Flyers Are Flying Today In Tulsa

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003
Today started off like normal, enjoyed my cup of Java and went to work, got out of my car went through the turning gates while security watched. Clocked in at the time clock and went on to my work area stopping along the way to talking to My fellow TWU Brothers and Sisters.

The phone rang like normal, and the next thing a new members were calling to inform me about the flyers that had been altered by the Amfa wantabes. The time, date and location were changed. Amfa felt left out about not using Union Help so they used our's with the bug. This is nothing new. Last week they had cancelled signs posted about Thursday's meeting. Desperation has set in big time.

I already new Amfa was planning to stand out at the gates today! So a call was made and a flyer was put together and was distributed around the base and members distribute them at the gates along with the Amfa boy's.

The heckling took place, both sides were professional and the security guards passed by every few minutes. Roger's and Dave drove around while the cult followers were distributing a 2-page letter. They were ashamed to use Delle's.

It was refreshing to see the energy of the TWU members. As time wore on, the Amfa members were getting discourage as one by one the TWU members refused their flyer. I understand Amfa printed 1500 flyers and the TWU printed 6000. I suspect the company's bill on paper has increased dramatically this week. The TWU uses colored paper when distributing. AA only has white (the same color as Amfa's flyer).

I was told Dave was asking a lot of questions trying to find out who was going to be at the debate on Thursday. And expressed concerns about the lack of Interest for Saturday.

Thursday will be interesting, If Amfa fails to show for the debate, they will lose any credibility. They might as well fold up because it will be a major failure for them.

Refusing to debate the TWU? :D

Don’t Expect AMFA or AMFA Organizers to Show at the TWU Debate

January 14, 2004

An open letter to the,
Mechanic and Related Employees at American Airlines..

We write to you today in response to an unsigned letter sent to AMFA’s National Office via fax on December 22nd, 2003 regarding the offer by someone calling themselves, “TEAM TWU†to send a panel of three AA Mechanics that support AMFA to debate at the Renaissance Hotel in Tulsa on January 15th, 2004. Although the letter was faxed to AMFA’s National office, neither O.V. Delle-Femine (National Director) nor any elected official from AMFA National were invited to debate the TWU. And since AMFA was not invited, please do not be fooled into attending a debate expecting AMFA to show. There was no signature on the communication but the letter indicated it was from TWU Local 514/ TEAM TWU. Our attempts to identify “TEAM TWU†turn up empty. The TWU Constitution makes no reference to any structural recognition of this group, and to our knowledge there has never been an election in Tulsa that would identify whom makes up this position or group. We do know however, the TWU Local 514 references the membership of Tulsa Mechanic and Related Workers at American Airlines. Based on the polling conducted by the AMFA Organizers and Supporters in Tulsa, it is clear that TWU Supporters along with AMFA Supporters favor attending a debate between AMFA National and TWU International Representatives. As always, we are responsive to the wishes of the members and therefore, we offered and scheduled the AMFA National Officer vs. TWU International Officer Debate at the Brady Theater on Saturday, January 17th, 2004. Only to have this TEAM TWU to run a subterfuge and try to run cover for the TWU International No Show on Saturday.

AMFA National has a standard policy that any unsigned communications received by their office like the one sent by “TEAM TWUâ€, is undeserving of a response, since this type of communication could be a hoax or a joke, and unless someone is willing to put their name on the correspondence, then they likely are not very serious in their intended communications. However, the importance of this issue is worthy of a diversion from AMFA National’s standard policy and they have now responded. We wish to make it clear that the matter of representational change is no joke. Your livelihood and futures hang in the balance of the decision you will make in the upcoming election. AMFA National’s offer to debate Sonny Hall of the TWU International was a serious attempt to allow the membership of the TWU in Tulsa to see first hand the differences between Craft Unionism versus Industrial Unionism, the structures, and the philosophies, and allow both AMFA National and the TWU International the chance to show the members why each organization feels they could provide better representation for your chosen profession.

The TWU has for months now attacked AMFA by communicating lies, half-truths, fabrications, and personal attacks. AMFA is always willing to defend the AMFA Constitution and the representation currently being provided at eight airlines in the industry. If the TWU International believes they have provided superior representation then why do they fear demonstrating that same confidence by having a structured professional debate with a neutral moderator in front of the membership?

On a local level, our mechanic supporters at American Airlines have proven their superior skills in debating the issues and communicating about AMFA amongst the work group in a mechanic vs. mechanic setting, and that superiority is shown by virtue of the 54% Authorization Cards currently in AMFA National’s possession. This debating by Mechanic vs. Mechanic has taken place for over five years, and now, the TWU wants to hold a similar debate and call it their idea.

On September 12th, 2003 AMFA National Director O.V. Delle-Femine was invited and attended an AMFA informational meeting at the Sheraton Hotel. At that meeting, both Mr. Delle-Femine and AMFA Organizers committed to scheduling a debate between AMFA National and the TWU International. We are men of our word, and that is what we have now offered, with signatures attached to our correspondence demonstrating our seriousness.

The offer still stands today. AMFA National Director and the AMFA National Executive Council Officers plan to be at the Brady Theater on January 17th, 2004. If Sonny Hall and/or Jim Little are not up to the challenge of debating the issues, then AMFA National and your local organizers will be there from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm to answer any questions you may have.

The TWU will attempt to utilize the media and local newspapers to discredit Mechanics at American for not participating in their debate. Once again please do not be fooled by these accusations. We simply do not see what is to be gained by mechanic vs mechanic debate, we believe that the debate must be between AMFA National vs TWU International. We look forward to meeting with you Saturday and Thank you for your patience.


Don Rodgers
Chairman AMFA Organizers

David Stewart
Co-Chairman AMFA Organizers
Sounds like you're scared boys!!

Oh well. Didn't think you could debate anyway!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
TWUer if we were scared we would not have been at the Turnstiles 60 or more strong greeting our fellow Mechanics. :lol: :lol:

and being productive as in accomplishing something to further our goal, not wasting our time. :D

give it up my shop is half TWU and No one signed the TWU debate list saying they were going to come to a pointless debate.
twuer said:
Sounds like you're scared boys!!

Oh well. Didn't think you could debate anyway!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Then simply show up with your TWU International Officers and fear us into seclusion while demonstrating your honorable and superior debating skills.

You know as well as we do that the membership is asking for the National Level debate and finds your format unworthy of attendance. TWU supporters speak to us daily about their thoughts on your recent activity. Liars and Deceivers will always eventually be discoverd and thus your days are now numbered.

You even had to write letters to retired personel to get an audiance. Of course the sellouts that took the early out packages that lined their pockets in exchange for concessions favor the TWU. What is the difference between that and what Carty and his 45 followers were doing by setting up the SERP? "I've got mine Brother"

BTW, if that PR Firm is advising you on your current activities, you are getting ripped off, and need to find a new advisor.
Hey, TWUer weren't you people proclaiming that AMFA did not have enough cards and never would have enough cards to petition the NMB? Seems to me your fears have become a reality and for you to say AMFA people are afraid is just another sign of how little the TWU advocates have become. Not to put any more fear into your hearts but:

8636 Total Signed Election Authorization Cards [/U]by Station and Title Group:
Updated, Saturday January 10, 2004 at 12:56:32 AM. Our goal is to obtain 60% of the Craft and Class of
Mechanic and Related, and at this time, our estimate of that number, with 'elbow room' is approximately 9,634 cards.
Using that number, at this time, we are about 89.7% to our goal, or approximately 53.8% of our Craft and Class.
Raptor said:
TWUer if we were scared we would not have been at the Turnstiles 60 or more strong greeting our fellow Mechanics. :lol: :lol:

and being productive as in accomplishing something to further our goal, not wasting our time. :D

give it up my shop is half TWU and No one signed the TWU debate list saying they were going to come to a pointless debate.
60????? Wow!!! I'm impressed. Same guys that will be at your meeting on Saturday I guess??? :lol:
TWU informer said:
twuer said:
Sounds like you're scared boys!!

Oh well. Didn't think you could debate anyway!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Then simply show up with your TWU International Officers and fear us into seclusion while demonstrating your honorable and superior debating skills.

You know as well as we do that the membership is asking for the National Level debate and finds your format unworthy of attendance. TWU supporters speak to us daily about their thoughts on your recent activity. Liars and Deceivers will always eventually be discoverd and thus your days are now numbered.

You even had to write letters to retired personel to get an audiance. Of course the sellouts that took the early out packages that lined their pockets in exchange for concessions favor the TWU. What is the difference between that and what Carty and his 45 followers were doing by setting up the SERP? "I've got mine Brother"

BTW, if that PR Firm is advising you on your current activities, you are getting ripped off, and need to find a new advisor.
You know as well as we do that the membership is asking for the National Level debate and finds your format unworthy of attendance.

By "the membership" you mean the AMFA supporters??? I think if you show up tomorrow you will be surprised.

You even had to write letters to retired personel to get an audiance. Of course the sellouts that took the early out packages that lined their pockets in exchange for concessions favor the TWU.

Nice respect for your fellow workers Informer. I would bet if you had been in their shoes you would have done the same thing. You would have been the first in line!!

You have criticism for everyone don't you Informer?
How did you become the co-chair for AMFA??? It couldn't have been by your personality that's for sure. I bet it's killing you that you aren't chairman isn't it?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm betting there will be alot more than 60 at the Brady maybe 600 probably more than that, care to bet which debate will have more people. ?
Raptor said:
I'm betting there will be alot more than 60 at the Brady maybe 600 probably more than that, care to bet which debate will have more people. ?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And where will the 600 be coming from?? Your getting outside help now?? Typical!
All went well at our turnstiles. We as well as the TWU distributor were treated with respect by most. The resupplier of the TWU material stopped to explain to us how wrong we were and to supply us with a generous dose of misinformation and outright lies we have come to expect here in Tulsa. Among other things the most unbelievable info was concerning NWA overtime grievances. You can bet the debate/misinformation meeting on thursday will be laced with like propoganda rivaling only I will reproduce the text of a letter I wrote to an AMFA local and their response.

I am an AMT working for American Airlines in Tulsa. Today while handing out info for this saturdays debate (AMFA vs TWU), a TWU rep stopped for a chat. He said when an AMT with NWA files, and wins a grievance for an O.T. violation, the money goes to the International Office, not the AMT. He said that's why they don't file O.T. grievances at NWA any more. Is there someone there, or could you direct me to someone who would be willling to answer this question.


This is absolutely false. I would ask him to give you evidence in writing that this is the case. Grievance file number, station, ect. Anytime you hear something unbelievable like this ask him to back it up with documentation. Asking him to back up his ridiculous accusations in writing usually shuts up these people.

As a matter of fact every quarter our overtime hours get balanced. If the company is outside of the overtime opportunity limits for a crew the person gets paid. Tell the Rep. to read our contract.
Raptor said:
TWUer if we were scared we would not have been at the Turnstiles 60 or more strong greeting our fellow Mechanics. :lol: :lol:

and being productive as in accomplishing something to further our goal, not wasting our time. :D

give it up my shop is half TWU and No one signed the TWU debate list saying they were going to come to a pointless debate.
In my shop 19 have signed cards, 4 have pledged a vote for AMFA should it come to a vote, and only 8 have signed the paper pledging to go to the TWU debacle.
Checking it Out said:
Today started off like normal, enjoyed my cup of Java and went to work, got out of my car went through the turning gates while security watched. Clocked in at the time clock and went on to my work area stopping along the way to talking to My fellow TWU Brothers and Sisters.

The phone rang like normal, and the next thing a new members were calling to inform me about the flyers that had been altered by the Amfa wantabes. The time, date and location were changed. Amfa felt left out about not using Union Help so they used our's with the bug. This is nothing new. Last week they had cancelled signs posted about Thursday's meeting. Desperation has set in big time.

I already new Amfa was planning to stand out at the gates today! So a call was made and a flyer was put together and was distributed around the base and members distribute them at the gates along with the Amfa boy's.

The heckling took place, both sides were professional and the security guards passed by every few minutes. Roger's and Dave drove around while the cult followers were distributing a 2-page letter. They were ashamed to use Delle's.

It was refreshing to see the energy of the TWU members. As time wore on, the Amfa members were getting discourage as one by one the TWU members refused their flyer. I understand Amfa printed 1500 flyers and the TWU printed 6000. I suspect the company's bill on paper has increased dramatically this week. The TWU uses colored paper when distributing. AA only has white (the same color as Amfa's flyer).

I was told Dave was asking a lot of questions trying to find out who was going to be at the debate on Thursday. And expressed concerns about the lack of Interest for Saturday.

Thursday will be interesting, If Amfa fails to show for the debate, they will lose any credibility. They might as well fold up because it will be a major failure for them.

Refusing to debate the TWU? :D
Cio, let me take you back a few years,AMFAs' first filing at UAL.
Read 28 NMB, to sumerize it for you AMFA was denied a vote.(2001)
Ask yourself what happened in 2003, (AMFA now represents UAL) or had you
forgotten already?
NOW, read your last sentence, It appears in bold print, and rember this:
"Patience is our greatest virtue" O.V. Delle-Femine, Sept. 12 2003