early out's at usairways???


Oct 9, 2002
Hey what''s up, more layoffs, no early out offers.
Early out would allow access to 401 without penalty
Lets save some of the junior agents jobs.
Comeon CWA get on the ball
bagosh, From attending one of Dave's Roadshows He was most direct on the subject of Early-Outs He stated that if U was in the kind of shape to make such an offer? It wouldn't be in the shape that it's already in. In short, Don't hold your breath waiting for such a program.
How would an early out help the compnay? Anyone that took a package, would only be replaced by another top pay employee (yes he would be jr). Our station, Jr FT agent in CSA has about 18 years, FSA jr man has 21.
On 10/16/2002 8:19:22 PM bagosh wrote:

Hey what's up, more layoffs, no early out offers.

Early out would allow access to 401 without penalty

Lets save some of the junior agents jobs.

Comeon CWA get on the ball


It's what should have been done years ago. We have created an old fart airline, where it takes almost 20 years to get off midnights in somecases. Then, by the time they get to daylights, they've earned the right to the easy life or so it seems. We need to level out our labor costs and by laying off the cheap people, the solution is only a temporary one. But, I think we're finished anyway. We are the weakest link - goodbye.
On 10/17/2002 9:28:32 PM JonC wrote:

On 10/16/2002 8:19:22 PM bagosh wrote:

Hey what's up, more layoffs, no early out offers.

Early out would allow access to 401 without penalty

Lets save some of the junior agents jobs.

Comeon CWA get on the ball


It's what should have been done years ago. We have created an old fart airline, where it takes almost 20 years to get off midnights in somecases. Then, by the time they get to daylights, they've "earned" the right to the easy life or so it seems. We need to level out our labor costs and by laying off the cheap people, the solution is only a temporary one. But, I think we're finished anyway. We are the weakest link - goodbye.

JonC , What you are saying about laying off from the bottom is all true from a cost perspective. However , I not willing to buy off on your theory of us Being Done. Sure there are a number of obstacles we need to bridge still...and the threat of a war with Iraq or now possibly North Korea wieghs heavily on the economy too. However, I think too many analysts are putting too much stock in it's actual affects. The last war with Saddam took almost a year to build up for...then about 40 days and nights of a concentrated Air War. The actual ground combat was only 100 hours. This time we are facing a greatly reduced strength of an enemy. Our own capabilities have grown and improved all the while. The same threats regarding Chemical and Biological warefare were there the last time around...and I thing Saddam knows he will become a hard baked (Glass) Parking Lot should he play that card? In Summary..I think too much is being made over all of this...but it does sells papers and make for semi-interesting news. Things will turn when people start going back to work and then buying starts back. Nothing in the business world happens until something is bought or sold!! That remains true of dureable and non-dureable issues...Including Airline Tickets!!! Try to stay positive!!! Negative only reaps continued problems.