Phl Pilots Letter


Jan 21, 2004
This was sent to all PHL based pilots by their elected representatives. It perfectly sums up a clear, concise and reasoned response to the incompetence we have been putting up with for years. These men are leaders:

MARCH 29, 2004


With the belief that knowledge is power, we would like to review a few things about the state of the Company and the state of negotiations with the Philadelphia pilots. For a decade, long before the recession of 2002 or the 9/11 events, US Airways had been a downward trending business. Management teams have changed, but their methods have remained tediously the same: reduce costs.

The results have been dismally unsuccessful. The company is smaller, the stock worth less, the customer satisfaction rating flat. Innovation, market growth, and revenue growth have been non-existent. We cannot even list all the failed programs in these areas: Business Select and MetroJet are two.

Similarly, for a decade this MEC has tried to “save the corporation†by consistently taking the hit and giving management the concessions that they threaten, plead, or use Chapter 11 to obtain. One MEC after the next has tried to rally for the corporate good, throw away duty rigs, pay cuts, furloughs, sick policy, ACARS times, and retirement. What have been the results? More jobs, more pay, more benefits? Hardly! There are still members of this MEC that want to go down this same old rocky road.

Therefore the question is, “Should management and this MEC continue to head this company into extinction, or is now the time to break the pattern of failure and try something new?

Management is attempting to face us down with a third round of concessions. The first two rounds lead where? To Siegel’s webcast? Prominent economists are explaining that this past recession’s recovery has been jobless because standard management teams only know how to work the cost side of the equation and they have already squeezed out maximum productivity from labor. Are we not a textbook example of this phenomenon?

Incredibly, Siegel can even articulate what has to be done when he explains Southwest’s success: “(they) give the customer more, charge less, and have better ideas.†If he can articulate the path to success, why does he not implement it? In addition, does not the Chairman and the Board of Directors have some responsibility to push management or get a management team that can attack the revenue side of the equation and leave the dispirited, oppressive cost obsession alone?

The PHL representatives want to know that this pilot group, which is second to none in terms of skill and talent, will be lead by people who are innovators and industry visionaries.

How do we achieve this objective? By giving ever more to the same old paradigm? Or by standing up to this management team and demanding change in the corporate culture. It will not be easy.

In the next few days or weeks you will likely see the “heat†turned up. Our management may refuse to further negotiate the SJ scope issue, threaten themselves with not getting more SJ’s, park aircraft, furlough more, threaten to sell assets, and possibly even sell some assets. This is all part of negotiations. There is no move that the Company will make that can be caused by ALPA not capitulating. The only moves they will make are moves THEY PLANNED TO DO ANYWAY. They WILL attempt to blame any move on the pilot group, much like they blamed the shutdown and liquidation of Midway Airlines on the inability to negotiate a competitive agreement with their pilots. These Midway pilots earned only $38,000 per year flying as captain on the CRJ. Does anyone really believe that these “uncompetitive†salaries actually caused the demise of Midway Airlines? Or was it possibly another case of “let’s blame the pilots?â€

Similarly, does anyone think that immediate capitulation to these latest demands from the Company will forstall any possible fragmentation? Is it possible this Scope agreement may actually enable a quicker fragmentation?

Stay informed, read the newsletters, listen to the Code-A-Phone, and contact your representatives. Facts will see us through the difficult times ahead. Fear and emotion are tools to be used against us.
I wholeheartedly support this letter, and hope this is the shape of things to come.

Yo, ALPA! It's about time.
Dizel8 said:
Someome will not be happy with this!
Tough Toe Nails !! :D ....the truth hurts sometimes.

I applaud the honesty of the PHL ALPA Leadership....their views are dead on target for those whom have followed things closely and objectively.
Here comes Branson and Virgin USA...... ALPA knows it.

Richard Branson's Virgin USA low-cost carrier plans to purchase as many as 55 planes and may partner with US Airways Inc as it seeks to take advantage of demand for low costs flights in the US.

The airline plans to hold talks next week to decide whether to buy 35 Boeing Co 737 or Airbus SAS A320-family aircraft. It's also holding talks with Bombardier Inc and Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA about buying 20 regional jets.

"We shouldn't have any problems in now getting the airline launched" by early next year at the latest, Branson said. The Virgin Group will invest between US$50 million and US$250 million in the carrier and will own 49 percent.

"US Airways may sell off part of their assets, and they may sell it off in part cash and shares in a new company," Branson told journalists. "If they were to do that, they might decide to do something with Virgin USA."

Hang on guys!
Bet a certain A320 Capt, tries to get the PHL LEC recalled.
I sure hope ALPA pays well. Full pay til the last day! What a bunch of idiots! I am an ALPA member and will vote for the recall. The PHL LEC has the same level of knowledge of the state of the airline industry as the PHL operations has of efficiency. It's way past time to dump ALPA and work with an "in house" union which has OUR AIRLINE at interest.

I think I may be in love with this PHL ALPA Rep :p :p :p

Hey FLYAWAY...go flyaway!
I sure hope ALPA pays well. Full pay til the last day! What a bunch of idiots! I am an ALPA member and will vote for the recall. The PHL LEC has the same level of knowledge of the state of the airline industry as the PHL operations has of efficiency. It's way past time to dump ALPA and work with an "in house" union which has OUR AIRLINE at interest.

Your number must be higher than A320's ! Savy

Thankyou for trying to make a change as to how things go at our company.

It is time to look at the revenue side, instead of lack of business as usual.

Again, thankyou.

mwereplanes said:
Prominent economists are explaining that this past recession’s recovery has been jobless because standard management teams only know how to work the cost side of the equation and they have already squeezed out maximum productivity from labor. Are we not a textbook example of this phenomenon?
Who are these prominent economists, names?

Maximum productivity, what part of the ALPA contract are they referring to? If ALPA truly believes this, then there is a real gap to be bridged. They need to call up there friends at jet blue and get their contract and then they will see the difference in productivity and efficiency.

The current ALPA agreement is a product of many years of the same intimidation tactics that they are professing that management is now using it is commonly refereed to as leverage and each party will exploit it to there advantage, and quite frankly the unions had and still have the leverage and motivation to keep a company inefficient, we all know the Duane Worth quote about the golden egg. The pilots unions have been able to hold the threat of a costly shutdown over the heads of management and squeeze the company to provide agreements that are not sustainable.

These are truly remarkable times and we all must realize that the past is the past and we have to move forward and compete with the new market realities on the cost and the revenue side. However you can not fix your revenue side without fixing the cost side as well. The industry is changing faster than we can imagine and we have to look ahead to better times, but that can only happen when you can beat your competition on the balance sheet first.
Phantom Fixer said:
Tough Toe Nails !! :D ....the truth hurts sometimes.

I applaud the honesty of the PHL ALPA Leadership....their views are dead on target for those whom have followed things closely and objectively.
Objectively, I would say it is a little bit more subjective on here.

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