Questions & Answers Regarding the New Fleet Service Agreement

Without singling anybody out, I'd like to ask everyone to read that court case posted on
page one of this topic discussion. Just look at the language and the dollar amounts involved.
Please read as much as you can about this agreement and vote your choice. It's your vote I
just don't want it cast without all the information being read. I notice alot of personel replys
directed to some people on this board.Is ther any way you could keep the personel jabs between
each other and inform each other what you know ...simply put facts..
I am a westie, and regardless of how we vote we still get screwed in the end. Most of us are taking the better of two evils, which is the contract. Tim and everyone else who thinks that the company will negotiate with the west in section 6 is crazy. TWU tried that. That was the only hope they had in winning over the east to vote from them. The company did nothing but give them the run around and dragging it out for 9 months, until the Local decided that it was going nowhere. If the contract is voted down, the west will suffer with crappy wages and the company will give us the IAM insurance plan, since the insurance plans can be change by the company at their will. The LTD and STD are not guarantees in the TWU contract either so my bet is that they are going away. The west will not see any wage increases for years.
I am a westie, and regardless of how we vote we still get screwed in the end. Most of us are taking the better of two evils, which is the contract. Tim and everyone else who thinks that the company will negotiate with the west in section 6 is crazy. TWU tried that. That was the only hope they had in winning over the east to vote from them. The company did nothing but give them the run around and dragging it out for 9 months, until the Local decided that it was going nowhere. If the contract is voted down, the west will suffer with crappy wages and the company will give us the IAM insurance plan, since the insurance plans can be change by the company at their will. The LTD and STD are not guarantees in the TWU contract either so my bet is that they are going away. The west will not see any wage increases for years.

HA , can you imgine the situation if we voted this down , had no wage increase and them BAM the company handed the west workers the east insurance plan ...that would be the end of the west , not to mention WW3 , but as heartless as the company can somtimes be i don't think they'd do that ..

yes sad but true , while this should feel like some great victory finally coming up to East wages , it's dimished in the fact that we give up so much to make it ... still a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush ...

i'm still of the personal opnion that we will merge with another airline before this new contract expires .
I just want to make a couple of coments here.
I have to think that the IAM with all the consulting of its lawyers must have determined
that the case may not have been as strong as they once thought or they felt that if we win and than the company stalls the case in court that it was in the best intrest of all west and east to get what we could now so that at least we can move on and get a better deal in the next few years.
After looking at this deal for about a week now I for myself dont feel its the best deal.
I for one am upset that we will not get any credit for the first 9 months of profit sharing.'
Not even a signing bonus. I had hoped we could get at least a couple of more holidays,
like memorial day.
I prob wont even decide until the day I vote which way I will go, I know that my west counterparts whom I work with everyday need a wage increase very badly and to them I hope it can happen for you guys. I just had hoped a better deal would come.
For me Im tired of all this crap and hope we can move forward from here and try our best to all work together.
I personally will not vote for a contract this weak from a company rolling in the dough because of the wages and benefits they're paying us. Look at our peers doing the same job at the other airlines. That should tell you enough. The big thing is the CIC has merit I feel. The company is fighting to hard for there to be no merit in the case. If we vote no and win the arbitration do I feel Doug will pay us the wages it states? No I don't. I do feel that we will be given a much better contract for all of us east and west. I would be willing to give up a little of the hourly wages the CIC calls for to get some vacation. holdiay, OT, Insurance help, etc. etc. They want to combine contracts and if we win the CIC we would get a much better deal. Even if we'd lose they still would want to join us together and I can't see how they could come back with anything worse and expect it to pass. It's the worst in the industry and you think they'd make it worse? And anyone out west please ask someone on the east about our insurance. It's terrible. So bad that I've had 3 different doctors/nurses let me know they can't believe how bad it is. We had a physical therapist give us her card and have us call her at home instead of coming to the office because we were paying $40.00 for each follow up visit after a surgery and insurance has always not made us pay copays for follow-ups like pregnancies and surgeries etc. etc. It's not just the monthly cost but the daily costs when you need to use it. Also dealing with Caremark for prescriptions is terrible. They owe us $300.00 right now and still haven't paid us. Go to and get a load of this company. I think they're so busy fighting lawsuits in every state that they can't possibly get the service right. They also don't care as we have no choice but to get our drugs there. Freedom if as you say this is a "piss poor contract" why vote yes? You know they say never take a first offer and especially in this case. The guys out west would be selling their benefits for way too little if they accept these concessions. Remember to get what you're getting benefit wise this company had to go to a BR judge. That's as bad as it gets. Think it out and lets all get as much information as we can. At least we finally see the word retroactive in one of our contracts. We've been waiting to see retroactive pay raises, retroactive vacation, etc. etc. and when we finally see retro it's for a cut. Retro give back of profit sharing that's already been earned. Thats twisting the knife after inserting it. I can't tell anyone how to vote but I'm a solid NO.
PHL is voting on Thursday, CLT friday.
Freedom, when is PHX and LAS voting?

Not sure about RDU.


i do know that sna votes on 28th my question is if the contract is voted no (pls god pls be NO) will the iam have time to go back to the table for another shot. maybe dougie has another offer sitting on his desk or will we end up going to arbitration???? giving the time frame??
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I just want to make a couple of coments here.
I have to think that the IAM with all the consulting of its lawyers must have determined
that the case may not have been as strong as they once thought or they felt that if we win and than the company stalls the case in court that it was in the best intrest of all west and east to get what we could now so that at least we can move on and get a better deal in the next few years.
After looking at this deal for about a week now I for myself dont feel its the best deal.
I for one am upset that we will not get any credit for the first 9 months of profit sharing.'
Not even a signing bonus. I had hoped we could get at least a couple of more holidays,
like memorial day.
I prob wont even decide until the day I vote which way I will go, I know that my west counterparts whom I work with everyday need a wage increase very badly and to them I hope it can happen for you guys. I just had hoped a better deal would come.
For me Im tired of all this crap and hope we can move forward from here and try our best to all work together.
Apathy surely is a problem within this group. Your company is banking on it.

You've had since 3:19PM today to gather and post information supporting the IAM. Not quite 7 houre and it usually takes you 7 minutes to post chapter and verse. Why the silence?

If Tim's information is "Half Truths" that means the IAM must have "Half-Lies" then.

So tell all the Rampers who read here exactly WHY the IAM deserves a "YES" vote?

Tick Tock, TICK TOCK
Excuse me for sleeping I work midnights and worked 10 hours and came home and helped a friend with her car problems and went to bed at 4ish to get some sleep as I had to work again at 11.

If you want to prove or disprove anything then do the research.

And it really does not matter what you think, you think you know it all and know nothing about it except what hatred timmy spews for the IAM as he is bitter.

The arbitor was all ready chosen, Richard Bloch, US and the IAM have used him numerous times before, very well respected, know the IAM/M&R CBA very well, and he has ruled in the IAM's favor several times including the Airbus Arbitration.
FWIW, when lakefield & co. walked away, the size of their severance was based on change of control agreements in their contracts.

John john,

You are right. When fleet signs this, mechs will enhance their take.
I agree with Dio,

The Change of Control is a very winable grievance, my own opinion is they want to give it up to get the west under one CBA, otherwise Doogie want negotiate any improvements.

That is why 142 is moving full steam ahead with it as the company wants to get rid of a mtc base and outsource more.
The company/Iam wants you to vote yes, so take that to the bank and vote NO!

Are you all that thickheaded? This is money for your group!


So how unbiased is this information?

Well look who owns

Domain Name..........
Creation Date........ 2004-06-20
Registration Date.... 2004-06-20
Expiry Date.......... 2008-06-20
Organisation Name.... Timothy Nelson
[edited by mod- watch it 700. The next time someone posts "personal/public" information about you I dont expect a PM advising it should be removed. Do not post info that you dont want posted about yourself in some form or another.

Like I said, I do not yet have the info from the NC, I have talked to a member and thier should be a reply out shorty.

I only posted public information, he posted the website, so I found out who owns it, and just posted the public information that provides when a person starts a website. Public information that is told to anyone who registers a domain, he started it so I did the research, sorry if it was too much.
It is not an attack, it is legitimate and factual information of who owns the web page of what we have been requested to look at.

take of your red hating IAM glasses and maybe you would understand that.

And sorry I dont work at US anymore, takes me sometime to contact the right people to get the info, there is a response in the works to timmy's accusations.