Here Is Your Big Chance


Jul 7, 2004
Someone tell me, this is your perfect opportunity to tell the rest of us two things.

1. What has sKerry done for the country as a U.S. Senator? How has he demonstrated leadership and the ability to create an environment where businesses can grow and provide jobs? Not create job within the federal government, because that does not help the economy, but provide an environment where businesses can grow, make a profit, and create jobs.

2. How is a Lientenant(jg) from over thirty years ago qualified to wage a "more thoughtfull war against terrorism"? What is his actual plan? Other than to say, "I can do a better Job"? HOW? Tell us, we would love to hear it. Give us some details.
Winning The Peace In Iraq

More than a year ago, President Bush stood on an aircraft carrier under a banner that proclaimed "mission accomplished." But today we know that the mission is not accomplished, hostilities have not ended and our men and women in uniform stand almost alone with the target squarely on their backs.

Our military performed brilliantly in the war's first mission: ending the regime of Saddam Hussein. Today, Americans share a desire for Iraqis to live with the blessings of democracy and security. John Kerry and John Edwards have a practical plan to win the peace in Iraq and bring our troops home.

We must change course in Iraq. Having gone to war, we cannot afford to fail at peace. The United States must take immediate measures to prevent Iraq from becoming a failed state that inevitably would become a haven for terrorists and a destabilizing force in the Middle East.

John Kerry and John Edwards will forge a new policy to promote stability, democracy, protection of minority and women's rights in Iraq, and peace in the region. John Kerry and John Edwards will work to gain new military and financial commitments from other nations so America isn't carrying the burden and risk virtually alone.

John Kerry and John Edwards will make the creation of a stable and secure environment in Iraq our immediate priority in order to lay the foundations for sustainable democracy. They will:

Persuade NATO to Make the Security of Iraq one of its Global Missions and to deploy a significant portion of the force needed to secure and win the peace in Iraq. NATO participation will in turn open the door to greater international involvement from non-NATO countries.

Internationalize the Non-Iraqi Reconstruction Personnel in Iraq, to share the costs and burdens, end the continuing perception of a U.S. occupation, and help coordinate reconstruction efforts, draft the constitution and organize elections.

Launch a Massive and Accelerated Training Effort to Build Iraqi Security Forces that can provide real security for the Iraqi people, including a major role for NATO. This is not a task for America alone; we must join as a partner with other nations.

Plan for Iraq’s Future by working with our allies to forgive Iraq’s multi-billion dollar debts and by supporting the development of a new Iraqi constitution and the political arrangements needed to protect minority rights. We will also convene a regional conference with Iraq's neighbors in order to secure a pledge of respect for Iraq's borders and non-interference in Iraq’s internal affairs.
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First off, lofty goals but again nothing specific.

"The United States must take immediate measures to prevent Iraq from becoming a failed state" - What are those measures?

"work to gain new military and financial commitments from other nations " - from who and how?

"Persuade NATO" - NATO is an independant body. They include the French(shown from the beginning a very strong reluctance to get into this because of loosing lucrative deals with the now defunct government), the germans(again the same deal as the french). These countries are being kept out because of their unwillingness, in fact their flat out strong resistance to us taking the measures that we did in the first place, yet sKerry wants to now include them in these tasks? A friend is someone that stands by you during rough and dificult times, not when times are easy and good and France and Germany have shown that they are not true friends.

"Plan for Iraq’s Future by working with our allies to forgive Iraq’s multi-billion dollar debts " - why should an oil rich, democratic nation require this. Yes they should well be given ample opportunity to re-construct thier own nation and become independant, but why should they not at least re-pay some of that debt to countries they owe? Yet again no specifics here either

Second, all of these "Talking Points" have either been done or are being done currently. So basically what he is saying is that while he "opposes" this action and will wage a "more thoughfull and better war against terror" he basically will do the same thing that is being done in Iraq at the moment.

Also, this is just Iraq and not the war on terrorism.

Also, what about Question 1?
FredF said:
Also, this is just Iraq and not the war on terrorism.
Odd....that's EXACTLY the statment that many of us who opposed the war made a little over a year and a half ago.
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That is because that in the context of the WHOLE war on terrorism, IRAQ is only one part. When I stated that in response to sKerry's plan, I was referring to only part of the war on terrorism.

In terms that you should be able to understand, the fighting in IRAQ is a battle in the whole war on terrorism. My question relates to sKerry comments about how he would fight a better and more thoughtfull war against terrorism, yet his plan, I am guessing that is propaganda posting on his web site, lists only how he would deal with the current situation on IRAQ not the war as a WHOLE or even other parts of it.

So perhaps you are correct in that it would have been more proper for me to clearly state the following:

Also, this is just Iraq and not [the remainder of] the war on terrorism [and the other places it is currently being fought.]
Fred - Iraq posed more of a terrorist threat to Kuwait or Iran than it ever did to the USA.
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When was the last time alQueda struck against Iran again? Or Kuwait?

Scratch that!

Go back to the topic of this thread. If you want to have that debate, start another thread. My main topic remains and my two questions remain un-answered.
Fred - can you cite what Bush did as governer of Texas? Can you cite what experience Bush has in demonstrating leadership and creating jobs? His personal experience seems to run a business into the ground and get bailed out by cronies.

Can you cite how Bush's military "experience" makes him any better to command a war on terror? A war in which many mistakes appear to have been made?
"Help is on the way!"

John Kerry performing that silly (and artificial) fist waving every time he makes a public appearance is nauseating.

I'll admit it -- I can be a one-issue voter.

In this case, I'll take two issues: pro-life and family values.

Kerry is pro-choice and he's been married three times I believe.

Therefore I vote Bush. And since we are the lone superpower we had an obligation to intervene in Iraq. My gawd, Saddam killed hundreds of thousands of his own people!

That cheap Democratic line about Bush 'choosing' to go to war as opposed to 'having' to go to war is an insult.

Besides, if Kerry hadn't frantically thrown in $6.5mil of his own money in the last days of Iowa caucuses....... hmmm, where'd that money come from Mr.Theresa Heinz?
The most basic responsibility of a president is defending our homeland.

We've seen some progress in making America more secure since September 11 - but there is still much more to be done. Today our government is not doing enough to make us safe. Our intelligence services remain fragmented and lack coordination. Our borders and ports are full of holes. Our chemical plants are vulnerable to attack. And across America, police officers, firefighters, and other first responders still lack the information, gear, and equipment to do their jobs safely and successfully.

America needs a new strategy for homeland security that takes steps as big as the threats we face. John Kerry and John Edwards have that strategy. They will do whatever it takes to make America safe - coordinate our intelligence agencies, take action on all key fronts, stand up for security whenever special interests stand in the way, and get the needed resources to the first responders who defend America every day.

John Kerry and John Edwards will offer a new security strategy that addresses five major challenges:

Track And Stop Terrorists
Many of the intelligence problems that allowed terrorists to slip into our country before 9/11 have not been addressed. John Kerry and John Edwards will improve our ability to gather, analyze, and share information so we can track down and stop terrorists before they cause harm.

Protect Our Borders And Shores
Today, our borders, our ports, and our airports are not as secure as they must be. John Kerry and John Edwards will make our airports, seaports, and borders more secure without intruding upon personal liberties.

Harden Vulnerable Targets
Chemical industry lobbying has kept the Bush administration from strengthening security at chemical plants, where an attack could endanger 1 million Americans. John Kerry and John Edwards will always put Americans' safety ahead of big business interests and take strong measures to harden likely targets-including nuclear plants, trains, and subways-against possible attack.

Improve Domestic Readiness
Our first defenders will respond to any attack with courage and heroism-but they also need the equipment and manpower to do the job. John Kerry and John Edwards will back up their words with resources and ensure that America's first responders have everything they need to protect their communities.

Guard Liberty.
We must always remember that terrorists do not just target our lives - they target our way of life. John Kerry and John Edwards believe in an America that is safe and free, and they will protect our personal liberties as well as our personal security.

America was born in pursuit of an idea - that a free people with diverse beliefs can govern themselves in peace.

Throughout our history, we have forged powerful alliances to defend, encourage, and promote that idea around the world. Through two World Wars, the Cold War, the Gulf War and Kosovo, America led instead of going it alone. We respected the world - and the world respected us.

Today, our leadership has walked away from more than a century of American leadership in the world to embrace a new - and dangerously ineffective - American disregard for the world. They bully instead of persuade. They act alone when they could assemble a team. They confuse leadership with going it alone. They fail to understand that real leadership means standing by your principles and rallying others to join you.

John Kerry and John Edwards believe in a better, stronger America - an America that is respected, not just feared. An America that listens and leads - that cherishes freedom, safeguards our people, uplifts others, forges alliances, and deserves respect. This is the America they believe in. This is the America they are fighting for. And this is the America we can be.

Today, we face three great challenges above all others - First, to win the global war against terror; Second, to stop the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons; Third, to promote democracy, freedom, and opportunity around the world, starting by winning the peace in Iraq. To meet these challenges, John Kerry's national security policy will be guided by four imperatives:

Launch And Lead A New Era Of Alliances
The threat of terrorism demands alliances on a global scale - to utilize every available resource to get the terrorists before they can strike at us. As president, John Kerry will lead a coalition of the able - because no force on earth is more able than the United States and its allies.

Modernize The World's Most Powerful Military To Meet New Threats
John Kerry and John Edwards have a plan to transform the world's most powerful military to better address the modern threats of terrorism and proliferation, while ensuring that we have enough properly trained and equipped troops to meet our enduring strategic and regional missions.

Deploy All That Is In America's Arsenal
The war on terror cannot be won by military might alone. As president, John Kerry will deploy all the forces in America's arsenal - our diplomacy, our intelligence system, our economic power, and the appeal of our values and ideas - to make America more secure and prevent a new generation of terrorists from emerging.

Free America From Its Dangerous Dependence On Mideast Oil
To secure our full independence and freedom, we must free America from its dangerous dependence on Mideast oil. By tapping American ingenuity, we can achieve that goal while growing our economy and protecting our environment.
whatkindoffreshhell said:
In this case, I'll take two issues: pro-life and family values.
How do you reconcile Bush's handling of Karla Faye Tucker when governor of Texas? To refresh your memory, he mocked her as he refused her request for stay of execution. Most pro-lifers (of which I am one by the way) are that way for religious reasons. Yet I can't find anywhere in the bible the words "thus sayeth the Lord...neener neener neener". His actions hardly seem "Christian" to me. I understand that Ms Tucker committed a heinous crime. And she should have been punished for that crime. But being a true "pro-lifer", I can't condone the death penalty.
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He paints with broad strokes.

In all his years in the senate, why has he not done or tried to do ANY of these things he is now saying is will do?

"To secure our full independence and freedom, we must free America from its dangerous dependence on Mideast oil. By tapping American ingenuity, we can achieve that goal while growing our economy and protecting our environment. " - cannot be done. Not all three at the same time.

"John Kerry and John Edwards will make our airports, seaports, and borders more secure without intruding upon personal liberties." - how?

"John Kerry and John Edwards will back up their words with resources and ensure that America's first responders have everything they need to protect their communities." - Getting Teresa to finance this ?

"They act alone when they could assemble a team. They confuse leadership with going it alone. They fail to understand that real leadership means standing by your principles and rallying others to join you." - I guess all those other countries sending people and resources to IRAQ don't really count right?

"modernize the American military " - then why has he voted agains every major military upgrade his entire career in congress? Oh yea, this is an election year and why should he bring up his voting record in congress?

You are right. I did like it, especially this part "The Bush campaign said the president has already acted on most of Kerry's ideas, detailing actions in 31 of 33 cases where Kerry has called for change"
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By the way ----

You still have not answered either question.

The man has been a senator for some 20 odd years but will not run on his record in the senate. He instead chooses to run on a 30 year old war record in which he server 4 1/2 months.

Please answer the questions instead of taking propaganda posted(I am only guessing here) on his website and cite that as his qualifications.
FredF said:
Please answer the questions instead of taking propaganda posted(I am only guessing here) on his website and cite that as his qualifications.
Hell, back in 2000 I tried to figure out what GWB's qualifications were. Only one I could find was that his daddy was president one time. Four years later, I'm still wondering what his qualifications are. I'll take a 30 year old war record (in an election year that happens to have a war going on) over "my daddy was president once and I picked his good buddy as my running mate".