NRA prez calls Obama a fake President


Dec 23, 2009
New NRA President Jim Porter Knocked 'Fake President' Obama
Abby Phillip May 3, 2013, 4:16 PM
The NRA has a new president, Birmingham, Ala., attorney Jim Porter, and he has a knack for firing up a crowd if his old stump speeches are any indication.

Porter, who until this week was first vice president at the NRA and chairman of the group's Legal Affairs Committee, will officially take over for David Keene at the group's annual convention this weekend in Houston. The NRA's executive vice president and CEO, Wayne LaPierre, has headed the organization since 1991, and has become a somewhat controversial but public face of the organization in recent months.

It's no surprise that Porter, whose father was an NRA president in the late 1950s, is well-versed in NRA doctrine, namely protecting 2nd Amendment rights at all costs.

And anyone expecting the NRA to soften on assault weapons would be, well, deeply disappointed.

Indeed, Porter , 64, has put it in crystal-clear terms: He believes the NRA was founded to teach civilians how to use military-style weapons in the Civil War era.

"That was the very reason they started the national rifle association, was to teach and train the civilian in the use of the standard military firearm," Porter said at the New York Rifle & Pistol Association's Annual Meeting in 2012. "And I am one who still feels very strongly that that is our greatest charges that we could have today is to train the civilian in the use of the standard military firearm, so when they have to fight for their country, they're ready to do it.

"Also when they're ready to fight tyranny, they're ready to do it. Also when they're ready to fight tyranny, they have the wherewithal and the weapons to do it," Porter added.

The video of the meeting was first unearthed by the Education Fund to Stop Gun Violence.

Speaking of a fight, Porter also noted that the Civil War is commonly mislabeled in the North.

"Y'all might call it the Civil War, but we call it 'the war of northern aggression' down South," Porter said.

In that same speech, Porter also made it clear that there's no love lost between the NRA and President Obama, whom he called a "fake president."

"His entire administration is anti-gun, anti-freedom anti-second amendment," Porter said.

And that was before Obama backed a new background checks bill and pushed for an assault weapons ban in Congress.
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He's not a fake President. He's just another politician trying to take advantage of recent tragedies to take firearms away from law abiding citizens.
New NRA President Jim Porter Knocked 'Fake President' Obama
Abby Phillip May 3, 2013, 4:16 PM
The NRA has a new president, Birmingham, Ala., attorney Jim Porter, and he has a knack for firing up a crowd if his old stump speeches are any indication.

Porter, who until this week was first vice president at the NRA and chairman of the group's Legal Affairs Committee, will officially take over for David Keene at the group's annual convention this weekend in Houston. The NRA's executive vice president and CEO, Wayne LaPierre, has headed the organization since 1991, and has become a somewhat controversial but public face of the organization in recent months.

It's no surprise that Porter, whose father was an NRA president in the late 1950s, is well-versed in NRA doctrine, namely protecting 2nd Amendment rights at all costs.

And anyone expecting the NRA to soften on assault weapons would be, well, deeply disappointed.

Indeed, Porter , 64, has put it in crystal-clear terms: He believes the NRA was founded to teach civilians how to use military-style weapons in the Civil War era.

"That was the very reason they started the national rifle association, was to teach and train the civilian in the use of the standard military firearm," Porter said at the New York Rifle & Pistol Association's Annual Meeting in 2012. "And I am one who still feels very strongly that that is our greatest charges that we could have today is to train the civilian in the use of the standard military firearm, so when they have to fight for their country, they're ready to do it.

"Also when they're ready to fight tyranny, they're ready to do it. Also when they're ready to fight tyranny, they have the wherewithal and the weapons to do it," Porter added.

The video of the meeting was first unearthed by the Education Fund to Stop Gun Violence.

Speaking of a fight, Porter also noted that the Civil War is commonly mislabeled in the North.

"Y'all might call it the Civil War, but we call it 'the war of northern aggression' down South," Porter said.

In that same speech, Porter also made it clear that there's no love lost between the NRA and President Obama, whom he called a "fake president."

"His entire administration is anti-gun, anti-freedom anti-second amendment," Porter said.

And that was before Obama backed a new background checks bill and pushed for an assault weapons ban in Congress.

"War of Northern aggression". That's a good one. What a quack.
BTW it's, "The Great War of Northern Aggression". I've heard the phrase and it's usually said in jest/
You'll never get rid of the NRA or private gun ownership.

This is try explaining that to the hoards who rushed out to buy AR15's and 100 round magazines and every other sort of guns and ammo at about 10 times the price because "Obama's going to take our guns".

The NRA has become a joke
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I became a NRA life member as a direct result of the anti-gun hysteria in recent months. It had to do more with freedoms than guns. It's a right I am not going to give up. I'm tired of people like Bloomberg telling me I can't decide on my own what size soft drink I can buy.

I want the government to butt-out of my business and stay out.
I want the government to butt-out of my business and stay out.

Just out of curiostiy, what's your view on abortion and gay marriage? I only ask because many who want the government to butt out of their gun business also seem to want the to define marriage and ban abortion.
Is there something in the constitution concerning abortion
This is try explaining that to the hoards who rushed out to buy AR15's and 100 round magazines and every other sort of guns and ammo at about 10 times the price because "Obama's going to take our guns".

The NRA has become a joke

Err................BaRack has become a joke !
I became a NRA life member as a direct result of the anti-gun hysteria in recent months. It had to do more with freedoms than guns. It's a right I am not going to give up. I'm tired of people like Bloomberg telling me I can't decide on my own what size soft drink I can buy.

I want the government to butt-out of my business and stay out.

Well said snap. "I want the government to butt-out of my business and stay out." Why is such an obviously reasonable and very basic idea so utterly incomprehensible to so many these days?
Well said snap. "I want the government to butt-out of my business and stay out." Why is such an obviously reasonable and very basic idea so utterly incomprehensible to so many these days?

The funny thing is East that it isn't. What me and other libs like me find incomprehensible is that you don't want the government telling you what kind of weaponry you can own...nor do you want them doing a little look see to find out if you are...crazy. Nope...get that goddamn government out of my life. Then you show up at pro life rally because you think abortions should be outlawed and fight hard to get the government to declare that marriage is between one man and one woman.
The funny thing is East that it isn't. What me and other libs like me find incomprehensible is that you don't want the government telling you what kind of weaponry you can own...nor do you want them doing a little look see to find out if you are...crazy. Nope...get that goddamn government out of my life. Then you show up at pro life rally because you think abortions should be outlawed and fight hard to get the government to declare that marriage is between one man and one woman.

BS. If irresponsible and incurably immoral bimbos wish to murder their unborn children then I figure that's tragically, but likely a few less pathetic excuses for human beings to tolerate in the future in this world. If homosexuals wish to pretend they're "married" and take on the legal burdens attendant to that = Who cares? Where I DO care is with an ever-increasingly and wanna-be downright oppresive buch of narcicisstic, meglomanical sociopaths taking over virtually every aspect of what was once a large degree of individual Freedom in this land.

"...nor do you want them doing a little look see to find out if you are...crazy."..? That's "Cute". "them" previously certified myself and a great many others as sufficiently sane to access and/or use even nuclear weapons. Upon returning to just Reserve and civilian life after Desert Storm; "them", by way of the illustrious Lizzy Dole, had royally decreed that all taking an FAA physical must be drug tested. Thus: Immediately upon again donning an airline costume; my concealed USAF carry meant nothing, and I was instead, again subjected to screening just to enter a frikkin' airport. Welcome back to America, now fill this cup and don't dare carry any large nail clippers! ;) You wanna' know who's bat-sh-t crazy? "them" are...and your ilk as well, that so eagerly wish to give "them" yet more power. Sigh! Yeah...that seems "smart" :) Btw: Anyone certify you or your glorious "president" as being even remotely sane lately?...Or ever? ;)