Morale At Us Airways


May 22, 2004

Low morale afflicts US Airways workers
Concessions keep them flying but unhappy
Claudia H. Deutsch, New York Times

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

It is a management truism that low morale among workers inevitably results in low productivity, low quality, erosion of customer loyalty and, ultimately, lower profits.

And US Airways employees, who have seen their pay cut by more than 20 percent and their health insurance and pension plans shrink, are certainly an unhappy lot.

"People are still giving 110 percent, but they are being totally beaten down," said Francis Smith, 53, a 24-year employee who handles spare-parts inventories in Pittsburgh.

Even if they were slouching on the job, would it matter? These days, passengers are more likely to comb the Internet for cheap, convenient flights than to patronize a favorite airline. Thus, if smiling employees and squeaky- clean planes no longer woo repeat business, would scowling employees and dirty planes drive it away?

"I'm not sure that employee morale is so important anymore," said Timothy Ghriskey, chief investment officer of Solaris Asset Management. "Air travel has become a commodity, and passengers make their decisions on who's got the cheapest fare, not on whose employees are the friendliest."

Still, management experts say the miasma of gloom will probably take a toll, not just at US Airways, but at Delta, United and most other airlines.

"Passengers can sense the attitudes, the emotion, the stress, and it carries over to their tangible impression of the company," said John Kasarda, a professor of management who specializes in airlines at the Kenan-Flagler Business School of the University of North Carolina.

The biggest question for US Airways is whether it can overcome the bad morale before the bad morale helps do it in. Company executives say they are taking steps that will improve working conditions and profitability.

For now, the airline seems to be hanging on. On a recent Monday afternoon, for example, Barry Levy flew the US Airways shuttle from Boston to La Guardia in New York. The flight, he said, was remarkable for being unremarkable. It took off on time, flight attendants were pleasant, and customer service representatives in New York helped him book a contingency return flight on Delta in case he missed the last shuttle home.

Indeed, US Airways employees seem almost proud that they are keeping their personal woes from the outside world. Dianne Fogarty, a US Airways flight attendant with 33 years of service, has lost pay and vacation days and said she was resentful that, in her view, management sees her as only a dollar sign. Nonetheless, she said, "they will not take my work ethic, my sense of humor or my smile."

While service may not be slipping, worker productivity may be a thornier issue. It is difficult to quantify -- flight times and schedules are out of employee control, as are delays at congested airports. Still, there is anecdotal evidence that some pilots have slowed their planes and that some employees have been calling in sick more often, either out of anger or a practical desire to use up sick days.

Moreover, pilots, flight attendants and tarmac workers express a mounting anger at a management they say blames employees for the company's woes while it hampers their productivity by scheduling flights that keep them waiting for hours.
and lets not forget that the ceo clown running this ship is very proud and happy that he aint taking a paycut so he collects his 425000 a yr. it is no wonder that this airline is full of unhappy and low moraled employees. gee may be it would be about time for the idiots of ccy to wake up and smell the coffee....then may be again it would never happen as they are too darn busy figuring out how they can continue to screw us the employees even further.
700UW said:
And $60,000 in directors fees too!
Quit worrying about the class-envy crap, and do what you need to do!!! Take charge of your life!!!!! There is life after Usairwys!!!!!!!!! GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!
dont tell me what to do, I will do as I please and get the information out to the public when and how I choose.

I am taking charge of my life and trying to help the others in my work groups.
700UW said:
dont tell me what to do, I will do as I please
WOW, 700.....bitter, bitter!!! tsk....tsk!!! Yea, your helping the membership on the titanic, and there are no more life vests left!!!! LMFAO!! Your a true union GOD, 700!!! Good luck, and.....GOOD DAY!!!!!!
CynicalResAgent said:
Oh I see, when someone steals my wages to benefit themself it is called class envy on my part if I do not like it....thank you for clearing that up.
STEALING your wages???? LOL!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO SOMETHING....LIKE MAYBEY, oh......GETTING ANOTHER JOB!!!!! MOVE ON YOU....... Oh, never don't have a clue. GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
STEALING your wages???? LOL!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO SOMETHING....LIKE MAYBEY, oh......GETTING ANOTHER JOB!!!!! MOVE ON YOU....... Oh, never don't have a clue. GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stick it you know where!

Your ignorant, inflaming posts sound remarkably like a certain aquatic creature roaming the United board; are you related? Separated at birth, maybe?
JetClipper said:

Your ignorant, inflaming posts sound remarkably like a certain aquatic creature roaming the United board; are you related? Separated at birth, maybe?
[post="197934"][/post]​ ALL posters...this response took some real thought!! To answer your stupid query, no, not related to whoever you refer to. After tonight, I'm a FORMER U employee, I dont follow Uniteds' boards. GOOD DAY!!!

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