Is it democratic to have TWU International Officers appointed and not elected?

  • Yes.

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Ken MacTiernan

Aug 12, 2003
San Diego CA
Fact: Something known to be true; truth or reality of something; actual course of events.

Democracy: free and equal representation of people.

Accountability: Responsible to somebody or for something; capable of being explained.

Truth: The thing that corresponds to fact or reality.

Four simple words that belong in the vocabulary of any union but we know these words are not only absent within the TWU but they strike fear into the heart of the TWU International. Since the drive began to have AMP certified at American Airlines what has the TWU done to validate their reason to represent you? The TWU has removed information posted at work that educates you about these four basic principles of craft unionism. The TWU has relied upon those loyal to the “good old boy network” to keep the membership in the dark.

“If you tell the truth, you have nothing to fear.” Yet the TWU International can NOT speak the truth when it comes to the meaning of fact, truth, democracy and accountability. As an individual who pays the TWU money every month have you asked yourself why this is? The answer is because the TWU doesn’t think YOU are smart enough to control YOUR union. Remember “Change from within”? The TWU wanted the membership to get involved in the union, but NOW that the membership wants to take control of the union all of a sudden the membership is incapable?

The drive to have a representational election between the TWU and AMP is approaching and the message the AMP organizers have spoken since day one of the drive remains factual, truthful, democratic and accountable. The time has come to ask yourself a question about what type of future you want for yourself and those who come after us and maintain the very aircraft we will be flying on when we retire. That question is “Am I tired of not having industry leading wages?”. Then ask yourself “Am I willing to accept continued ineptness and unaccountability from those I pay to provide a service?”.

The TWU International fears these four fundamental words because they go against the very structure of the TWU foundation. AMP is your union, for you controlled by you. AMP considers everyone in our craft and class valuable and skilled. If you wish to see your craft and profession be held hostage by people you cannot even vote for then remain motionless on your knees but if you wish to have a craft union that is based upon fact, truth, democracy and accountability sign an AMP Authorization card. It’s that simple!

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Is the new cars for the the TWU upper levels a rumor or truth.


It has been verified by two sources to be true. When the membership is forced to accept life changing concessions to "sAAve" the company and the int. reps., the very people who negotiate the contracts, DO NOT have to accept/live/suffer/endure the same "sAAcrifices" that is not being accountable. Getting new cars while those who burden the "sAAred" LIE is throwing principle out the window along with democracy.


It has been verified by two sources to be true. When the membership is forced to accept life changing concessions to "sAAve" the company and the int. reps., the very people who negotiate the contracts, DO NOT have to accept/live/suffer/endure the same "sAAcrifices" that is not being accountable. Getting new cars while those who burden the "sAAred" LIE is throwing principle out the window along with democracy.

A "little" off subject but pics of these officers in their new vehicles would be priceless.
So who elected the Officers of the AMP?

Not attacking, just pointing it, in the IAM they followed the same pattern as the TWU when it came to elections, the GC would step down and his/her replacement would be appointed and run on the slate, and it was almost impossible to beat someone on the slate.
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So who elected the Officers of the AMP?

Not attacking, just pointing it, in the IAM they followed the same pattern as the TWU when it came to elections, the GC would step down and his/her replacement would be appointed and run on the slate, and it was almost impossible to beat someone on the slate.

Just pointing you in the right direction. Go to and read the Constitution and By-Laws. But to answer your question the membership elects all officers. No one is appointed for life. Everyone is accountable and everyone lives under the contracts voted in by the membership... the negotiators AND membership.

Your heart and the facts are in the right place. However I want to suggest you do the following for your own best interests...

Get into marketing, sales, anything. Go to school and get a finance degree or marketing. Get out of this failed racket if you are under 50.
This base of "target market" is a waste of time for your skills. It is not that I disagree.
Quite the opposite. I was there in 1988 when we first started promoting AMFA. The "wrinkle-necks" told us they had "tried it" and it "would not work". We appreciated them, really! But we thought our ideals and passion would overcome. We worked our asses off. The overhaul and automotive groups killed is then, and will kill you now.

Forget this crap.

but I said this for you and all the mechanics who think this will pan out as more than an automotive maintenance career.
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Your heart and the facts are in the right place. However I want to suggest you do the following for your own best interests...

Get into marketing, sales, anything. Go to school and get a finance degree or marketing. Get out of this failed racket if you are under 50.
This base of "target market" is a waste of time for your skills. It is not that I disagree.
Quite the opposite. I was there in 1988 when we first started promoting AMFA. The "wrinkle-necks" told us they had "tried it" and it "would not work". We appreciated them, really! But we thought our ideals and passion would overcome. We worked our asses off. The overhaul and automotive groups killed is then, and will kill you now.

Forget this crap.

but I said this for you and all the mechanics who think this will pan out as more than an automotive maintenance career.


Thanks for the advice. But as my "signature" states "I will act if what I do makes a difference.".

I do not look at or think overhaul and/or automotive groups will "kill" this drive. I am very well aware of facts as they are and the fact remains that to have true change is to inform and educate those who do not know facts as they truly are. The twu has for too long hoodwinked the membership. The twu, THE TWU, fears AMP because they CAN NOT defend their actions.

FACT: TWU Int. Reps. are NOT elected by the membership. By the very people that pay their salaries. TWU Int. Reps. are UNACCOUNTABLE.

FACT: The TWU Int. is NOT democratic as Jim Little told me to my face several years ago after he was "elected twu style" to being the top dog within the twu. If the TWU was TRULY democratic then I, and every other dues paying member within the twu would have received ballots with their names on them.

FACT: The TWU Int. itself sang/begged/pandered that the membership "Change from within"! Yet now that we are changing yet this change doesn't include those who are appointed and unaccountable the membership is wrong?

FACT: If the TWU Int. remains the bargaining agent for our craft and class at AA then our ENTIRE craft and class will be harmed because the TWU Int. will be free to continue to set our craft and class backwards which will force other airlines to follow suit. People make comments like "I wouldn't want anyone I know to enter this field/career." I felt like this once too but you know what? If we all felt this way who would be there to defend our craft and class? Do I want people like myself and my coworkers to repair the aircraft my family and friends will fly on when I retire or do I want people who do not have our passion/skill/knowledge and integrity? Left to the TWU/company's whim our craft is being watered down. The standards are being lowered.

Fact: It is our RESPONSIBILITY to protect a craft and profession we all made a conscience decision to invest time and money to enter. We would be remiss if we allowed the downfall of our craft's future.

All it will take are FACTS.

Thanks for the advice. But as my "signature" states "I will act if what I do makes a difference.".

I do not look at or think overhaul and/or automotive groups will "kill" this drive. I am very well aware of facts as they are and the fact remains that to have true change is to inform and educate those who do not know facts as they truly are. The twu has for too long hoodwinked the membership. The twu, THE TWU, fears AMP because they CAN NOT defend their actions.

FACT: TWU Int. Reps. are NOT elected by the membership. By the very people that pay their salaries. TWU Int. Reps. are UNACCOUNTABLE.

FACT: The TWU Int. is NOT democratic as Jim Little told me to my face several years ago after he was "elected twu style" to being the top dog within the twu. If the TWU was TRULY democratic then I, and every other dues paying member within the twu would have received ballots with their names on them.

FACT: The TWU Int. itself sang/begged/pandered that the membership "Change from within"! Yet now that we are changing yet this change doesn't include those who are appointed and unaccountable the membership is wrong?

FACT: If the TWU Int. remains the bargaining agent for our craft and class at AA then our ENTIRE craft and class will be harmed because the TWU Int. will be free to continue to set our craft and class backwards which will force other airlines to follow suit. People make comments like "I wouldn't want anyone I know to enter this field/career." I felt like this once too but you know what? If we all felt this way who would be there to defend our craft and class? Do I want people like myself and my coworkers to repair the aircraft my family and friends will fly on when I retire or do I want people who do not have our passion/skill/knowledge and integrity? Left to the TWU/company's whim our craft is being watered down. The standards are being lowered.

Fact: It is our RESPONSIBILITY to protect a craft and profession we all made a conscience decision to invest time and money to enter. We would be remiss if we allowed the downfall of our craft's future.

All it will take are FACTS.

I certainly appreciate your drive and efforts for change, and kudos to the other dedicated AMP organizers as well. However, I must agree with Phat. The membership just doesn't get the message for change because if they did AMP would have had an election and been certified by now. For whatever reasons people hate change, unless it directly affects them personally. I truly believe that most of our members really don't care that Chicken Little and his minions are driving around in new Buicks. If they did the membership would be breaking down the doors at union meetings and burning down the ATD. It's just not happening.
It's been 8 years of crushing concessions, and members are still jumping through hoops to help the company. It's pathetic. I believe the members are content with the status quo. Let me ask do you convince a mechanic that comes to work and plays with his laptop for 8 hours, and when he's given a job complains that he's getting screwed...that he needs change (AMP). The guys don't care! that's reality my friend.
I'm not saying that AMP's drive should stop...just take a break and look around at the people you're trying to convince about change. I think we've reached the low of low in terms of unity and loyalty towards each other, let alone towards the TWU or AMP. We have guys that will turn in their mother just so they get a better deal. I've never been associated with more dealmaking and canniving people in my life. it's really sad, and I'm truly embarrassed to be working with these individuals that go around and call themselves aircraft mechanics! WE deserve better quality people in this industry. I think it comes down to how that person was raised. People that have integrity and have good work ethics, and have morals don't act like clowns as adults. It's too bad that at AA we have so many clowns and not enough professionals. And don't think for minute that AA doesn't recognize that.

I certainly appreciate your drive and efforts for change, and kudos to the other dedicated AMP organizers as well. However, I must agree with Phat. The membership just doesn't get the message for change because if they did AMP would have had an election and been certified by now. For whatever reasons people hate change, unless it directly affects them personally. I truly believe that most of our members really don't care that Chicken Little and his minions are driving around in new Buicks. If they did the membership would be breaking down the doors at union meetings and burning down the ATD. It's just not happening.
It's been 8 years of crushing concessions, and members are still jumping through hoops to help the company. It's pathetic. I believe the members are content with the status quo. Let me ask do you convince a mechanic that comes to work and plays with his laptop for 8 hours, and when he's given a job complains that he's getting screwed...that he needs change (AMP). The guys don't care! that's reality my friend.
I'm not saying that AMP's drive should stop...just take a break and look around at the people you're trying to convince about change. I think we've reached the low of low in terms of unity and loyalty towards each other, let alone towards the TWU or AMP. We have guys that will turn in their mother just so they get a better deal. I've never been associated with more dealmaking and canniving people in my life. it's really sad, and I'm truly embarrassed to be working with these individuals that go around and call themselves aircraft mechanics! WE deserve better quality people in this industry. I think it comes down to how that person was raised. People that have integrity and have good work ethics, and have morals don't act like clowns as adults. It's too bad that at AA we have so many clowns and not enough professionals. And don't think for minute that AA doesn't recognize that.
Leadership is the comon denominator, it didn't use to be like this SF, those clowns you are talking about probably use to be good mechanics.
It's been 8 years of crushing concessions, and members are still jumping through hoops to help the company. It's pathetic. I believe the members are content with the status quo.

Let me ask do you convince a mechanic that comes to work and plays with his laptop for 8 hours, and when he's given a job complains that he's getting screwed...that he needs change. The guys don't care! that's reality my friend.

I've never been associated with more dealmaking and canniving people in my life. it's really sad, and I'm truly embarrassed to be working with these individuals that go around and call themselves aircraft mechanics! WE deserve better quality people in this industry.

I think it comes down to how that person was raised. People that have integrity and have good work ethics, and have morals don't act like clowns as adults. It's too bad that at AA we have so many clowns and not enough professionals.

Wow, you just described my Class 2 station. Are you at a Class 1 or 2?
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"People that have integrity and have good work ethics, and have morals don't act like clowns as adults. It's too bad that at AA we have so many clowns and not enough professionals."

Very true. When I point out the twu's ;ack of accountability the company carries the same blame because they are incapable of enforcing accountability to the employees at AA. This by no mean excuses people who wish to be taken as professional for not acting/behaving as such.

Will having AMP represent our craft and class change the mind set/actions of those who behave/act unprofessional? Time will tell but one thing is certain, AMP will hold itself accountable and perhaps when people see a professional union where being accountable is part of our ideals then I hold out hope for a brighter future for our craft and profession at AA.

"People that have integrity and have good work ethics, and have morals don't act like clowns as adults. It's too bad that at AA we have so many clowns and not enough professionals."

Very true. When I point out the twu's ;ack of accountability the company carries the same blame because they are incapable of enforcing accountability to the employees at AA. This by no mean excuses people who wish to be taken as professional for not acting/behaving as such.

Will having AMP represent our craft and class change the mind set/actions of those who behave/act unprofessional? Time will tell but one thing is certain, AMP will hold itself accountable and perhaps when people see a professional union where being accountable is part of our ideals then I hold out hope for a brighter future for our craft and profession at AA.
An accountable union that holds it's members accountable, will be a union that you can be proud of. A catch all union that only cares about dues, and has no accountability at the highest levels, is worthless.
Let's try accountabilty and democracy for a change!
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Below is from an e-mail sent to me. Gotta love the twu. Why was this in the t/a for dealers and brought back to the membership? Because they have YES men in Local 721 just like we have in DFW, MIA and Tulsa and elsewhere who are afraid of listening to the membership. They must feel they are "not the gate keeper" too. I am glad casino dealers are unionized but WHY are they in a CRAFT union like the twu which represents AMTs? Oh, that's right the twu is NOT a craft union. But AMP is.


Ah, another Jim Little gem -- Las Vegas dealers must share their tips with management. That's like us sharing our AIP with management. Fear not, Joe Carbon, the Gaming Director of the TWU and another 6-figure blowhard, says "we're not agreeing to it." Oh really . . . why was it in the T/A???

Caesars dealers reject agreement with tip-sharing provision
By Chris Sieroty
It's back to the negotiating table after dealers at Caesars Place overwhelmingly rejected a labor contract that would have included a tip-sharing provision with casino management, similar to the policy in place at Wynn Las Vegas.

Joe Carbon, gaming division director of the Transport Workers Union Local 721, said negotiations with Caesars Palace are scheduled to resume April 12.

"We are not agreeing to it," Carbon said of the tip-sharing policy. He added a tip sharing was not included in the contract agreed to in November by dealers at Caesars in Atlantic City.

Dealers at Caesars in Atlantic City approved a five-year contract with the casino that increased salaries 18 percent over the life of the agreement. The United Auto Workers represents some 800 dealers at Caesars.

Gary Thompson, a spokesman for Caesars Entertainment Corp., parent of Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and Caesars Atlantic City, declined to comment on the contract negotiations since talks were set to resume next month.

The negotiations only involve dealers at Caesars Palace, and not dealers at any of Caesars Entertainment's nine other Las Vegas properties.

The controversial tip-sharing policy, where dealers share between 15 percent and 20 percent of their tips with management, was first implemented in August 2006 at Wynn Las Vegas. That decision led to the union efforts by dealers.

In July 2009, the Nevada Labor Commission declared the practice legal. Dealers at Wynn have appealed that decision. The contract with Wynn does not interfere with the dealers' ongoing legal challenges.

Wynn employs 700 full-time and pat-time dealers.

If the Nevada Supreme Court rules in Wynn's favor it could lead other casinos in Las Vegas and statewide to institute similar polices.

Carbon reminded those who criticized the Transport Workers Union that the tip-sharing policy was already in place when the union began representing Wynn dealers. Caesars dealers voted for union representation in December 2007.

He said the union wanted to reach an equitable settlement with Caesars Palace that would allow them to "build a relationship" with the casino. The Transport Workers Union represents dealers at Caesars Palace and Wynn Las Vegas.

Dealers at Caesars Palace voted 305 to 2 to reject the contract offer, he said.

Separately, the Culinary expects contract negotiations with The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas to begin in May, if a recent vote on union representation succeeds. Culinary officials expected the counting of vote cards to be completed early next month. The $3.9 billion hotel-casino, which opened in December between Bellagio and CityCenter on the Strip, has about 5,000 workers.

About 2,000 employees, including housekeepers and food service workers, were eligible to participate in the vote, according to the union. The Culinary union represents approximately 60,000 private sector employees in Nevada.

Contact reporter Chris Sieroty at [email protected] or 702-477-3893.
Here is a FACT: I will sign an AMP card as soon as someone explains how they will get us a better deal than TWU.

I think it is fine to go after TWU because they are not accountable but it is wishful thinking to see AMP getting us a better contract. I don't think AA really care who represents us.