New AA Union Drive

Any timeline from AMP when they are going to count the cards and have an election?

After 2+ years of negotiating the TWU came up with nothing better then what AA was GIVING the agents. I no longer think the TWU can represent us, in these new times of mechs knowing what is going on. My only fear is that AMP will sacrifice the line stations for TUL life style.

I would think a more militant(ala AMFA)AMP representation(& members!) would hold firm to there demands. Then the company would start looking at ways to gain MORE outsourcing from OH and component OH to vendors. They can not afford to give the line guys what they want and retain all OH at rates those guys are looking for as well. Can't do it-and remain semi competitive with the competition.

Of course, the TWU won't fight for the AMT money and benes(nor will they strike-I don't think-could be surprised here:). Their only concern is headcount=dues revenue. At the expense of the AMT...of course. How any AMT with any time at all in this business can get behind these worthless unions, is beyond me.
If you notice all the carriers paying a good wage/bene pkg across the'll notice they are all healthy carriers.The industry leaders are easy to indentify. UPS, FDX, WN.
All 3 carriers are well oiled machines and have STRONG balance sheets(you could probably throw Boeing in there...we could've done better for the AMTs, but the IAM ain't gonna fight for know..."a loaf of bread costs the same for everybody brother". Boeing could pay us AMTs $50/hr and never miss it).

Which I've concluded(in my mind)...the value of the contract won at a company is in direct proportion to the companies health and profitablility. Think about it.
Your absolutely right. An even harder line means we lose our jobs to third world countries. We really need to start thinking beyond next week's paycheck if we want to have any real job security.
Your absolutely right. An even harder line means we lose our jobs to third world countries. We really need to start thinking beyond next week's paycheck if we want to have any real job security.

I'm not real sure the capacity to take in AA's heavys is out there in the 3rd MROs, to be honest. AA could be a predicament too.
Unless...AMR sells the TULE base with the agreement the buyers are to do there heavy maintenance. Which is what most of TULE mechanics are scared to death over right now

I mean, man at some point ya gotta say enough. They just keep taking and taking...
So just roll over and vote yes? You have got to be kidding me. Are you an AMT?
Voting no said that the mechanic and related did not like the T/A. Two to one of the membership spoke out loudly to reject the TA. We of the TWU at AA must tend to this emaciated pig before we take it to market. I say that Carty was happy with the contract of 2001; he used it as bait to put the company in bad financial straits. Of course the unions had to make the concessions to right the ship or face bankruptcy that would have weakened our union. Restructuring was the way to save as many union jobs as possible. I do believe that to be true. We are the company’s biggest debt, ask any VP. We have proven to be more innovative and more productive. That must be recognized by the company. We need a fair and just contract. I leave that to our negotiators hands so that we the membership can later vote to accept or reject. We don’t need amfa trying to divide at a time when unity and solidarity is our only hope.
Voting no said that the mechanic and related did not like the T/A. Two to one of the membership spoke out loudly to reject the TA. We of the TWU at AA must tend to this emaciated pig before we take it to market. I say that Carty was happy with the contract of 2001; he used it as bait to put the company in bad financial straits. Of course the unions had to make the concessions to right the ship or face bankruptcy that would have weakened our union. Restructuring was the way to save as many union jobs as possible. I do believe that to be true. We are the company’s biggest debt, ask any VP. We have proven to be more innovative and more productive. That must be recognized by the company. We need a fair and just contract. I leave that to our negotiators hands so that we the membership can later vote to accept or reject. We don’t need amfa trying to divide at a time when unity and solidarity is our only hope.

I question the wisdom of changing representation midstream in negotiations too.
But...why does this ALWAYS take place at negotiation time at AA? I mean...doesn't the TWU do a bad enough job all the previous/post contract time to warrant a card drive to punt them? I wouldn't think it would take too much to gather support to get rid of the TWU at just about any point outside of God.

What more does the TWU need to do to you guys??
I question the wisdom of changing representation midstream in negotiations too.
But...why does this ALWAYS take place at negotiation time at AA? I mean...doesn't the TWU do a bad enough job all the previous/post contract time to warrant a card drive to punt them? I wouldn't think it would take too much to gather support to get rid of the TWU at just about any point outside of God.

What more does the TWU need to do to you guys??

It is funny you guys keep saying this is the wrong time but let me remind you that the only decent contract the TWU has brought back in the last 25 years was in 2001 right smack in the middle of a card drive, to throw their sorry asses off the property. 83 b scale 89 c scale pay for your benifits 95 srp/osm and 6.5 percent over 6 years 2003 well no need to say anything and 2010 t/a was brought to you with no card drive so ask yourself do you really want us to go away?


The question you should be asking yourself is do I have any representation?
Is there any plan to publish card counts? It might be tipping your hand a bit, but also might be a motivator for fence sitters.

If I'm at AFW, and see that 50% of my co-workers signed a card, I might start asking why I haven't...
It is funny you guys keep saying this is the wrong time but let me remind you that the only decent contract the TWU has brought back in the last 25 years was in 2001 right smack in the middle of a card drive, to throw their sorry asses off the property. 83 b scale 89 c scale pay for your benifits 95 srp/osm and 6.5 percent over 6 years 2003 well no need to say anything and 2010 t/a was brought to you with no card drive so ask yourself do you really want us to go away?


The question you should be asking yourself is do I have any representation?
The following is a letter sent to the labor union leaders at UAL from O.V.Dell-Femine the National Director of AMFA. There is no evidence of strength of skill over the strength of numbers. AMFA was not paving the way to respect and recognition for its members as one reads this letter. AMFA was groveling for help in a fight that they were in by themselves. This association was pleading for help. All the militancy AMFA touted had been relegated by them to be part of the unified coalition of labor that AMFA so vehemently abhors. Independent Union doesn’t promote unity, solidarity or strength. AMP or AMFA call it what you will. They are one in the same.

December 2, 2004
Captain Mark Bathhurst UAL-ALPA-MEC Chairman, Mr. Greg Davidovich UAL MEC Chairman, Mr. Michael Aidan Senior Union Representative IFPTE, Mr. Randy Canale President & Directing General Chairman District 141 IAM-AW-AFL-CIO, Mr. Paul Briggs President PAFCA-UAL, Mr. James C. Little Int’l executive Vice President TWU Air Transport Division
”Dear Captain Bathhurst, and Messers. Canale, Davidovich, Briggs, Aidan, and Little:
In the spirit of cooperation and joint communication for the betterment of all the union represented employees, we therefore suggest and request that we meet and discuss strategy. We must show a united position before the company.
We should leave our different philosophies outside and only dwell on the issues that are confronting our members.
We await your reply

O.V. Delle-Femine”
The following is a letter sent to the labor union leaders at UAL from O.V.Dell-Femine the National Director of AMFA. There is no evidence of strength of skill over the strength of numbers. AMFA was not paving the way to respect and recognition for its members as one reads this letter. AMFA was groveling for help in a fight that they were in by themselves. This association was pleading for help. All the militancy AMFA touted had been relegated by them to be part of the unified coalition of labor that AMFA so vehemently abhors. Independent Union doesn’t promote unity, solidarity or strength. AMP or AMFA call it what you will. They are one in the same.

December 2, 2004
Captain Mark Bathhurst UAL-ALPA-MEC Chairman, Mr. Greg Davidovich UAL MEC Chairman, Mr. Michael Aidan Senior Union Representative IFPTE, Mr. Randy Canale President & Directing General Chairman District 141 IAM-AW-AFL-CIO, Mr. Paul Briggs President PAFCA-UAL, Mr. James C. Little Int’l executive Vice President TWU Air Transport Division
”Dear Captain Bathhurst, and Messers. Canale, Davidovich, Briggs, Aidan, and Little:
In the spirit of cooperation and joint communication for the betterment of all the union represented employees, we therefore suggest and request that we meet and discuss strategy. We must show a united position before the company.
We should leave our different philosophies outside and only dwell on the issues that are confronting our members.
We await your reply

O.V. Delle-Femine”

Once again when someone post your record the only thing you can say is look over there at AMFA they were the cause of it all, please pubilish some letters from the Twu at Eastern or Pan Am in their final years. tell us why after 7 years of concessions all you could bring back was another concession. call on all members to sign cards and vote i am sure you think you side will win after all the Twu has done its best right.

One last thing the members know that the only hope of getting a good contract is to threaten the Twu i would suggest less time on the internet and more time on the contract. by the way as soon as you get a letter from the APA saying whatever it is you want them to say put it out it want make any difference either.

Keep up the good work E.K.
Since AA always drags their feet in negotiations and we've been "negotiating" for 2 years, it's kind of always during negotiations.... :blink:

I hear ya(and btw, I'm not at AA anymore, but am looking to come back eventually)....again...hasn't the TWU shown you guys enough they are not going to get it done for the AMT? Just threatening them at contract time and making them "sit up staright and do there jobs"(try to)at negotiation time...wouldn't cut it for me. I'd be ALL for punting that bunch in the middle of a new, or right after (another)BS contract.
I've been watching this for the last 10 yrs or so.

I guess just wondering out loud...
It is funny you guys keep saying this is the wrong time but let me remind you that the only decent contract the TWU has brought back in the last 25 years was in 2001 right smack in the middle of a card drive, to throw their sorry asses off the property. 83 b scale 89 c scale pay for your benifits 95 srp/osm and 6.5 percent over 6 years 2003 well no need to say anything and 2010 t/a was brought to you with no card drive so ask yourself do you really want us to go away?


The question you should be asking yourself is do I have any representation?

Well...again I'm not in AA now(but am looking to come back-I know...glutton for punishment :)
The answer of course is no...of course the AMTs at AA don't have any real representation. It's just ever since I've been paying attention to the situation at American(at least 10 yrs ow), the AMTs get there backs up at negotiation time. I guess my question is...does it take another concession to wake the AA AMTs up to the fact they need to change representation?
What about all the time/opportunity to punt them-other than smack in the middle of negotiations??