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Here's Just How Massive Republicans' Super Tuesday Turnout Was


Corn Field
May 30, 2008
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RIP Democrats
If voter turnout is any indicator of enthusiasm, this year's GOP voters are way, way more pumped than 2012 voters were.
Democrats, meanwhile? Their excitement seems to have dimmed since 2008.
Last night, more than 8.5 million Republicans turned out to vote in the 11 GOP Super Tuesday states that reported results.
That suggests far more enthusiasm than the last time Republicans picked a nominee. In those same 11 states in 2012, turnout totaled only around 4.7 million.
That makes this year's turnout in those 11 states 81 percent higher than four years ago.
Contrast that with the Democrats. In the Dems' 11 states reporting results from last night, turnout totaled only around 5.9 million — that's around
2.6 million fewer people than came out in those states 2008, when Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were in the middle of what would would be a long, hard-fought race.
First off, let's start with the fact that you are claiming voter turnout results for both parties in 11 states.  Problem;  Democrats did not have a caucus or primary in Idaho.  Only the Republicans did.  So, where did you get your Democrat turnout statistics for Idaho?  Faux News?
Petey caught in posting misinformation once again.
jimntx said:
First off, let's start with the fact that you are claiming voter turnout results for both parties in 11 states.  Problem;  Democrats did not have a caucus or primary in Idaho.  Only the Republicans did.  So, where did you get your Democrat turnout statistics for Idaho?  Faux News?
Kev3188 said:
Oopsy daisy...
700UW said:
Petey caught in posting misinformation once again.
Prove the statistics wrong.
Facts are facts
Super Tuesday Voter Turnouts Similar to '08, But Republicans and Democrats Reversed
Trading places? In 2008,
Democrats shattered voter turnout records in their epic presidential primary clash. This year is starting to look like a mirror image — but this time, with an advantage to the Republicans.
A tally of nine states where Democrats and Republicans both headed to the polls on Tuesday shows that total turnout looks much like it did eight years ago — but the numbers are reversed by party. More than 5.6 million votes were cast in the Democratic contest on Tuesday in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia. About 8.3 million were cast on the GOP side in the same set of states.
townpete said:
RIP Democrats
If voter turnout is any indicator of enthusiasm, this year's GOP voters are way, way more pumped than 2012 voters were.
Democrats, meanwhile? Their excitement seems to have dimmed since 2008.
Last night, more than 8.5 million Republicans turned out to vote in the 11 GOP Super Tuesday states that reported results. (Bolding mine)
Last night was not Super Tuesday.  Tuesday, March 1st was Super Tuesday.   Last night  (Your words, not mine),there were only 4 Republican primary/caucuses--Mississippi (Trump), Michigan (Trump), Idaho (Cruz), Hawaii (Trump)--and 2 Democrat primary/caucuses--Mississippi (Clinton), Michigan( Sanders)--on March 8th, .  As  you said above, FACTS ARE FACTS.
P.S.  There may have been a Democratic primary in Hawaii, but polls closed so late that there are no results posted yet.
P.P.S  Go back to your source article, get someone who reads and understands English to read the date on the article to you.  It shows that it was last updated on March 2, 2016.  (That was the day after Super Tuesday, March 1st.)
jimntx said:
Last night was not Super Tuesday.  Tuesday, March 1st was Super Tuesday.  There were only 4 Republican primary/caucuses--Mississippi, Michigan, Idaho, Hawaii--and 3 Democrat primary/caucuses--Mississippi, Michigan, and Hawaii on March 8th,  Last night  (Your words, not mine).  As  you said above, FACTS ARE FACTS.  
jimntx said:
Last night was not Super Tuesday.  Tuesday, March 1st was Super Tuesday.   Last night  (Your words, not mine),there were only 4 Republican primary/caucuses--Mississippi, Michigan, Idaho, Hawaii--and 3 Democrat primary/caucuses--Mississippi, Michigan, and Hawaii on March 8th, .  As  you said above, FACTS ARE FACTS.
That was an article about what happen on super tuesday last week, quoted directly from when it was written on March 2nd. Not my words.
Apparently reading comprehension was never your strongest suit.
jimntx said:
First off, let's start with the fact that you are claiming voter turnout results for both parties in 11 states.  Problem;  Democrats did not have a caucus or primary in Idaho.  Only the Republicans did.  So, where did you get your Democrat turnout statistics for Idaho?  Faux News?
Jim: Pete cut and pasted a story written by that GOP-controlled media machine called NPR. NPR is a division of Murdoch's media empire, isn't it?

The link was at the top of the OP. Like WorldTraveler, Pete doesn't use the UBB Quote feature when he cuts and pastes words written by others. The OP had no Pete-written words in it - it was 100% cut and pasted by Pete of an NPR story.

The point of the article wasn't that Republicans had larger actual numbers of voters than did the Democrats; the point NPR made (rather successfully, IMO) is that in those 11 states on Super Tuesday, the Republican turnout was much higher than it was in 2012 and the Democrats' turnout was quite a bit lower than it as in 2008, the last time the Democrats had a contest for the Presidential nomination.
FWAAA said:
Jim: Pete cut and pasted a story written by that GOP-controlled media machine called NPR. NPR is a division of Murdoch's media empire, isn't it?

The link was at the top of the OP. Like WorldTraveler, Pete doesn't use the UBB Quote feature when he cuts and pastes words written by others. The OP had no Pete-written words in it - it was 100% cut and pasted by Pete of an NPR story.

The point of the article wasn't that Republicans had larger actual numbers of voters than did the Democrats; the point NPR made (rather successfully, IMO) is that in those 11 states on Super Tuesday, the Republican turnout was much higher than it was in 2012 and the Democrats' turnout was quite a bit lower. In 2012, the Dems were not selecting a Presidential candidate - this year they are - so why was Democrat turnout lower?
Yep exactly, yet the trigger happy, got all trigger happy. And came out looking foolish. Again.