Jones Wins, Good Prevails In The End (moore, bannon and trump lose)

Also... as of right now, Jones still hasn't received 50% of the vote per the AL SecState website. That might shift as more ballots get counted, but under AL law, not getting to 50% may wind up forcing a runoff...

I guess once the vote is certified, my question about the runoff will be answered.

The fact is that as of the last time I checked, Jones was still short of having 50%, and in a race where two people are on the ballot, that might not be good enough to certify the result depending on how you read the statutes.

E is the pompous expert on the matter.
Feel free to read the statutes for yourself, Doggystyle. I said "may" based on how they're written.
Burden of proof and Innocent until proven guilty apply only in court trials. Those are not societal end stops.

Guilty until proven innocent may be a pillar of liberalism or what you believe in, but I'd wager most people would subscribe to both a reasonable burden of proof and innocent until proven otherwise in most aspects of their lives.

You've turned into a bitter old man, Jim. #sad!
Guilty until proven innocent may be a pillar of liberalism or what you believe in, but I'd wager most people would subscribe to both a reasonable burden of proof and innocent until proven otherwise in most aspects of their lives.

You've turned into a bitter old man, Jim. #sad!

Don't look now, and I hate to dredge up ancient history, but we learned from the best. Ken Starr was impaneled in 1994 to investigate a real estate deal in Arkansas in the late 70's. NOthing was found, but by God, Clinton was guilty of there was investigation into a travel office scandal. Nope...nothing there. Well hell...we KNOW he's up to something, so we'll investigate a "murder" of Vince Foster. Nope. Finally, we GOT him for lying about a blowjob from a consenting adult who was 8 years old and 3,000 miles away when Whitewater went down.

Fast forward a few decades and we had email investigations. A LOT of email investigations. Although the investigations found nothing, for some reason "Lock her up" became a campaign rally chant. Apparently guilty until proven innocent is not just the province of the left.
That's where burden of proof comes into play.

You have a mountain of evidence on the email issue, and now there's the possibility there may have been some further collusion on the part of the Obama FBI and Justice Department to make sure that she was never charged.

With Moore, you have one accusation where the facts didn't quite line up on cursory scrutiny, a forged yearbook and some local folklore from Jim's kinfolk.

Sorry if you don't see the difference.

It's sort of like the blue dress versus Duke Lacrosse. One is pretty much irrefutable in terms of its existence, and the other couldn't be proven nor disproven.
That's where burden of proof comes into play.

You have a mountain of evidence on the email issue, and now there's the possibility there may have been some further collusion on the part of the Obama FBI and Justice Department to make sure that she was never charged.

With Moore, you have one accusation where the facts didn't quite line up on cursory scrutiny, a forged yearbook and some local folklore from Jim's kinfolk.

Sorry if you don't see the difference.

It's sort of like the blue dress versus Duke Lacrosse. One is pretty much irrefutable in terms of its existence, and the other couldn't be proven nor disproven.

The difference I see is that when it comes to guilty until proven innocent, republicans adopt the mantra of "if at first your don't succeed, try, try again". How many email investigations were there? There may have been a "mountain of evidence" in the email issue, but if that evidence was strong enough, it should have ended with one investigation...not umpteen investigations.

Glad you brought up the blue dress....I am getting older and may have missed your reply, but what did the blue dress have to do with an investigation into a real estate deal in Arkansas that occurred when the wearer of the dress was 9 years old and 3,000 miles away? If at first you don't succeed......
The difference I see is that when it comes to guilty until proven innocent, republicans adopt the mantra of "if at first your don't succeed, try, try again". How many email investigations were there? There may have been a "mountain of evidence" in the email issue, but if that evidence was strong enough, it should have ended with one investigation...not umpteen investigations.

Glad you brought up the blue dress....I am getting older and may have missed your reply, but what did the blue dress have to do with an investigation into a real estate deal in Arkansas that occurred when the wearer of the dress was 9 years old and 3,000 miles away? If at first you don't succeed......

Go Alinsky- "the end justifies the means".

I see continual whining about email investigations, the thing that made that happen was Hillary thinking she was smarter than Trey Gowdy and his committee. Even wikileaks emails showed HRC's staff wondering, John Podesta for one, wondering WTF she was doing.

So Hillary pulled a Humpty Dumpty by her own hand and suffered the consequences of being the smartest one in the room.

And that's that.
Go Alinsky- "the end justifies the means".

I see continual whining about email investigations, the thing that made that happen was Hillary thinking she was smarter than Trey Gowdy and his committee. Even wikileaks emails showed HRC's staff wondering, John Podesta for one, wondering WTF she was doing.

So Hillary pulled a Humpty Dumpty by her own hand and suffered the consequences of being the smartest one in the room.

And that's that.

I'm not whining about an email investigation....I do have concerns about investigations. This is the republican way. It goes back to Whitewater. They found nothing, but they continued to "investigate" damn near anything - no matter how farfetched (Vince Fosters "murder"). Finally they got him by investigating a blowjob by an intern.

Given that the right has loved to trot out the name of a guy who died 45 years ago and paint him as evil incarnate - it seems they were bigger followers than Obama.
I'm not whining about an email investigation....I do have concerns about investigations. This is the republican way. It goes back to Whitewater. They found nothing, but they continued to "investigate" damn near anything - no matter how farfetched (Vince Fosters "murder"). Finally they got him by investigating a blowjob by an intern.

Given that the right has loved to trot out the name of a guy who died 45 years ago and paint him as evil incarnate - it seems they were bigger followers than Obama.

Left never investigates the left.
Left never investigates the left.

But right complains about a single investigation. Right has also not learned what they taught the left. Give the dear leader enough leeway when he twits and he may well find himself testifying about puzzy grabbing.