Good Morning ALl Fellow AA People

Apr 16, 2003
well the first new week with a new CEO lets make today the start of the best new AA. Lets be positive and nice to eachother and it will rub off on everyone else and show the world we are still the best
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Thanks I am surprised of the first response I got. We do not need closed minded people when we are trying to tunr this airline around. I put my money on us and we will survive
Please give me a break...It was just a joke...I can''t believe that everyone that has read this thinks I am out to promote negativity. I leave that to the management (just a dry sense of humor). If anyone on this board ever dealt with a crew scheduler they know what I mean.

No disrespect to Crew Scheduler. I did find this thread genuine but, I didn''t think that it would come from a scheduler and I couldn''t resist. I''m sorry if I hurt anyones feelings.
You are correct in that it is a new begining. Can''t you see I am trying to make up like Rodney King.
On 4/28/2003 1:15:03 PM Airline Crew Sched wrote:

No favor needed...New Week New CEO new airline lets show everyone what we are made of

Your attitude should be shared among about 100,000 AA employees. Good luck.
There''s one in every crowd. Don''t let the negativity change your positive attitude.
Hey, Crew you've got my vote.

Still it will take a lot more than smiles to keep this bird from not flying in BK.
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On 4/28/2003 2:56:38 PM AAquila wrote:

Hey, Crew you''ve got my vote.

Still it will take a lot more than smiles to keep this bird from not flying in BK.

you are such a positive person. with that attitude we might never see the light of day.
On 4/28/2003 1:15:03 PM Airline Crew Sched wrote:

No favor needed...New Week New CEO new airline lets show everyone what we are made of

I''m with you all the way Airline Crew Sched -- let''s show everyone what we are made of -- there are alot of us who are committed to AA -- like a family -- we may have our own internal rumblings and dirty laundry -- but -- we''re the first one''s to be proud to bear the name AMERICAN !!!

Like you, this is the first time (outside of the ''85 UA strike) in a very long time that I can honestly see all of us pulling together for a common cause -- our SURVIVAL -- we have the espirit de corp -- the momentum -- the energy -- let''s soar !!!
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Thanks ORDBAABE have you met the ORD scheduler He is a real nice guy and real fair. You should go meet him sometime when in for EPT''S