Donald Trump's Health

Is that Dr. Dude, how did he miss the other Dr. on the letterhead has been dead for five years, he is an incredibly healthy corpse.
Trump looked very healthy and ready compared to the Pantsuit Princess. Her big bug eyes were blood shot and the heavy makup can't hide the old tired and failed liar she is.

Hopefully the libtards have Joe "Shoeleather" Biden in the bullpen.
Hackman said:
Trump looked very healthy and ready compared to the Pantsuit Princess. Her big bug eyes were blood shot and the heavy makup can't hide the old tired and failed liar she is.

Hopefully the libtards have Joe "Shoeleather" Biden in the bullpen.
True....a lot of people who are mentally ill can still look  physically fit.   Her big bug eyes are minuscule compared to his ego.   We might need Biden in the bullpen if some of those "second amendment people" take Trump up on his "I was only kidding" suggestion.  
you mean you might need Biden on the small chance Comey ever does his job, clearly though he's in Obamas and the DOJs pocket
cltrat said:
you mean you might need Biden on the small chance Comey ever does his job, clearly though he's in Obamas and the DOJs pocket
You all had better hope against hope that it doesn't happen.  See...Hillary isn't very likable.  Neither is Trump.  I'm not voting for either.  But is what you hope for happens, here's what will happen....Biden or Bernie, both infinitely more likable than Hillary or Trump, would most like get those folks like me to pull the lever against Trump as opposed to staying home.   Be careful what you wish just might get it.   Here's what I mean by "likable"...a heckler at a Trump rally would be ordered out while Richie Rich urges someone to punch them in the face....he'll pay their legal bills.   Then there is Biden.  Here's how he handled a heckler

One says that opposition should be punched in the face and dragged away...the other one says opposition should be heard.  Which is more likable?  Which is more presidential?  
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I actually agree with you to a certain extent there, by no means though do I think they will do it now. It should have already been done.
I do have hope that Assange will drop enough out there on her that people will say enough is enough. To be clear I view Trump as the lesser of two evils but she represents everything I hate about a politician.She's corrupt as they came and has shown incredibilty poor judgement time and time again
cltrat said:
I actually agree with you to a certain extent there, by no means though do I think they will do it now. It should have already been done.
I do have hope that Assange will drop enough out there on her that people will say enough is enough. To be clear I view Trump as the lesser of two evils but she represents everything I hate about a politician.She's corrupt as they came and has shown incredibilty poor judgement time and time again
The problem for the republicans is that even though they are hoping against hope that something comes out of this email thing before the election, their chances of winning, however slim, are better with her as the opponent than either Biden or Bernie. 
Even suggesting Bernie or Biden stepping in at this point is a red herring.

Over half the state's filing deadlines are either already past or come up in the next week, and early/absentee ballots starts getting mailed out in some states as soon as mid-September so that there's a full 30 days before the due date.

That's why they call it an October surprise -- it's past the point of who is on the ballots.
eolesen said:
Even suggesting Bernie or Biden stepping in at this point is a red herring.

Over half the state's filing deadlines are either already past or come up in the next week, and early/absentee ballots starts getting mailed out in some states as soon as mid-September so that there's a full 30 days before the due date.

That's why they call it an October surprise -- it's past the point of who is on the ballots.
So republicans are counting on electing a dumpkopf by default since they want to get his opposition off the ballot "after the filing deadline".  Except I'd be willing to bet that Trump would lose to a write in candidate.  Or perhaps, for those THINKING conservatives, they might give a long hard look to Gary Johnson since their vote would no longer be "against Hillary" and the Libertarian would finally be "the other party".  
KCFlyer said:
You all had better hope against hope that it doesn't happen.  See...Hillary isn't very likable.  Neither is Trump.  I'm not voting for either.  But is what you hope for happens, here's what will happen....Biden or Bernie, both infinitely more likable than Hillary or Trump, would most like get those folks like me to pull the lever against Trump as opposed to staying home.   Be careful what you wish just might get it.   Here's what I mean by "likable"...a heckler at a Trump rally would be ordered out while Richie Rich urges someone to punch them in the face....he'll pay their legal bills.   Then there is Biden.  Here's how he handled a heckler

One says that opposition should be punched in the face and dragged away...the other one says opposition should be heard.  Which is more likable?  Which is more presidential?  
Trump paid for the halls his rallies were in, I don't think Biden did.
Big difference.
I'll feel more confidant with a Trump presidency over a proven career liar who has compromised the security of the country and has opened herself up to nuclear blackmail in a time of grave danger for our country.
You go ahead and vote whomever you wish. A Hillary vote is supportive of the failures coming out of the Executive and Judicial branches of the Obama administration.
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KCFlyer said:
True....a lot of people who are mentally ill can still look  physically fit.   Her big bug eyes are minuscule compared to his ego.   We might need Biden in the bullpen if some of those "second amendment people" take Trump up on his "I was only kidding" suggestion.
Hildabeast's ego is as big as anyone I've ever seen, she thinks she's above the law and is owed the US president top spot. Mentally ill? Yes, and physically as well. The "second ammendment people" taking on Trump? He's been quite clear on the subject I think. Everybody knows Hildabeasts stance on legal gun ownership. Only she is worthy of having armed guards to protect her. The average citizen is not.
KCFlyer said:
So republicans are counting on electing a dumpkopf by default since they want to get his opposition off the ballot "after the filing deadline".  Except I'd be willing to bet that Trump would lose to a write in candidate.  Or perhaps, for those THINKING conservatives, they might give a long hard look to Gary Johnson since their vote would no longer be "against Hillary" and the Libertarian would finally be "the other party".
You mean the Gary Johnson that doesn't know where Aleppo is? Jeez, that almost as bad as Obammys 55 US states. Couldn't imagine the libtard screaming if Trump had a gaffe like that.
Hackman said:
Hildabeast's ego is as big as anyone I've ever seen, she thinks she's above the law and is owed the US president top spot. Mentally ill? Yes, and physically as well. The "second ammendment people" taking on Trump? He's been quite clear on the subject I think. Everybody knows Hildabeasts stance on legal gun ownership. Only she is worthy of having armed guards to protect her. The average citizen is not.
I didn't say anything about the "second amendment people" taking on Trump.  I said the "second amendment people" taking Trumps statement to know, the thing about guns and HIllary taking them away and appointing judges and there's nothing anyone can do...well...except YOU SECOND AMENDMENT PEOPLE.  If Hillary did anything that REMOTELY implied assassinating Trump, the members of the Trump idiocracy would be livid.   But I guess maybe he paid for the hall, so he can say whatever he wants.   
One other thing....without googling it and before it became an "issue"...did YOU know where Aleppo is?  I didn't.  I only know it's in that hellhole that we call the middle east.   Did Trump know where it is?  Why weren't you all over the wunderkind when he spoke about Russia, Putin and Ukraine? 