New member in need of advice


May 22, 2009
Hello everybody. Im new to this forum and just had a few questions on a situation i have. Im currently a college student and going to be getting my bachelors degree in accounting in 2 years. Ive really wanted to fly since i was a kid but never had anytime with school and work (including summer school the passed 2 summers). Ive taken one discovery flight over a year ago so i have 1 hour logged but have not been in a plane since then.

My question to whoever wants to answer is when did you guys start your training and whether you were in school and working while training. What i don't want happening is me getting my degree and ending up having to start training from scratch after. I want to have my CFI certificate by the time i get my degree. But what i also do not want happening is starting now and then stopping and then picking training back up later. I know everybody has their own way of learning and whether i can handle juggling three different things is possible for me but i just wanted to here some other peoples stories on how they went through their training and how long it took them from start to their CPL.

Any other advice would be great also :)
My question to whoever wants to answer is when did you guys start your training and whether you were in school and working while training.

Given my age this will probably be a little different than most of the answers you get...

I was in college working toward an engineering degree when my draft number hit the jackpot and the draft notice arrived. After some soul seaching due to this being at the height of the Vietman war, I decided that enlisting in the Air Force for 4 years was a better option than being drafted into the Army for two. I began flight training at my last assignment before getting out of the Air Force - the base I was assigned to at that time had an aero club which offered flight instruction - and had several hours of solo time when I left military service behind. I then attended a part 141 flight school (Embry-Riddle) thanks to the GI bill as well as working and completed my training through CFI.

I'd say that if you want to pursue aviation you have basically two choices - take flying lessons at a local airport while you complete your econics degree at your current school or transfer to a school that offers degrees as well as flight training integrated into the degree. If you haven't found out already, flight training is expensive no matter where you do it. The first option lets you spread out the expense of that training while the second offers the possibility of financial aid, at least for the academic portion.
