Different Theater, Same Show


Nov 9, 2003
This is admittedly an off-topic post but just wanted to show that our situation is not unique. Before anyone starts bashing me, let me say up front that I wish the corporate world didn't work this way.


Air Canada backer at loggerheads with unions
Dispute threatens to scuttle plans for restructuring insolvent airline

hey that is their usairways version--mgmt takes what they can get and screw the employees like hey well like usairways!!!!
Saddest thing is that it will take this type of courage from the union members to say "enough is enough". I am sure that that pension issue is just the tip of the iceburg.

If Companies get rid of defined pesnion plans, who will support the huge flux of baby boomers who retire and never had enough money to put in a 401K or the stock markets did not prove very favorable during their years of investing?

Government better get ready to support retirees or corporate taxes will sky rocket to support the baby boom retirment Medicare system. And if corporations think they can run to other countries to make their products, they'll be no one in the states that will be able to afford their products when they enter the states.

So if the Republican administrations continue to endeavor to make the corporate raiders even richer, and ingore the needs of the American workers to sustain themselves, it will come to bite in 10 years.

"Mean no disrespect"? I believe we are talking the same language. "Day of reckoning" is what many here at U are trying to do. If we continue as a society, down this path, it will get much worse.

That is why I banter on here about organized labor. It is one of the "elements" in our society that creates a balance. Unions must be preserved. I've said this a year ago on these very boards, that "union busting" and anit union activity is alive and well in our country as well as other countries.

Why, we have our own "covert" anti- union activity from the "infectious bacteria" that resides in CCY. :angry:
PITbull said:
Why, we have our own "covert" anti- union activity from the "infectious bacteria" that resides in CCY. :angry:
Cynomolgous Monkeys infected from Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever stand a better chance then walking into CCY.
Nobody has heard the "new plan", but you can bet the next scary dealine will be announced real soon! :angry: