Delta flight drops 30,000 in minutes


Jun 28, 2003
Dallas, TX
ATL-FLL flight diverts to TPA after "cabin pressurization irregularity" causes masks to drop. No injuries reported. Article did not mention a/c type.
Hey Jim.
Found an article this morning with a face to face video it looked like wide body to me with center row at center of plane and mask centered as well. Then finally I saw a blip at the very end that said it was a 767. Possible tail number of N1608 or that was just another Delta aircraft for the camera shot. Here's the short blip from the article I read;

Delta said the passengers were bused about four hours to their original destination. According to Delta’s website, the plane was a Boeing 767.

Really glad no one was hurt. Great job by the crew keeping people calm.
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Did Delta provide a fresh underwear service for the bus ride?:rolleyes: I'm fairly certain I would need such service after a 30,000 ft. drop. I cant say I'm wild about roller coaster rides with similar (but shorter) drops. But as you say, good job Delta cabin crew!
Did Delta provide a fresh underwear service for the bus ride?:rolleyes: I'm fairly certain I would need such service after a 30,000 ft. drop. I cant say I'm wild about roller coaster rides with similar (but shorter) drops. But as you say, good job Delta cabin crew!
IT was a 30,000 foot drop in the span of about 8 minutes. One article I read used the word "plunged" which made it sound like it dropped like a rock. I read that the oxygen masks last about 12 minutes. And if people were hyperventilating (as the article I read said), then kudos to the pilots to getting the plane down to a breathable altitude as quickly as possible.