Here''s a lift for U...see ya at the pub!!
Proposed new air routes welcomed
03/12/2002 - 7:24:51 pm
Tourism Ireland has welcomed a proposed new direct flight service from Philadelphia to Dublin and Shannon.
The routes were announced today by US Airways.
Tourism Ireland said they hoped the news would boost their marketing efforts in the US next year.
They undertook a major marketing drive in the US last month with the Minister for Arts, Sport & Tourism, John O''Donoghue.
Since the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US, transatlantic access to Ireland has been substantially reduced.
This new service together with the reinstatement of the Aer Lingus Baltimore to Dublin and Shannon service in 2003, bodes well for a recovery in the North America market next year.
The significance of the North American market is based on the fact that it is the highest yielding in terms of consumer spend, and is of vital importance to many sectors of the industry including serviced accommodation, car rental and regional tourism enterprises.
Proposed new air routes welcomed
03/12/2002 - 7:24:51 pm
Tourism Ireland has welcomed a proposed new direct flight service from Philadelphia to Dublin and Shannon.
The routes were announced today by US Airways.
Tourism Ireland said they hoped the news would boost their marketing efforts in the US next year.
They undertook a major marketing drive in the US last month with the Minister for Arts, Sport & Tourism, John O''Donoghue.
Since the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US, transatlantic access to Ireland has been substantially reduced.
This new service together with the reinstatement of the Aer Lingus Baltimore to Dublin and Shannon service in 2003, bodes well for a recovery in the North America market next year.
The significance of the North American market is based on the fact that it is the highest yielding in terms of consumer spend, and is of vital importance to many sectors of the industry including serviced accommodation, car rental and regional tourism enterprises.