Are you pro-union?


  • Yes

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  • No

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So that's what Tony mean by being "flexible"? <_< Shop don't want to be out there anyway. They didn't have a choice Southwind. Delta signed a CONTRACT for 20 years to work on contract engines and the JT8's. They also signed a contract to in-house replacement parts for the contract work that will be going on in the shops. Ooops! I said too much :eek: Southwind, did you go to and see how much of lobbying Delta did for 2008? You can also see how much NWA put in for lobbying also. If a CONTRACT will not help you, then why spend so much in campaigning to remind you? If it is that obvious why use Delta money on DVD's and flyers etc.... If you can explain Southwind, I will be all ears.

Lets vote right now and get it over with, so we can dispense with all the whining going on here ! According to the polls on this forum, a union is a sure thing or is it just that you see a lot more "Pro-union" dudes here pushing their agenda !

BUT, if a vote is held and a union is not voted more whining allowed ! :down:
If I can wade in here for a second...

This is an interesting point. I notice the "it doesn't effect me" mindset a lot from DL folks, not only on here, but on other sites as well. ACS, Inflight, TechOps; all have the same mentality.

What gives? Aren't you (we) all in it together?

Well you tell me ! According to one of your "UNION" brethren on the "Size 28 red dress" Topic, and I quote, "What are you worried about Southwind, you don't have a dog in this fight !"

Sounds to me like even Unionites only worry about themselves !

And why didn't ramp and FA's back the NW mechanics when they went on strike, if its one for all and all for one ?........................Am I missing your point here ?
Well you tell me ! According to one of your "UNION" brethren on the "Size 28 red dress" Topic, and I quote, "What are you worried about Southwind, you don't have a dog in this fight !"

Sounds to me like even Unionites only worry about themselves !

And why didn't ramp and FA's back the NW mechanics when they went on strike, if its one for all and all for one ?........................Am I missing your point here ?

Oh, Southwind...sooo busy building your strawmen.
For the record, I am NOT a member of the "union brethren." I am not a member of a union as I am a DELTA f/a.
As far as my comment regarding THE AFA vote (You are not a f/a, right?)...I was merely commenting on your push for the vote to happen "now." Not being a NW or DL f/a, you do NOT have any power to push for that vote...just as I have no power to push for an IAM vote. Yes, you certainly can express your opinion about problem. But that's all it is.
The thing I can't stand the most about these internet message boards is people DON'T FOLLOW the threads...I was responding to YOUR response wanting a FA vote to happen right away.
I know you feel you do have a dog in this fight because you work for Delta...ok, I'll give you that. I guess you're concerned that if Delta FAs vote for representation that that decision will affect you. Do you have the same concerns about the pilots?
Would it be preferable to you for them to decertify ALPA? Would that somehow improve your pay/benefits? Really, I'm just wondering...
Oh, Southwind...sooo busy building your strawmen.
For the record, I am NOT a member of the "union brethren." I am not a member of a union as I am a DELTA f/a.
As far as my comment regarding THE AFA vote (You are not a f/a, right?)...I was merely commenting on your push for the vote to happen "now." Not being a NW or DL f/a, you do NOT have any power to push for that vote...just as I have no power to push for an IAM vote. Yes, you certainly can express your opinion about problem. But that's all it is.
The thing I can't stand the most about these internet message boards is people DON'T FOLLOW the threads...I was responding to YOUR response wanting a FA vote to happen right away.
I know you feel you do have a dog in this fight because you work for Delta...ok, I'll give you that. I guess you're concerned that if Delta FAs vote for representation that that decision will affect you. Do you have the same concerns about the pilots?
Would it be preferable to you for them to decertify ALPA? Would that somehow improve your pay/benefits? Really, I'm just wondering...

First off, I was merely replying to the "Delta people only worry about themselves" people on the boards ! And yes , as far as I'm concerned , anything that affects Delta, affects me....................period !

2nd, being that the Pilots have been unionized since the Wright Bros........................they are a constant and thus have the same affect they've always had, for better or for worse !

3rd, if FA's and ramp unionize, which is their perogative, "THAT" is not a constant and will change how Delta does business, thus possibly "AFFECTING" my job, for better or for worse !

I have nothing against people wanting to Unionize , I'm just saying VOTE and get it over with , so everyone can move on !

Thanks for your concern though ! :down:

BTW......................whats the hold-up with the vote ? :blink:
First off, I was merely replying to the "Delta people only worry about themselves" people on the boards ! And yes , as far as I'm concerned , anything that affects Delta, affects me....................period !

2nd, being that the Pilots have been unionized since the Wright Bros........................they are a constant and thus have the same affect they've always had, for better or for worse !

3rd, if FA's and ramp unionize, which is their perogative, "THAT" is not a constant and will change how Delta does business, thus possibly "AFFECTING" my job, for better or for worse !

I have nothing against people wanting to Unionize , I'm just saying VOTE and get it over with , so everyone can move on !

Thanks for your concern though ! :down:

BTW......................whats the hold-up with the vote ? :blink:

Why is Anderson, Campbell, and al. so anxious for the elections to happen? According to Delta executives, NW's unionized workers don't fare as well as Delta workers. :rolleyes: Wouldn't you expect Delta executives to want a delay of the representation election so that they could keep Delta's cost to a minimum by compensating the NW employees the least? As Halter said, "We should be prudently managing cost and capital."

....and if they've got money to throw around, throw some towards the DL merit group that missed step increases from 2001-2007! After all, DL's trying to catch them UP TO the NW salaried group! :up:

Nahhhh, who am I kidding. Delta executives would rather spend the money lobbying (in the first ($819,566) and second ($752,902) quarters of 2009):

Oh well <_< ......
First off, I was merely replying to the "Delta people only worry about themselves" people on the boards ! And yes , as far as I'm concerned , anything that affects Delta, affects me....................period !

Okay, you've mentioned this many times now. Why not actually explain your position for once.

...And for the love of God, make it emoticon free...

3rd, if FA's and ramp unionize, which is their perogative, "THAT" is not a constant and will change how Delta does business, thus possibly "AFFECTING" my job, for better or for worse !

How so?

And if it does effect it for "the better," then what will you say?

I have nothing against people wanting to Unionize , I'm just saying VOTE and get it over with , so everyone can move on !

This statement runs counter to damn near everything else you post on this board; you had a change of heart?

BTW......................whats the hold-up with the vote ? :blink:

What hold up? Things are progressing along just fine...
Ever heard of trickle-down ? Anything that affects Delta Airlines, whether it be fuel prices, labor strife, etc. will eventually affect all, no matter how minute, good or bad !

Hope it does affect for the better, question really is "If it affects me for the worse, what will be your excuse ?

No matter how badly Nobama and his Posse want to change it, this is still America, where people can voice their opinions freely ! If pushing for a union is what certain people want, go for it and wish you luck ! Am I signing a card ?......................................Negative !!!

So talking about a union on these boards is progress ?

I'm sure there are doctors who can help you with your fear of emoticons, Kev ! :blink:
You told us your not in a work group that will have a vote so you cant sign a card anyhow, and what is the big deal if your coworkers want to unionize?

Your CEO and Executives have employment contracts, why not the rank and file? Are they not good enough in your eyes to deserve a CBA and keep the playing field level?
No matter how badly Nobama and his Posse want to change it, this is still America, where people can voice their opinions freely ! If pushing for a union is what certain people want, go for it and wish you luck ! Am I signing a card ?......................................Negative !!!

No one'll be asking you to sign a card for awhile, anyway, so it's not something you need to worry about.

I'm sure there are doctors who can help you with your fear of emoticons, Kev ! :blink:

I'm not afraid of them at all. What I was hoping for was a well thought out, rational response instead of the usual nonsense you pollute this board with.

I'm still waiting...

Fear not; you're still one of my favorite popinjays!
No one'll be asking you to sign a card for awhile, anyway, so it's not something you need to worry about.
Actually, the AFA is still sending out cards and asking us to sign and
get them back in. This was as recent at tuedsay when I received my latest
Southwind has claimed to work in Tech Ops previously, hence my comment to him.

I doesn't surprise me at all that both the AFA & IAM are still soliciting cards (why wouldn't they?)
Question for Kev...I have heard of a slow down in the MSP /DET/MEM on the ramp. Is this true ? Is this only on DAL aircraft ? Do NW people work DL aircraft in those bases?..We have a problem in SLC on the NW FLTS.... DL agents are unfamiliar with the NW system so it is hard for them to get NW flights out on time. They have asked for NW to sent them some NW agents to help them out with the training but the will not send them out. They claim that it is a union issue. You seem to be the one with the knowledge on things NW that is why I asked you.
Question for Kev...I have heard of a slow down in the MSP /DET/MEM on the ramp. Is this true ?

Not to my knowledge. I have heard this as well, but only on the "no way AFA" Facebook page. None of my friends in MSP or DTW (including one who is assigned DL flights) has seen any of this.

The truth is, with as many "eyes" as there are on the hubs, if there was even so much of a *hint* of a slowdown, the company would already be in court seeking TRO's or an injunction. On top of that, any ramper with in 5 gates of DL's would be hauled in for a Q & A with management.

Is this only on DAL aircraft ? Do NW people work DL aircraft in those bases?..

We do in DTW & MSP (below wing) .... Not 100% sure about MEM.

We have a problem in SLC on the NW FLTS.... DL agents are unfamiliar with the NW system so it is hard for them to get NW flights out on time.

Now this I *have* heard (on both sides). This seems like a more plausible theory. My guess is that trying to acquaint themselves with each carrier's systems is causing a lot of headaches.

They have asked for NW to sent them some NW agents to help them out with the training but the will not send them out. They claim that it is a union issue. You seem to be the one with the knowledge on things NW that is why I asked you.

That's certainly possible. I can see why the IAM would not want to endorse sending employees to train another company (yes, I know we're all one now, but still...) to perform covered work. On the other hand, if someone *really* wanted to go on a special assignment, there's nothing that would stop them. Maybe they couldn't find any volunteers?

If I ruled the world, the ideal solution would be to let any former NW agents that were displaced recall back into SLC (and CVG, for that matter) ahead of SOC. You could "firewall" them to the NW operation until other agents got up to speed.