LAX Maintenance Town Hall 2/24/15

NYer said:
This whole thread is hilarious.
The contradictions in arguments is amazing. When you guys talk about the CBA's, it always comes down to being manipulated by the International, other Presidents and even the NMB. All the contract votes are rigged and "scare tactics" are used to force everyone into acceptance. spend months arguing the Association should be voted on and the process needs to be more democratic.
Make up your minds....either the TWU & NMB are in cahoots and anything that comes out of there is rigged OR the TWU & NMB are not in cahoots and you believe a vote would be representative of the feelings from the AMT's. 
"either"...."or".....not "and"
Yeah, try that old tried and true technique of attempting to make anybody who brings up facts about how corrupt the TWU, Company, and the NMB are, seem like they are reporting they saw a Sasquatch or UFO. Weak, very weak.  There is no contradiction, allow the membership to vote on the association.  Look, there is no way in hell -that you, an alleged baggage handler from NY are going to influence any AMTs one way or another.  Why spin your wheels on this topic, unless you are; as I suspect, an International plant on this BB.