Must Rides for Commuters


Dec 31, 2002
The company has agreed to provide must rides for those commuting into base. This is for 2/13 and 2/14 at this point and must contact crew scheduling to make arrangements.
Sounds like they're running out of crews, or about to run out.


$4.50 and a "must ride" will get you a cup of coffee.

How many must rides does Southwest have to distribute to provide incentive to crews to fly to max? :huh:
These "must rides" are really not unusual when scheduling gets desperate.

But even "must rides" are of little use when the commuter finds their flight to work has been precancelled due to weather.
If the airplane goes, they have to be on it....

And be careful driving, Bob.

OK who wants to explainf "Must Ride" to me? It sounds self explanatory, But almost NOTHING in the airline biz ever is so please indulge me?
What it means is that if you are a commuter, say from Honolulu to Philly, crew scheduling will give you a must-ride to base. This is the highest priority; they will pull a regular passenger off before you. This is only done when they are obviously totally desperate. I expect them to start calling in inverse seniority to assign soon. The last time that they were in this "state", they called all the way up to thirty years seniority in DCA.
You commute San-Phl?? Good Grief!! To earn what/Yr?? That's a 5+ hr "drive" each way to get to work and back!!



Plus the time in the car to get there, as well as parking and check-in.

AWA had at least one who commutes from Hawaii, a few from South Florida, and one that goes home to South Africa (last I knew) every few months.
Oh, something farfetched like a big winter storm with flights cancelling to bases like DCA, PHL, LGA, BOS, and flights that do operate full with the passengers from the xcl'd flights and commuters can't get to work. And there's not enough reserves to work all the uncovered flights.

You commute San-Phl?? Good Grief!! To earn what/Yr?? That's a 5+ hr "drive" each way to get to work and back!!


Yes it is. But, I work 12 days a month and commute only twice and 4 of those days I'm sight seeing in awesome places like Paris.
It's "those" kind of commuters from the west coast that I couldn't see going to PHX to fly the west coast cities. I know I wouldn't. I hated the commute because I was on reserve. It's a whole different world being a commuter on reserves versus blockholder. I miss my Paris and the division. Not only were they offering must rides but they were calling f/a's like ME on their days off to work. I'm north of Philly in almost 2feet of snow. Why on earth would I go to work on my days off when I have 22 hours for the month? Pay me OVER my guarantee and I'd be there. Well, once the snow plow arrived today to get my car out.
Is that what those green passes are? they were waiving those suckers around yesterday.

Oh, yeah, I was at the airport for 16 freaking hours yesterday and the last flight finally canceled because the crew timed the freaking airline didn't know it was going to happen...and then get this...they said, OH, BLAME THE GOVERNMENT, THEY MAKE THE RULES AND WE JUST FOLLOW THEM. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: are you freaking kidding me????? What about all the RSV's that aren't making minimum hours...they couldn't have called someone in? It's not like there aren't people who want to work and it isn't like they didn't know it was going to happen. The planning yesterday was HORRENDOUS. OK, i have to stop now or I will go on for 6 pages.