Health Care

We couldn't get "single-payer" even if we wanted. People don't know the benefits of that type of system. That train has passed because there wasn't enough support (from even corporate Dems) for it. It would be a whole lot cheaper. The insurance companies will make a killing for or against any health reform. So they are the only winners in this game.
Personally, I would prefer that type of system instead of the one we have now. But what is the alternative. The GOP doesn't have one. Also, I do not want Wall Street getting their hands on the SS. (That is the last major source of money). If they get their hands on that, say goodbye to the US as we know it.

As Alan Grayson said: "Their plan, (the GOP for healthcare) is to just die already!" "And die faster!"

Back to the original question. Most airlines offer plans. But most are high (depending on what your union negotiates) You have to pick what is best for your situation. If you are young and healthy and single, I think Aetna offers a "Smart Choice" plan with a low monthly, and a not too high deductible. But as one who works on the ramp, you should purchase what is affordable to you and your family. With this job, you will need it......
I have over twenty relatives in Canada and they all do most of the HC in the US. It sucks bug time and tyhey all will tell you. We have the nest HC in the world all we needed was insurance reform to open up buying choices by the consumer nothing more.
I have over twenty relatives in Canada and they all do most of the HC in the US. It sucks bug time and tyhey all will tell you. We have the nest HC in the world all we needed was insurance reform to open up buying choices by the consumer nothing more.
Agreed 100%!!! ------ You don't think the Insurance Companies are laughing all the way to the Bank? Think about it. Under Obamacare, the Government has mandated that everyone, except the Congress, Fedral emploees, Union heads, etc., by law, have to buy their product! And those that can't afford their policies, the government will pay for!!! Adding millions, including Illegals, to their list of clients! Insuring the industry a huge windfall! ------ like I said, the Insurance companys love obamacare! ------- Like Palosi said "you have to pass it, to find out what's in it"! By the way, did you know, that if you sell your home, there will be a Fedral 3.7% tax added to closing costs to help pay for obamacare? ------ it's in there!
Think about it people.------- Not one Republican voted for obamacare. And not one Democrat read it, before it was passed into Law!----- And now we all have to deal with it! Thank you Congress!
Just think not one jobs bill from the republicans, not one bill replacing Obamacare, not one bill defunding Obamacare, plenty of work defunding the consumer protection agency, you know an agency that protects us from credit card company's. You see the republicans can do something.

I love how you tea party people say Obama is a SOCIALIST while sitting at home collecting your Medicare and SOCIAL security, if W Bush had his way your SS would have been invested in the stock market, where would the retires be in 2008? The tea party has some great points but they support Boehner and McConnell two guys that helped turn a surplus into a deficit. I see the tea party as a stooge for the RNC.

Back to AA and the TWU healthcare, the TWU members paid double what the FAs paid for the same coverage. Before bankruptcy. Now that is some good negotiating.
Think about it people.------- Not one Republican voted for obamacare. And not one Democrat read it, before it was passed into Law!----- And now we all have to deal with it! Thank you Congress!
You guys are hilarious. I seem to remember John McCain selling the same health care reform and when Obama went along with it, it became Obamacare. And I would really like to see how anybody could come from Canada and afford to pay cash for all their health care in the U.S. I think someone is repeating something from FAUX News. But it makes a good story. I have an uncle who had a stroke when he was visiting in Canada and spent serious time in their healthcare system. He got great treatment. I stand by what my sister says also and I want to know what your "Relatives" do for a living. NOBODY can afford to pay cash for healthcare in the U.S. Unless your relative is Don Carty.
Is about time this thread goes to the WATER COOLER it now has nothing to do with AA and I'm sick of the political back and forth
You guys are hilarious. I seem to remember John McCain selling the same health care reform and when Obama went along with it, it became Obamacare. And I would really like to see how anybody could come from Canada and afford to pay cash for all their health care in the U.S. I think someone is repeating something from FAUX News. But it makes a good story. I have an uncle who had a stroke when he was visiting in Canada and spent serious time in their healthcare system. He got great treatment. I stand by what my sister says also and I want to know what your "Relatives" do for a living. NOBODY can afford to pay cash for healthcare in the U.S. Unless your relative is Don Carty.
OldGuy----- You quote me but don't read me! I said " Not one Republican voted for obamacare". That includes McCain!
American Unionized Members are the only Worker's in the Industrialized World that have to Negotiate for Health Care in their CBA. I suggest ALL look at Blue States web sights for a peak into what happens starting in October 2013 and the future of Medicare For All competing with the For Profit Insurance Industry. Why else would the REP/TBP Leader Rush be squealing like a stuck PIG about OBAMA CARE ! Good Luck Brothers. SOLIDARITY and SCOPE is #1.
OldGuy----- You quote me but don't read me! I said " Not one Republican voted for obamacare". That includes McCain!
That makes sense that he voted against something he endorsed when he ran for president. Typical obstructionist. If he had become president this would have been the health care reform he pushed. But you would have been for it then wouldn't you?
Just think not one jobs bill from the republicans, not one bill replacing Obamacare, not one bill defunding Obamacare, plenty of work defunding the consumer protection agency, you know an agency that protects us from credit card company's. You see the republicans can do something.

I love how you tea party people say Obama is a SOCIALIST while sitting at home collecting your Medicare and SOCIAL security, if W Bush had his way your SS would have been invested in the stock market, where would the retires be in 2008? The tea party has some great points but they support Boehner and McConnell two guys that helped turn a surplus into a deficit. I see the tea party as a stooge for the RNC.

Back to AA and the TWU healthcare, the TWU members paid double what the FAs paid for the same coverage. Before bankruptcy. Now that is some good negotiating.

Recess-bound House votes to gut Obama health care law for 40th time
By Michael O'Brien and Carrie Dann, NBC News
Capping a legislative work period more noted for what it failed to pass than for what it completed, the House voted for the 40th time on Friday to repeal President Barack Obama's health care reform law before heading home for a five week recess.
The GOP-controlled House voted to approve a measure to prevent the IRS from enforcing “Obamacare” in a 232-185 vote.
The legislation faces virtually no chance of advancing in the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats.
By most measures, Friday's vote marked the 40th time that Republicans have voted to gut the national health care overhaul, which was signed into law in March 2010.
The move gives House Republicans some political ammunition going into the August recess, when lawmakers typically meet with constituents and take the temperature of their home districts.
In July, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, argued that Congress should be judged by how many laws it repeals, not by how many new laws it enacts.
"We should not be judged on how many new laws we create," he said on July 21. "We ought to be judged on how many laws we repeal."
Congress limps into its monthlong recess having only enacted 15 laws, putting it on pace to be one of the most unproductive sessions in history (though recent legislation regarding student loans has yet to be signed into law).
This story was originally published on Fri Aug 2, 2013 12:26 PM EDT

They are trying to do what is right and stop this abomination of a law!

It's my opinion that anyone who supports the Affordable Health Care Act is a Damn Fool!!
It's my opinion that anyone who would vote for Boehner, Inhoffe and everyone who voted for George W. Bush are Damn fools..... Tag. You're it.