American Airlines Group Reports Record Fourth Quarter and Full Year Profit

WeAAsles said:
If 3% winds up being the reality then C'est La Vie. But I guess you're saying that our negotiators shouldn't at least strive for more huh? Just hurry up, grab it and go.

Nah. I want you to have more. I'm 100% positive that you deserve more.

But I'll keep thinking my way and you keep thinking yours Brother.
Nope brother, you can't read my mind so stop trying. I want them to get every dollar they can. Yes we all deserve more, but
Dougie has told you what you will get and the Association doesn't even have to work for that. All I'm saying is have a plan B for your raise, cause it might not be what you think you and I deserve!
And that's free financial advise...
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You do realize that if you had CBA already you wouldnt be getting the additional 14.5%?
700UW said:
You do realize that if you had CBA already you wouldnt be getting the additional 14.5%?
You do realize we don't care what you keep telling us what we should or should not have had by now. The IAM should have been long gone by now and the TWU would have had a JCBA by now. All that time wasted with the NMB to save the IAM. You do realize it don't you? Better yet don't bother to tell me if I realized anything anymore.
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1AA said:
You do realize we don't care what you keep telling us what we should or should not have had by now. The IAM should have been long gone by now and the TWU would have had a JCBA by now. All that time wasted with the NMB to save the IAM. You do realize it don't you? Better yet don't bother to tell me if I realized anything anymore.
Does AA have an EAP?
700UW said:
You do realize that if you had CBA already you wouldnt be getting the additional 14.5%?
Yup that extra money is looking GREAT in my check every week!

When we ever get it. What a joke.
Nope brother, you can't read my mind so stop trying. I want them to get every dollar they can. Yes we all deserve more, but
Dougie has told you what you will get and the Association doesn't even have to work for that. All I'm saying is have a plan B for your raise, cause it might not be what you think you and I deserve!
And that's free financial advise...
I don't need a plan B. I'm already putting 20% into my 401k and whatever base wages we ultimately agree to and pass I'll raise that contribution accordingly.

Live for today, save for tomorrow.
the huge profits is all the more reason we should not have to give up a dam thing and to regain everything we lost in bankruptcy    just my take on it     
a huge congratulations to all the hard working front line folks at the new AA
AAL Announces Massive Q4 Profit
[SIZE=12pt]Flight Attendants Shut Out of Historic Gains[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10pt]FORT WORTH, Texas (January 29, 2016) - In a conference call with investors this morning, American Airlines Management announced another quarter of record profits for the Company. With $6.3 billion in revenues to report, the call had a celebratory tone and featured the excited voices of the airline's Management team, institutional shareholders, and Wall Street analysts. Absent amidst all the self-congratulations and mutual admiration was the voice of American's front line employees: the 25,000 Flight Attendants who have made the new American Airlines so successful and have yet to realize the fruits of that labor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The Association of Professional Flight Attendants has been fighting tooth and nail to deliver the benefits of the 2013 merger with US Airways to its 25,000 members. Persistent problems with a new scheduling system have been taking money out of Flight Attendants' paychecks for months. Certain provisions of the APFA contract, meant to improve Flight Attendants' work lives, have been delayed indefinitely due to management disinterest, ineptitude, or both. And a modest request for a year end bonus, in part to make up for these problems, was dismissed out of hand by CEO Doug Parker.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"For Management to get on that call this morning and make like everything is sunshine and rainbows is the ultimate display of disrespect," said APFA National President Marcus Gluth. "In addition to stock buy-backs and dividends, how about showing some appreciation for the employees that are breaking their backs out there? At the very least they could use some of that money to meet their pension obligations. Flight Attendants made this merger a success and make this airline profitable - not Wall Street bankers. Doug needs to truly recognize the people who made his success - and tremendous personal wealth - possible."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]In 2003, well prior to the American - US Airways merger, APFA and other American unions negotiated givebacks totaling 30 percent of total compensation in order to keep the airline afloat. Flight Attendants did not begin to see relief from those cuts until the recent merger. Thus, significant material sacrifices for the sake of the company have been going on for well over a decade.[/SIZE]
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Not for nothing, but they signed a CBA and have to live with it.
All the press releases in the world, wont get the company to open the CBA.
700UW said:
Not for nothing, but they signed a CBA and have to live with it.
All the press releases in the world, wont get the company to open the CBA.
[SIZE=10pt]"And a modest request for a year end bonus, in part to make up for these problems, was dismissed out of hand by CEO Doug Parker."[/SIZE]

WeAAsles said:
For full year 2015, the Company reported a record GAAP net profit of $7.6 billion, or $11.07 per diluted share, compared to a GAAP net profit of $2.9 billion, or $3.93 per diluted share in 2014.
congrats to all the AA employees. Hope this keeps trending up and you guys get all the contracts and the merger done and behind you. 
WeAAsles said:

"Wall Street not seeing the trees through the Forrest"

Buying back more shares because they believe the value of those shares is worth it.

Talking about shares not being worth fair value.

Talking to the investors about the hardships employees have gone through and that the investors don't like the fact that employees are being restored.

Paid down all high cost debt in the company. Borrowing at 4% and saving cash is the right thing to do for shareholders. Right way to manage the cash generated by the company. Borrowing well below investor rates.

Has a different view then competitors.
Than Delta. United is doing the same thing AA is doing. 
So far the market prefers Delta's methods. 
eolesen said:
Uh, for those who don't know how restricted cash works... those holdbacks are to comply with Workers Compensation claims and liabiities.... not for your future paychecks.
E coming in with the logic again :) 
Investors do not seem to be too happy, AA the only stock down "last" I checked.
looks like its up now. 
WeAAsles said:
And if you're right it's exactly why I'm still saying that the 3% above Delta metric doesn't cut it. I'll make a bet that the Profits the airlines make next year are going to be even more than this year.

I'm sure going back to that Capt Wilson letter he get's that as well.
I agree with this. Pretty much everyone expect PRASM to flatten out and start going up and expecting fuel to stay low or go lower. 
WeAAsles said:
"We knocked it out of the park," American Airlines chairman and CEO Doug Parker said on the company's investors call. 
Parker commended his company for having such a successful year while working through the complex integration of American Airlines and US Airways.
Much of the American's increased profitability can be attributed to 41% reduction in fuel costs, which translated into a savings of nearly $4.4 billion.
However, the airline also reported a 3.9% drop in total revenue to $41 billion for the year.

The thing I got out of that investor call was that Parker thinks that the market has somewhat lost their mind. It was kind of like a shrugging of the shoulders meaning if the market was going to keep the value of AAL so low they were going to capitalize on that by buying back shares.

The investors also didn't like that Labor costs are rising. Meaning they don't want us having any of the money.
Of course he thinks the market is crazy. They aren't buying into the AA/UA way of adding a bunch of new planes and refinancing debt. I don't blame them, over the long term out look(as I have said before) I believe DL is going to be a more nimble company. they won't have a brand new fleet that if the market goes bad they have to park (and pay payments or leases while they are parked) and will still have a huge debt load. 
We are entering a recession--most likely.  I hope management has been stashing away cash for the rainy day that is upon us.  The days of "getting what we can" are probably over for a decade.  I HOPE I AM WRONG about a recession; however, it is historically overdue.  
autofixer said:
We are entering a recession--most likely.  I hope management has been stashing away cash for the rainy day that is upon us.  The days of "getting what we can" are probably over for a decade.  I HOPE I AM WRONG about a recession; however, it is historically overdue.  
So far forward looking bookings are very strong. So for now it looks like you are wrong. 
Also if fuel stays this low a little dip in the economy isn't going hurt airlines like it would have a few years ago.