Libya Coverup -- Who gets thrown under the bus? Hillary or Barack?


Jul 23, 2003
On September 11, 2012, four Americans died in Libya at the hands of terrorists, and it wasn't a surprise.

It's a fact that security staffing was reduced on September 1, and that the late Ambassador Stevens had requested that the security levels be maintained where they were prior to the reduction...

It's a fact that embassy staff knew and communicated they were at high risk, yet security wasn't increased.

It's now coming out that State knew the morning after the event it was a planned attack, yet for a week, representatives of State, The White House, Obama himself, and even the Obama Campaign blamed this on a video trailer...

With all flow information continuing to come out about the coverup, denial, lying about how our ambassador was murdered, it's now a legitimate question of who gets held accountable for this, and what the ramifications are.

We know who won't allow themselves to be thrown under the bus --- the Pentagon and CIA. Pentagon doesn't determine embassy security, nor does CIA. I suspect that a lot of the information that will eventually hang this on the politicians is coming from the military and intelligence communities --- they tend to take things like, oh, defending human life, seriously.... They're also largely career professionals, and not political appointees.

Assume Hillary is held responsible.... At this point, she should probably resign. It's already likely her term as SecState will be forever tainted by this. State owns the security for our embassies and consulates. But, I don't see her falling on her sword. She knows she's done as SecState if Obama loses, and she's already hinted at not serving in a second term. There's no need for her to resign right now.

Regardless, there are folks like Bears who are convinced that Hillary will be able to over come anything and run in 2016. I'm not so sure. Opponents will be able to say "Hillary didn't listen, and people died".

Assume Barack is held responsible.... It's by far his biggest foreign policy blunder... The campaign can't continue to use the "GM survived, Osama died" tag-line without someone adding "So did Amabassador Stevens and three Americans".

He knows he can't throw Hillary under the bus, because it potentially poisons the well for the factions in the party who are allegiant to the Clintons over Obama. I don't see Bill or Hillary ever publicly saying "Don't Vote, because Obama F**** Us", but there certainly are other ways to send that message to the faithful.

Regardless, someone needs to be held accountable and responsible. This isn't going away.

And it won't go away in 2016, either.
tough spot for Barry, as you say hard for him to toss Hillary under the bus but ultimately he may have to as we all know it is never Barrys fault
tough spot for Barry, as you say hard for him to toss Hillary under the bus but ultimately he may have to as we all know it is never Barrys fault

Yeah, especially with those tree trunk legs and giant Caboose.
One of the deceased Navy SEALS mother has been very clear in telling Romney, politicizing her son's death is inappropriate.

Assholes will disagree with her.
One of the deceased Navy SEALS mother has been very clear in telling Romney, politicizing her son's death is inappropriate.

Assholes will disagree with her.

Save your BREATH.
Of Course your correct, and So is Mrs. Daugherty (about her sons death).
But in the GOP, NEOCONS are NEVER wrong, like the 3000+ dead soldiers killed in Iraq, because of WMD.
Just today I was thinking about poor Colin Powell making a Giant ASSS out of himself, as he was speaking at the UN. In his wildest dreams he NEVER (at the time ) thought ol' Dirty DICK was using him.
#1 You denounce the GOP for something they haven't even been accused of..........aka politicizing a Seals death !
#2 Then turn around and politicize the soldiers killed in Iraq !
#3 The only reason it's "Poor" Colin Powell, in your book, is because he is a Barrack Supporter!

Look up the word hypocrite and see if it describes someone you know !
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As I suspected, liberals will deflect, and not address the issue...

Hundreds of mentions of Elmo and Big Bird by the Obama campaign in the past week, yet not a peep or a tickle about Libya.

With the assassination of the head of security for our Embassy in Yemen today, perhaps it will become too big to keep ignoring....

At least some of the MSM is actually covering the cover-up now. Can't wait to see if it is addressed tonight. Hope Mitt brings the chainsaw again next week. Even a liberal moderator can't ignore Libya during a foreign policy debate...
Hillary did not hint. She flat out said she wont do a second term last year.

Besides, Bush ignored warnings of 9/11 and was re elected.

Libya pales in comparison

that's not even a good job of spinning

the Vaughn family who's Navy Seal son was killed doesnt seem share your adulation for Barry
How would you know?

Fact is not spin

Talk about putting words in other peoples mouths

... And spinning. Poor attempt on your part rat. Shame on you. There wasnt even a hint of adulation of anyone in my post.
If the President is going to brag about killing bin Laden on the campaign trail he should also own up to lying to the american people about Libya and being responsible for an ambassador and 3 others dying on his watch,

If you have proof Bush knew the attacks on 9/11 were going to happen you should come forward.

But at any rate Bush isn't running for reelection Obama is and he has a pretty piss poor record to run on.
If you want to be like him and go back andwhine Bush did this and Bush did that, well that is your business.

The bottom line is the last 4 years are Obama's weather he wants to own them or not.
Again Einstien, never mentioned Obama.

But here is a link that you asked for. Dont know if it is at your reading comprehension. But we will try any way.