Gretchen Carlson Suit Against Fox News Head

700UW said:
LA Times:
Kelly was effusive about Ailes back in May when she was promoting a prime-time special for the Fox broadcast network. “I love working for Roger Ailes,” she told the Los Angeles Times. “He’s taken great care of me in the last 12 years. You need someone looking out for you if you want to thrive in any business, but particularly in broadcast news. It helps to have somebody blocking for you. He always has.”
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Well looks like Ailes is going to be leaving Fox News.
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The republican King maker dethroned.
STATEMENT: 'Roger Ailes has never sexually harassed Megyn Kelly. In fact, he has spent much of the last decade promoting and helping her to achieve the stardom she earned, for which she has repeatedly and publicly thanked him'... 