Business Conduct And Ethics Policy

How can they prove who anyone is/works for anyway? I could come on here and say that I'm Natalie from The Facts of Life but that doesnt make it so. :blink:
If you really want to destroy the data, I suggest you shred and/or melt the hard drive. Even a DOD spec wipe can allow certain "remnants" to be recovered by those with the proper equipment and manpower. Realize that the going rate for such things is roughly what U probably leases the entire 330 fleet for a month for, so I would not worry too much about this.

If I were a union member, I would certainly not worry about this policy, as I'm sure your international would be more than willing to argue that silencing union dissention is a massive violation of the RLA, if nothing else.
Piney I am surprised they have not come after you for using the company's logo along with the cockroach. I would have to surmise they would have some type of case for it.

--Better watch'em Bob.
I see why Bob is such a great "fan" of this management. I guess they could haul the cockroaches into court if they wanted to, but why should they, when you have such a great "cheerleader". I rub your back, you rub mine. Good job.
As you NOTICE, I AM NOT SILENCED, FRIEND! Don't plan on it!

You have done nothing on these boards but instigate and foster hostilities, and blah, blah, blah! "Speechless", you say? I doubt it.

Don't ever's good to see that there is still a "voice to fight until the end" on here. I admire your convictions~!!!

Keep up the good work.
BTW, both of the two companies that I've worked for have had a business/ethics policy with a clause forbidding the public disclosure of company information.

For those of you who believe that this is yet another sleight of hand by an oppressive, he11 driven machine, you clearly have not been out in the business world.
Let me ask you some questions in public Bob.

Why has your stance changed from a year ago, why are you now grinding horns with pit seemly trying to "bring her out"? In the past praising her instead. What is your drive? What happened, or should I say who happened and what is you reward? You are the ONLY pax on here spending an inordinate amount of time explaining all the virtues this sorry ### management team is trying to bestow upon us, why is the Bob, there are reasons for everything. Once in a while you go against management to make it look like you’re not slanted, like this latest fiasco, the booklet campaign management is sending out to the employees. But by and large you are PRO management and to what end is that Bob? Is it the LP party guiding you, nay don't think so. Go ahead write your down reasoned answers to my questions here and see if it's believable, heck maybe we will all see the light like you apparently have.
ITRADE said:
Why does it matter?>?? You don't have to be a card-carrying member of afl-cio to post here.

I didn't ask for one of your one liner smirks and attitude which you’re famous for, adding zero to the forum’s purpose.


Thank you for your reasoned response.

We obviously disagree in places especially your mentioning of scope clause which reeks like management talking. That little thing called scope was promised to us the 2nd round from Dave himself, hence he is one big mouthed liar. It is also for many of us, including myself, what provides the means to sustain my family. As for time being short on time and why Dave can’t be replaced. I would rather dance with the devil then take my changes with a known enemy of labor.