting that he is President its been five months and the media, sickening Hollywood celebs and the lunatic left that cant come to grips with it.
Besides undoing Obamas executive orders he is finally enforcing immigration laws and doing his best to bring jobs back to the US (be honest Obama didn't even try). As far as accepting that he is President its been five months and the media, sickening Hollywood celebs and the lunatic left that cant come to grips with it.
If he came to grips with it, why did he open his first solo press conference citing his electoral college win? Did someone finally explain to him that even though Hillary got more votes, he got more of the ones that really mattered?
He's very comfortable with it. The electoral college is what he campaigned for. Again its the left that's unhinged. Someone needs to explain it to them.
He's very comfortable with it. The electoral college is what he campaigned for. Again its the left that's unhinged. Someone needs to explain it to them.
Hmmm...for 5 months he seemed to grapple with what the electoral college was. Hillary wins the popular vote....he goes off that over 3 million illegals voted for her. Despite that - he won. But he never stopped talking about the number of illegals who voted for Hillary. Not until his first solo press conference that was almost 5 months later did he mention the electoral college. And when he did....he tossed in another about him having the YUGEST electoral win since

I have to apologize to W...All those years people called him dumb. And even though his election in 2000 was shrouded in controversy...and even though his opponent won the popular vote, from the day he officially won forward, he never said a word about losing the popular vote and he never said a word about the electoral college. He moved forward as though he won. It took our dear leader 5 months to come to grips with that. God...sometimes I wish we had W back.