Our Money Wasted!


Aug 30, 2002
How much of OUR money has been wasted and will be wasted on the Airbus farmout court fight and parking of the Airbus jets because Dave did not get his way! :shock: Now he wants more concessions to pay for decisions like these. Anyone out there know how much of OUR money Dave has squandered on lawyer fees so for?
In the company's appeal they are claiming they are losing $43,000 a day per airplane in just lost revenue, so now that there are three planes parked that is $129,000 a day, not including cancelled flights, insurance and lease payments.
usjacket said:
Anyone out there know how much of OUR money Dave has squandered on lawyer fees so for?
You do NOT want to know. It's an absolutely staggering amount. Don't go read this or start researching this if you have a weak stomach. It's infuriating. During last years filings, I came across this tidbit:

Follow the link and scroll down to section {00047}


Attorney Robert Siegel was billing us $600 per hour to consult with CEO David Siegel, and his huge labor busting law firm was paid in the millions of dollars last year alone. Heaven only knows how much is being paid by now.

But you need to give up your pay and benefits! :shock:

The emperor has no clothes! He can't lead!

PineyBob said:
Hat eto tell you this but if he wins, the numbers posted on here will be like beer money. Otherwise why play such a high stakes game of poker where it seems like the other guy has a stronger position?
Vertically challanged Dave apparently is not ego-challanged. That's why this continues.

Bob, I'd take a look at the briefs befoer the 3rd circuit, and tell me which one looks more reasonable.

I'm not a lawyer, but short of a major miracle, CCY is going to lose this one, and lose it large.
ClueByFour said:
Vertically challanged Dave apparently is not ego-challanged. That's why this continues.

Bob, I'd take a look at the briefs befoer the 3rd circuit, and tell me which one looks more reasonable.

I'm not a lawyer, but short of a major miracle, CCY is going to lose this one, and lose it large.

You are most correct about CCY losing big...yet the rate of burn on Piney's beer money is still an obstacle that we can ill afford in current and projective terms.

We are going to win the battle...but winning a war minus having "Serviceable Airbus" assets is going to deepen the long term battle with all the LCC's

It's past time for a change in leadership , habits..and ego driven baffoonery. :angry:

Management will lose again.

That is why they are coming back after all of labor to make up that difference and any court expenditures as well.

Management knows what needs to be done on the non-human end of the equation. They are just seeing how much they can clobber labor again, as this is what most of senior management knows how to do best. Its much less risk for them.

We as labor will stay strong on this. Its a wonder to me that labor has any fight left in them to go after SW. God bless U people. Its hard enough trying to ward off management from punishing you as an employee just because you exist, now we have to muster up strength to fight a huge competitor.

Management needs to start building labor UP not down.

Your right, we will be strong on this. Don't wonder about our ability to fight. We've simply just now found our resolve.

Before the enemy was the economy and the competition. Now we've given enough back, so that they aren't even an issue anymore. Now the enemys are the greedy thieves that are taking our sacrifices to fill their own pockets.

We gave to be competitive; and instead we were taken in a confidence game. IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN.