Are US West Agents getting more Buddy Passes

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Sep 20, 2007
We are hearing on the east that Us West employees are still getting over 20 buddy passes a year. We are also hearing that they still access another site other than the HUB to acquire these tickets. Could someone get back to us on the west to confirm if there is any truth to this? If it is so what groups get more than what is supposed to be the norm system-wide? Thanks.
We are hearing on the east that Us West employees are still getting over 20 buddy passes a year. We are also hearing that they still access another site other than the HUB to acquire these tickets. Could someone get back to us on the west to confirm if there is any truth to this? If it is so what groups get more than what is supposed to be the norm system-wide? Thanks.
Whomever you are hearing this from is stirring YOUR pot.
I live east of the Mississippi and am a FORMER HP employee-now I am a UsAirways employee.
Yes, I still have to sign onto my FORMER employee website (since the company has made this one of the last projects in this bungled merger) and it is called Compass. I log into it the same way you do on the hub and the ETC-which by the way, looks and is the exact same on both sites.
No, this former westie only got the 8 I was supposed to and, yep, they disappeared on midnite 12/31/07. The other FORMER westies also only got 8 in my station.
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AHHHH but the present westies when they sign in have a totally different amount than the east STILL. I was informed of this by a Las Vegas CSA. This thread has had alot of visitors on it since I started it early this am. Makes my hunches even stronger.
AHHHH but the present westies when they sign in have a totally different amount than the east STILL. I was informed of this by a Las Vegas CSA. This thread has had alot of visitors on it since I started it early this am. Makes my hunches even stronger.
I sent an email out to some "westies"...wil l try to find out but I highly doubt it. I had a RNO res agent whom I met on the emergency pass line 6 months after the merger and well into the new buddy pass program, whom needed passes as she had used her 8 .....
Really who cares. IMO the buddy pass is pretty worthless. Only family will ever see mine & heck they won't fly US & opt to pay full fare on other airlines.
many care!!!

fair is fair!! This is not about how worthless they may or may not work group or area should not be getting more than the rest of the company.
many care!!!

fair is fair!! This is not about how worthless they may or may not work group or area should not be getting more than the rest of the company.

Sorry if you misunderstood me. I agree that we should get the same amount. All I was saying or trying to say is to me that I don't use mine.
West employess do not have more buddy passes.

It was possible for ex HP to trade in their old flexi passes to receive more buddy passes, however this was back in 2006. Flexi passes were worth less so it was not an even trade. Flexi passes are no longer given out and the trade (3 to 1)had to be processed long ago.

Compass uses the same ETC link. So there is no hidden ex AWA login to antoher guest pass bank.
We are hearing on the east that Us West employees are still getting over 20 buddy passes a year. We are also hearing that they still access another site other than the HUB to acquire these tickets. Could someone get back to us on the west to confirm if there is any truth to this? If it is so what groups get more than what is supposed to be the norm system-wide? Thanks.

We on the WEST are only getting 8 buddy passes like everyone in the company!!!!.....let's end this topic and stop unneccessary rumors.....
Sorry if you misunderstood me. I agree that we should get the same amount. All I was saying or trying to say is to me that I don't use mine.

I second that. Useless. Why the #&$% would anyone want to PAY to fly NON revenue...and at a very low boarding priority at that?
Only 8 here in PHX. As a former HP employee I use theHub instead of AWA IT doesn't think anyone uses any browser but IE 6. works with firefox and IE 7.
many care!!!

fair is fair!! This is not about how worthless they may or may not work group or area should not be getting more than the rest of the company.
Whatever, the reason ppl think others may be getting more passes is because some ppl think they have outsmarted the company by booking the buddy pass using the live system instead of the hub or compass. It is easily done and does not remove them from your Bank. Same with the SA1 passes.
We were used to a system that would pull from the bank immediately regardless on how it was done.
Perhaps this is why? Westies do not get more than 8.
many care!!!

fair is fair!! This is not about how worthless they may or may not work group or area should not be getting more than the rest of the company.
Whatever, the reason ppl think others may be getting more passes is because some ppl think they have outsmarted the company by booking the buddy pass using the live system instead of the hub or compass. It is easily done and does not remove them from your Bank. Same with the SA1 passes.
We were used to a system that would pull from the bank immediately regardless on how it was done.
Perhaps this is why? Westies do not get more than 8.
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