Announcements at Earnings?

MOST of your Usairways employees speaking from a flight attendant, do NOT feel or think the way PHLfa88 does. I HATE working with people like them who usually HATE the passenger and create the us against them environment. I appreciate my customers of all fares and don't understand for the life of me why some stay. I'd have hit the road with tires burnin' LONG ago. Thanks for staying though.
And we appreciate you too!!
I heard from a 330 check 340s. St. Nic saw to that, making the pilot logistics impossible. Who knows and I could care-a-less if we ever go to China.

Any profits are on the backs of the East employees and our bankruptcy give backs to management. I am not impressed by anything comes from our wallets anyway.

Sorry dude. Bad information. I was in the school house the other day, and the 340 instructors have already been hired (training to be done in CLT). The Nicolau award does allow for any new aircraft. Flight crew for wide body aircraft will be staffed on a 2 for 1 basis, narrow body staffed on a 1 for 1 basis (I believe).

A pay scale still needs to be negotiated for the 340, and that will only come with a joint contract. Nothing stops LCC from basing the 340 at ANY base in the system....regardless of where the flight goes to.

I would suggest that the AAA pilots instruct the East MEC and JNC to return to the table and complete negotiations.
A pay scale still needs to be negotiated for the 340, and that will only come with a joint contract. Nothing stops LCC from basing the 340 at ANY base in the system....regardless of where the flight goes to.

I would suggest that the AAA pilots instruct the East MEC and JNC to return to the table and complete negotiations.
Is this true? Are you saying that if no joint contract is formed (i.e. pilots remain on different contracts), then the 340 can't be flown be either side?? What did Doug mean when he said both pilot groups could operate on separate contracts indefinitely then?

And, what are some good reasons to base the 340 at an airport other than PHL?
I would suggest that the AAA pilots instruct the East MEC and JNC to return to the table and complete negotiations.
Not going to happen anytime soon. Since hopefully there won't be an MEC to instruct.

Can't wait to hear the spin Doug and company are going to put on the dismal service we have been providing. How bad the future is going to be because of high fuel prices. The usual blah blah blah. But I bet in the fine print he'll gloss over the major bonuses for management. Or maybe that will come in an ammended filing later. Without much coverage.

The silence is deafening. Seems Van has you stumped since his ONE PAID ENVOY trip out of many just about pays 2/3rd to 3/4 of yout pay.
I think he's still trying to get home. Either that or maybe relies on free internet on overnights. To think "I" am called a negative person by Itestwrong. I have NOTHING on PHLfa88. ;)

The silence is deafening. Seems Van has you stumped since his ONE PAID ENVOY trip out of many just about pays 2/3rd to 3/4 of yout pay.
Actually, I think that king of condescending arrogance suggested that I was a pig (for eating slop...still trying to find where I call any food "slop") and that I was a cheap bastard...."do you actually fly Envoy, better yet, pay full fare?"

I think the fact I bought 12 Envoy tix on one flight...and spend more $40K a year on personal travel, mostly F Class transcon, has the person re-thinking the new lows...the new insults that can be pulled from the closet to hurl on me. LOL

Yeah, I've got hardly ANY experience...if PHLfa88 knew what my loved ones did for a living, that individual might really wonder what insults to hurl on me next. LMAO
How can they say with a straight face "we're trying"????? They are so lame.They don't try at all. CO is flying 737-300's that look brand new and US's fleet is disgraceful and their treatment of VFF's is the same. I am so glad to see letters like this posted because it reinforces my decision to leave. CO gets it on all levels. It must be me and maybe my complicated tickets, but CO went out of their way to help me resolve some issues when they could've said, too bad so sad. They appreciate high fares. They appreciate loyalty. AA's inflight service is just as good if not better sometimes as CO but CO has figured it out from the the time you make the call to book until you pick up your bag. Another thing, CO priority tagged bags mean something whereas at US it means nada. They've lost bags for me with those tags. What are they "trying" to do---figure out how to run an airline??? These idiots put this all on themselves. The know-it-alls dismantled the best parts of US and are now floundering trying to put the pieces together again. Well even all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put humpty back together again.
We'll CO seemed to do it after Lorenzo, and Bethune. So don't think US can't do it either. It is possible. With all due respect US1fare, you are one jagged, bitter person. Maybe you should seek therapy or EAP councling for how horrible US Airways has treated you!? :lol:
Sorry dude. Bad information. I was in the school house the other day, and the 340 instructors have already been hired (training to be done in CLT). The Nicolau award does allow for any new aircraft. Flight crew for wide body aircraft will be staffed on a 2 for 1 basis, narrow body staffed on a 1 for 1 basis (I believe).

A pay scale still needs to be negotiated for the 340, and that will only come with a joint contract. Nothing stops LCC from basing the 340 at ANY base in the system....regardless of where the flight goes to.

I would suggest that the AAA pilots instruct the East MEC and JNC to return to the table and complete negotiations.
We have been hearing about a possible expansion being done over at the training center...may be for another sim...
Sorry dude. Bad information. I was in the school house the other day, and the 340 instructors have already been hired (training to be done in CLT). The Nicolau award does allow for any new aircraft. Flight crew for wide body aircraft will be staffed on a 2 for 1 basis, narrow body staffed on a 1 for 1 basis (I believe).

A pay scale still needs to be negotiated for the 340, and that will only come with a joint contract. Nothing stops LCC from basing the 340 at ANY base in the system....regardless of where the flight goes to.

I would suggest that the AAA pilots instruct the East MEC and JNC to return to the table and complete negotiations.

The east contract already has an A340 pay scale.

The company will likely send the flying to PHL and pay protect however many west pilots would be entitled to fly the A340 if there was a combined contract in effect.
Nothing mentioned or asked about China - which surprised me. Kirby said that they submitted a proposal to PHL regarding the gate situation with various recommendations which essentially provided an alternate for DL and WN, other than moving DL to A-East. US is waiting for a reply. Further he mentioned his desire to grow PHL to 30+ Long Haul flights and he and/or Parker expressed their goal to challenge the dominance of EWR (CO, I assume) and JFK (DL, I assume). A news service asked if US was considering growing CLT internationally if PHL was not available. Parker's answer was that they had always planned to grow CLT T/A and (to my surprise) South America. Before Parker could finish the sentence however, Kirby jumped in with the escape clause: "but that's Eventually". Regarding PIT, the only really positive statement (made by Kirby) was that there were no plans to make any staffing level changes to the Heavy Maintenance Facility - under almost any future scenario. A Very Interesting comment by Parker as an indirect reply to an Analyst was that "his consultants" have told him (US) it would be best for consolidation to occur by this year end if they wish to take advantage of the current administration's DOT. The 3 Pittsburgh news sources appeared mostly very solemn in their questioning and not as combative as I would have expected. One (the Beaver Times or something like that) did get a little jab in when he asked what Kirby expected the several 100s of non pilot/fa employees to do as a result of the downsizing - Kirby paused, gulped then in a low voice said I expect them to take severance packages.
I heard from a 330 check 340s. St. Nic saw to that, making the pilot logistics impossible. Who knows and I could care-a-less if we ever go to China.

Any profits are on the backs of the East employees and our bankruptcy give backs to management. I am not impressed by anything comes from our wallets anyway.

No 340's... no China. No China... no problem. We'll just add flights to MCO.