Lets Be Fair Bill

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Aug 29, 2002
Seems to me that there is a little favoritism on this board! BillLumbergh seems to cut off AntiBush posts but lets the anti Kerry people spew there dribble on this forum. That's right Bill. You let the Bush people babble on but as soon as the supporters of Kerry retract you say "Politics can be discussed in the Just Conversation forum. " (Edwards Vp, Saw plane in PIT hgr.) Why then do you let unlimited posts continue on when a large number of them get more off track of the subject than some of the posts you close down. Moderators are supposed to be neutral but I know who you are voting for in November! Go ahead and kick me off Bill! This post probably won't last long. And while I am at it the Bush supporters say that John Edwards in inexperienced. Tell me how experienced was George Bush before he was GIVEN the Presidents job?! I can't wait until the debates because people are going to find out just how articulate GW really is. Take his script away and he is lost for words or is elementary in his responses. God help us if GW gets another 4 years. For get about the bill of rights. This administration has undone many,many years of building of rights for the American People in just 4 years. Bend over if he gets handed the election again.
I'm not Bill.
I'm not voting for GW.
This thread is still off topic for USAviation.
Moderators are not here 24/7 so yes, sometimes things do get a little carried away before one of us logs in and catches things, sorry, but we have to work too.
You can discuss politics all you want in the Just Conversation forum and neither Bill nor I will move it. Have at it.
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