Furlough Flight Privileges


Nov 26, 2002
Read on the flight attendants homepage that the pass benefits continue throughout the furlough, providing there is still an airline to fly on. Does this apply to all unions or is it different for each?
On 11/26/2002 4:58:09 PM night_ice wrote:

Read on the flight attendants homepage that the pass benefits continue throughout the furlough, providing there is still an airline to fly on. Does this apply to all unions or is it different for each?

That is the same for all work groups. However, I have a question. Say you get recalled from furlough and turn down the position, do you lose your flight benefits at that point. (I guess my question is, if I have no desire to come back, what is the best way to keep my flight privileges for the longest period of time.)
Most labor contracts provide that if an offer of recall is refused, employment and seniority rights are immediately terminated. Accordingly, no flight benefits.
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I assume if one turns down the offer, you would be considered resigning. So, if you are furloughed involuntarily for 10 years, that's a lot of flying! a lot better than 3 yrs as previously announced.
CWA Invol furloughs allow 3 years flt bennies and 4 years recall rights. Big problem is, try to get on a flight now, with decreased service, et al. Don't count your chickens on being able to fly.[BR][BR]