Poll: Heritage Logo

What Do You Think Of the New Heritage Logo?

  • Cold Glass Of Beer and Slam Dunk

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  • Warm Glass Of Beer

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  • Hot Glass of Beer

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  • Go Get Me Another Glass....This One Is Only Half Full Moron!

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  • I Don't Drink Beer...But The Logo Is A Slam Dunk.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Don't Drink Beer And I Could Do Without The Logo

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  • I Don't Drink Beer...The Logo Designers Had Too Much Beer!

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  • Total voters


Aug 25, 2005
I reviewed many of the Heritage Logo posts but didn't see any polls. Let's make this scientific and find out how folks really feel.
EricLv2Fish said:
I reviewed many of the Heritage Logo posts but didn't see any polls. Let's make this scientific and find out how folks really feel.
:up: :up: Go to PSA/Piedmont
Any body on th West coast will Love the PSA logo as it was defiantely the Best airline between US & PS. Unfortunately they also had a Banker running their airline-Barkley at the last and look what happened to them. HP better watch out and be careful.
It shouls have Always been PS/PI and not US :up:
sentrido said:
I like it a lot. They should have replaced the grey flag with it
when i was on N109US on tues from pit-clt. i asked one of the hp people about that. he said that they were thinking about replacing the flag and putting the "US"logo on the tail but then decided to stick with flag because it was better recognized as the usairways identity . but they were close to replacing it.
I think a new logo would have helped create a fresh start. All the flyers I know hate usairways.
sentrido said:
I think a new logo would have helped create a fresh start. All the flyers I know hate usairways.
I have a feeling the heritage logo will gradually replace the flag. By keeping the flag for now, they save money but changing as many signs at the airport--but they can make the change after LCC starts making money. And after the new livery is painted on the aircraft, it wouldn't take much to change just the logo.
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This is an excerpt from the most recent addition of "Plane Deal" an America West weekly newsletter produced for employees to keep them up to date with the merger details:

I Didn't Get A Pin!
Fear not, loyal pin collectors. On Tuesday, about
5,000 employee of both airlines received
pins touting the new Heritage logo;
however, if you haven’t received one,
you’re still in luck. Limited quantities
were produced for the unveiling
celebration; however, far more are being
created – as you read this – and will be
distributed to employees system-wide
(that’s system-wide for the combined airline).
We expect that production will be complete by close date, so look for news to come
on the pins’ arrival and distribution. And thanks to everyone for your patience.


  • HeritageCircle.jpg
    16 KB · Views: 121
From one of my buddies at Southwest regarding the "heritage logo" -- "It reminds me of the "kill" tally decals on a fighter!"


Makes me want to beat the piss out of Southwest ;)
nice, that is a good one Eye....

Oh btw, did you notice is was not N109US, it was N109UW .... UW????? What is that about?
UW is the registration that started appearing with the arrival of the Airbus fleet. Currently US & NW share the US registration, and there might not have been sufficient numbers available for US when they first started receiving the 319's.
sentrido said:
I think a new logo would have helped create a fresh start. All the flyers I know hate usairways.
:down: :down: :down: And where did u get this scientific analysis. Lots ofpeople enjoy/some LUV flying U ! Go away, we dont need negative people like u on here!