Isn't This An Oxymoron?

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teddy must have hit a nerve somewhere along the line,or these fine young swine wouldn't be giving her the time of day.
maybe they quake with the realization of what she represents.
maybe they quake for fear of PIT voting NO.
crazyincanton said:
I am a 21 year f/a based in Pit the whole time. Teddy is the first rep we have had that has had any balls. The reason management doesn't like her is because she is not rolling over for them. Their credibility is gone and now they are going to stoop to questioning her character and motives? This shows you the type of leaders we have at u.
Yes, I am willing to put my job and career on the line this time. Management has done absolutely nothing with the $1billion + givebacks we gave them. And now they are back for more? Where is the plan besides concessions? Where is the revenue-generating plan?
Isn't it funny how during the first two cincessions that they wanted everyone at wn's wages? Now we are being compared with the jetblues and airtrans. I will not work for those wages. Will I be out of a job? Maybe. Will I still have bills to pay? Absolutely. But you know what? Sometimes you have to stand up for what is right. I won't be the first person to ever stand in the unemployment line and I won't be the last. Because this job is not worth a penny less than I am gettting now. If managemnt thinks that Teddy doesn't have a following they are so wrong. Everyone that I speak with on my trips are so glad that we have someone willing to go toe to toe with them. Even the f/a's in the other bases know that Teddy has our interest at heart. This is not an ego trip for Teddy. This is about professionalism, dignity, and standing up for what you believe in. If u ceases to exist because management wants to keep hammering the employees instead of tryin to run the company, then so be it.


Thats interesting, as most FAs I hear from on the line have 180 degree attitude from yours...Do you read the newspaper and have a view of the big picture out there?

Your choice will be no job as an FA, starting over in some other line of work, or modifications to what we all have now. Do the math, my guess is your choice would be far better to work things out here.

I don't care if you have a degree or not. Go out and try and use it now, maybe you will realize what you have when you do. What is your personal plan B?
I dont get that either. I think the problem is here that some feel this airline is the only one with these very same issues. If that were the case, one could argue that indeed its ok to have this view. The fact is, this problem we have is not unique to US ! Its across the board with the LCCs. Not only that , but the job market period is horrible. I dont say that as a way to get people to change their minds, just making sure reality plays a role in peoples thoughts and minds. I along with everyone is discouraged and angry. My anger is directed in the area it should be directed towards, The Bush Administration and of course terrorists. Our management is by no means perfect, but are handling our crisis, ( which they didnt create) the best a management team could possibly handle it. Have they made mistakes? SURE! The alternative when looked at closely however, isnt something many want to happen. Team work at this point and time is the only thing that will save this airline. Plain and simple. The divisions in our company has shattered us. Despite this management, we need to work together for a common goal. SURVIVAL!

I agree completely... she is well known and respected in the other bases.

Are you 21 now? I had figured there were barely any F/As under 30 left. With the most junior F/A having Sept. 1999 seniority, if you were active it would have you starting at the age of 16!?! I'm just curious, being a youngster myself. :)
Light Years said:
Are you 21 now? I had figured there were barely any F/As under 30 left. With the most junior F/A having Sept. 1999 seniority, if you were active it would have you starting at the age of 16!?! I'm just curious, being a youngster myself. :)
I think they mean 21 years SENIORITY! The only 21 year olds I know of are maybe the Express newhires with 03 seniority dates! :p
MY BAD!!!!

I went back and read more closely and sure enough its 21 years of seniority! Again, canton, great post.

UseYourHead, I'm not sure what flight attendants you're talking to. Teddy has the respect of f/as of all seniorities. Unlike some, she is very mindful of issues faced by blockholders, reserves both senior and junior and the furloughed/MidAtlantic F/As. She understands our issues and thier implications on our profession and on other airline employees, and vice versa.

She sees the big picture all too clearly, and sees how they would love to pit us all against each other. I've even had flight attendants from other AFA airlines ask about her, saying they wish they had someone who has little concern for in-union politics and backstabbing and alot of concern for the welfare of the US Airways flight attendant group.
Although I often disagree with Teddy's views, I have nothing but the utmost respect for her standing up for what she believes in. In speaking with F/A's throughout the system anonymously, I would estimate that she has the support of about 80 to 85 percent of the rank and file.

If I were a union employee I would certainly want Teddy to be my voice and advocate.

That being said, I think there are unpleasant changes on the horizon--but like I indicated in another post, I think the ball is in management's court at this time to make other necessary changes BEFORE they can even think of coming back to labor for anything other than workrule changes.

I am but a lowly passenger (albeit a loyal and frequent one), but I think management has an obligation to do the right thing here and fix what they can without coming back to the rank and file with their hands out.

Despite that there is NO acceptable reason for any of the personal attacks I have read on these boards of late. We can all agree to disagree, but we cannot let our bitterness and narrowmindedness get in the way of seeing the big picture.

My best wishes to you all.....
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