Less than appropriate info left in company mailfolder ref current CWA upcoming vote.....


Aug 20, 2002
It's sad to gain votes,for upcoming CWA election- one would trash another US employee..thought this was distasteful, as did most of my coworkers...keep the trash out of our mailboxes...only informative info please....
On 9/3/2002 5:52:26 PM

It's sad to gain votes,for upcoming CWA election- one would trash another US employee..thought this was distasteful, as did most of my coworkers...keep the trash out of our mailboxes...only informative info please....

Help those that were off today..... What did the letter say?????? [8)]
It's really a sad thing when a person has to put someone else down to gain glory for themselves. And to top it off the ENTIRE FACTS were not listed. If anyone believes that without finding out the WHOLE STORY that will be very sad! IF you have any question please call the local CWA and find out the REAL TRUTH! If one takes bits and pieces of a story they can make anyone sound good! Before you vote please look at the WHOLE PICTURE!