Delta's Richard Anderson is spot on!


Aug 30, 2002
"Hopefully, upper management will take a lesson from their counterpart at Delta and figure out in order to be truly a world class organization you must recognize the value of your employees and treat them as assets instead of liabilities. In fact, in a recent corporate meeting at Delta called "Velvet 360" Delta's CEO Richard Anderson stated:

American is trying to mimic everything we do, but frankly they will never catch up to us, because they don't invest in their People.

You miss Horton yet?
luvthe9 said:
"Hopefully, upper management will take a lesson from their counterpart at Delta and figure out in order to be truly a world class organization you must recognize the value of your employees and treat them as assets instead of liabilities.
Cool. I wonder when that's gonna start? It'll be a nice change.
Kev3188 said:
Cool. I wonder when that's gonna start? It'll be a nice change.
I doubt he will continue that line of thought if the ungrateful wretches decide to approve union representation.  Then he will go into "How could you do this to me?--After all I've done for you--'ll never be able to look my friends in the eye again" mode.  :lol:
but that is all speculation.... and remember DL pilots are unionized and it was APA - another union - that made the statement they did.

they weren't comparing themselves to DL's non-union employees but DL's unionized pilots.

Citation after citation is comparing DL compensation to AA's - and it isn't a union vs. union distinction. The same differences exist between unionized and non-unionized employees.

There are many, many AA employees who would love to have what DL employees have - and they themselves are saying it.
but then of course dl can do whatever they want whenever they wish to the rest of their un unionized workforce
WorldTraveler said:
but that is all speculation.... and remember DL pilots are unionized and it was APA - another union - that made the statement they did.

they weren't comparing themselves to DL's non-union employees but DL's unionized pilots.

Citation after citation is comparing DL compensation to AA's - and it isn't a union vs. union distinction. The same differences exist between unionized and non-unionized employees.

There are many, many AA employees who would love to have what DL employees have - and they themselves are saying it.
Like "Ready Reserve",..........and...DGL (or DLG) or DGS  or whatever the F... they're called !
Lets see if BIG DICK...................Anderson is singing the same tune after the 'below the Wing' group vote the IAM back in !
and yet AA employees and their unions are saying they want what DL has.....

Laura Glading "I've been chasing DL compensation my entire career"

APÄ says they want a company where workers are valued for what they do, like what DL does.

feel free to tell us what DL does... AA union leaders themselves are saying they want what DL employees have.
AdAstraPerAspera said:
Stop with the hyperbole. The only people saying that so far are the AA pilots, and you know it.
Agree.  And the guys have also said they should be shooting up to SWA's contract.  All I have heard is they say even non-union Delta is currently being paid more than the 2 at the bottom of the list.   
WN's contracts that are stuck in 1st gear and have been for years?

you do realize that WN and its res/agent union returned a 1.5% pay increase along with profit sharing that will amount to a lower percentage of pay than what DL employees are getting?

no, they are shooting for improvements in pay comparable to what DL offers its employees, not the contract gridlock that exists at WN or the far-less-than-industry-leading JCBAs that AA's unions are being forced to swallow by a mgmt. that is telling them "this is what you signed months ago and now you will just have to live with it."
As far as the ramp goes I'm not too proud to admit that DL has a much more generous pay package than aa/us. Higher base pay with profit sharing and not having to pay $600 a year in union dues. Free first class for non revs. A great business model imo.
How about the 40% ready reserve who only get one raise with no Insurance and top out at $14 an hour?

And DL's goal is to have 50% RR systemwide.

Do you have that at US?

And do you remember the PPG?

DL's ramp have no job protections.