

Aug 20, 2002
The PHL and PIT reps used the roll call procedure to vote on sending out the companies latest proposal. So, that being done and the proposal defeated, we are all forced to explore our options. For the pilots that will soon be out of work, the job market is pitiful. For the mechanics, hopefully your skills are transferable. For the Flight Attendants, I would assume some sort of customer service positions.
This is truely a sad day. I remember when we were the most profitable airline in the country and we were the place to be hired. To all my fellow employees, best of luck.
what retributions would be forth comming from the masses if they did indeed send out a non alpa negotiated pact for a vote?
i'm sure some would sign off while others would be filled with rage.
IAM had the same problem last time....only they sent it out for a vote. (twice) :mf_boff:
looks like the company wants one thing only ......................
delldude said:
what retributions would be forth comming from the masses if they did indeed send out a non alpa negotiated pact for a vote?
i'm sure some would sign off while others would be filled with rage.
IAM had the same problem last time....only they sent it out for a vote. (twice) :mf_boff:
looks like the company wants one thing only ......................

"Th-th-th-that's all, folks!"


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Please investigate the WIA throught the Employment Security Commission in your state. This is a program that may pay your tuition in the event of unemployment. The program will pay for up to two years of training at a community college or help you to finish up the final two years at a four year college if you do not already have a degree. You have to get a degree in a major that will help you to get a job and they very are strict about it. (You have to prove to them that you will be employable after graduation-in other words, if you want to finish up the degree in geology that you never finished twenty years ago, you have to prove that your major is in demand in your community.) Tuition only! No books, parking fees or housing-just tuition, but it helps out so very much. Be prepared to jump through many hoops as you have regular meetings with your advisor at esc to give your attendance records and grades but it is a small price to pay for a future. Go get so catalogues from local colleges and start planning your life sans USAirways.
Hula Girl said:
Please investigate the WIA throught the Employment Security Commission in your state. This is a program that may pay your tuition in the event of unemployment. The program will pay for up to two years of training at a community college or help you to finish up the final two years at a four year college if you do not already have a degree. You have to get a degree in a major that will help you to get a job and they very are strict about it. (You have to prove to them that you will be employable after graduation-in other words, if you want to finish up the degree in geology that you never finished twenty years ago, you have to prove that your major is in demand in your community.) Tuition only! No books, parking fees or housing-just tuition, but it helps out so very much. Be prepared to jump through many hoops as you have regular meetings with your advisor at esc to give your attendance records and grades but it is a small price to pay for a future. Go get so catalogues from local colleges and start planning your life sans USAirways.

Don't be so fast to brush U away. We have some union leaders saying this is all a ploy and the talks will continue, then others who believe U is a gold mine and it's only union breaking. Don't dust off your books just yet, the party is far from over, if you believe these people that is! Me, I sure don’t and have as much faith in them as the management team, zero. Hopeless situation and why I am where I am, gone.
CaptnBud330, everybody should have been looking at options for the past year if not longer. It takes a lot of time to get resumes, cover letters, references, log books, etc., together. I have to tell you I am completely amazed at the lack of action by many pilots I know. You're right though, I wish everyone best of luck.
cavalier said:
Don't be so fast to brush U away. We have some union leaders saying this is all a ploy and the talks will continue, then others who believe U is a gold mine and it's only union breaking. Don't dust off your books just yet, the party is far from over, if you believe these people that is! Me, I sure don’t and have as much faith in them as the management team, zero. Hopeless situation and why I am where I am, gone.

Seems I received a nasty gram as per this post saying I am damaging sensitive employees. I say if the employees are offended by some posters posts then by all mean seek professional help ASAP because your problems go way beyond being a U employee! So before seeking employment, seek mental health so you can keep that job you seek.....Like it's said: Common sense is not too common

FYI___U did provide me with sensitivity training, in fact all kinds of training that amounted to zilch even offered potty training, I declined
Cav, you're just calling it like you see it. If people are offended then I hate to see their reactions when things really start hitting the fan. Be that as it may, this is not the end of the world. There is life after US Airways and damn it, it may be better. Confident people take chances and get new opportunites, those frozen by fear lose opportunities. God, bless us all.
Hula Girl said:
Please investigate the WIA throught the Employment Security Commission in your state. This is a program that may pay your tuition in the event of unemployment. The program will pay for up to two years of training at a community college or help you to finish up the final two years at a four year college if you do not already have a degree. You have to get a degree in a major that will help you to get a job and they very are strict about it. (You have to prove to them that you will be employable after graduation-in other words, if you want to finish up the degree in geology that you never finished twenty years ago, you have to prove that your major is in demand in your community.) Tuition only! No books, parking fees or housing-just tuition, but it helps out so very much. Be prepared to jump through many hoops as you have regular meetings with your advisor at esc to give your attendance records and grades but it is a small price to pay for a future. Go get so catalogues from local colleges and start planning your life sans USAirways.

Also community colleges have a job link office that offers work study, scholarships, and other options.
callgirlcindie said:
Also community colleges have a job link office that offers work study, scholarships, and other options.

Since we are on the subject. . . . .

This I KNOW as I looked into it very recently. You can even be employed and receive educational monies as long as you are not making as much as you were at U.

Help is out there no doubt because they don't want you on the rolls. Look at it like this for an example: You went to work for U because you didn’t have the money for school, after U let you go and because of the industries woes they are now offering money you didn't have back then.

It's up to you, sit around and cry woe is me or go out and do what your parents told you to do 30 plus years ago.
Cav , the only books you and I and other employees are gonna need, is interpretation of BK law.....
usfliboi said:
Cav , the only books you and I and other employees are gonna need, is interpretation of BK law.....

Nay...this doesn't affect me any longer.

Let the neurosurgeons figure out this mess.
This is not over yet and there are still some options that are being explored.


USA320Pilot said:
This is not over yet and there are still some options that are being explored.



On another thread you self-righteously blurted:

USA320Pilot said:
US Airways is now toast. Time to move on...



So. Which is it? I always make plans based on you being incorrect, and now you have me totally confused.