Eco Therapy: FINE airlines for long waits to park


Nov 21, 2009
Often when a plAAne taxis to the gate in my city, the crew is informed over the AIRINC they will have to wait for a parking crew. It takes sometimes ten minutes or more to park the plane, because the assigned ground crew is pushing, loading, cleaning or unloading a plane on another gate. Reason? They laid off most of the staff.

The city, state perhaps or EPA should fine airlines for this horrible and dirty practice.

If you like clean air, call your city council and take the proof with you to a meeting. Do a public access program or two.
Not specifically related to, or unique to, American Airlines. Moving to the Water Cooler.
Why did I have to wait at an empty gate before all the layoffs happened? :eek: OH let me guess. It's still the airlines fault right?
How much fuel is wasted due to the inefficiencies of the ATC system in this country? How many aircraft sit around with their engines and/or APU's running because of ATC delays? Or how many flights get put into holding patterns? How many billions of dollars would be saved every year in jet fuel if the FAA actually put into service the Next Gen system they have been talking about for so long?
Those evil polluters of the sky will pay in wasted fuel and airline jobs....Its about time......

We'll show those fools.

While you're at it....time to close the drive through window........