News From The Iam Web Site


Aug 20, 2002
Fort Mill, South Carolina
Monday Oct. 6th.

The Machinists Union today took the first step of a legal process by filing a motion for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. The IAM has taken this action to prevent US Airways from subcontracting your jobs and your work to a non-US Airways entity. Our contract clearly provides that we will perform this work whenever and wherever it is performed.

The IAM considers this a major dispute under the Railway Labor Act. We expect to get a hearing before a judge on our motion by the end of the week. We will keep you informed through updates to the District 141-M web site and shop bulletins.

You may rest assured that your Union, the Machinists Union, will vigorously represent all IAM members against this and any ill-advised attempt by US Airways to undermine the collective bargaining process. Additionally, IAM District 141, the Air Line Pilots Association, Association of Flight Attendants, Communications Workers of America and the Transport Workers Union have all pledged their support for any legal actions that may be required.

Thank you for your continued support at this critical time.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Robert Roach, Jr.
General Vice President James Varsel

Airline Coordinator Scotty Ford

President/Directing General Chairman Steve Ebert
General Chairman
IAM District Lodge 141M

William Freiberger
General Chairman

IAM District Lodge 141M Anthony Giammarco
General Chairman

IAM District Lodge 141M David Snyder
General Chairman

IAM District Lodge 141M Tom Regan
IAM District Lodge 141M
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IAM Awaits Judge’s Ruling in US Airways Dispute

October 10, 2003

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The Honorable Robert Cindrich of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania today heard arguments in the dispute between the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) and US Airways over the airline’s plan to subcontract heavy maintenance of its Airbus aircraft. We presented our case in a Pittsburgh, PA courtroom packed with IAM members and supporters from several other AFL-CIO unions.

Attorneys from District 141-M and IAM Headquarters argued that heavy maintenance on all US Airways’ aircraft is required by our contract to be done by IAM-represented US Airways employees wherever and whenever it is performed.

The court ended its business day without rendering a decision. We appreciate that Judge Cindrich is giving this important matter the proper consideration it deserves, and expect a decision early next week. We will update you as soon as a ruling is made.

Thank you for your continued support and professionalism as we await the judge’s decision.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Robert Roach, Jr.
General Vice President

James Varsel
Airline Coordinator

Scotty Ford
President/Directing General Chairman

Steve Ebert
General Chairman
IAM District Lodge 141M

William Freiberger
General Chairman
IAM District Lodge 141M

Anthony Giammarco
General Chairman
IAM District Lodge 141M

David Snyder
General Chairman
IAM District Lodge 141M

Tom Regan
IAM District Lodge 141M