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Remembering 9/11

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Dec 28, 2009
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SanFranFreako, KommieFornia
Muslims complain about town's 9/11 memorial

A spokesperson told our Fox television affiliate that having the words “Islamic terrorists” on the monument is a “broad brush against the many Muslims who live in the Southern Tier.”
“They want us to change the word from ‘Islamic Terrorist’ to either ‘terrorist’ or ‘Al Qaeda terrorist,’” City Manager Donald Castelluci told me. “I sent them back an email saying I disagreed with their premise 100 percent.”
The entire inscription reads:

“On September 11, 2001 nineteen Islamic terrorists unsuspectedly boarded four airliners departing east coast airports to hijack the planes and carry out a series of coordinated attacks against the United States. This is a tribute to all the lives lost that day and to the heroic sacrifice of all who rushed to help. As Americans, we honor their memory by living our lives in freedom. We will never forget.
I have to wonder...which is worse - Muslims upset at a memorial, or a mattress store running a "every bed for the price of a twin" sale over 9/11?
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I guess when radical islamic terrorists start flying a mattress into buildings you should then decide which is worse. Hows the weather on your planet?
Hackman said:
I guess when radical islamic terrorists start flying a mattress into buildings you should then decide which is worse. Hows the weather on your planet?
So you are cool with a mattress store "honoring" the 3,000 people lost in 9/11 by building "twin towers" of mattresses and bringing them down...while selling everything for "the price of a twin"?  God bless capitalism.
xUT said:
Muslims complain about town's 9/11 memorial
The entire inscription reads:
“On September 11, 2001 nineteen Islamic terrorists unsuspectedly boarded four airliners departing east coast airports to hijack the planes and carry out a series of coordinated attacks against the United States. This is a tribute to all the lives lost that day and to the heroic sacrifice of all who rushed to help. As Americans, we honor their memory by living our lives in freedom. We will never forget.
I believe the memorial is as it should be. Islamic terrorists
committed a horrific attack on U.S. soil on 9/11/2001
that killed more than 3,000 people. It did happen and 
radical Islamists did do it, so why not say it like it is.
Glad to hear City Manager Donald Castelluci is not
backing down and changing the inscription on the
Honoring all of those who lost their lives that day.
We will never forget.
KCFlyer said:
So you are cool with a mattress store "honoring" the 3,000 people lost in 9/11 by building "twin towers" of mattresses and bringing them down...while selling everything for "the price of a twin"?  God bless capitalism.
No clown, of course I'm not "cool" with it. The muslims that your heros Barry and Hildabeast import probably are though. Are you "cool with Obammy giving billions (wasn't it 400 million?) in cash and gold to his friends in Iran? God bless liberalism.
Hackman said:
No clown, of course I'm not "cool" with it. The muslims that your heros Barry and Hildabeast import probably are though. Are you "cool with Obammy giving billions (wasn't it 400 million?) in cash and gold to his friends in Iran? God bless liberalism.
I get it now....it's okay to disrespect those who died in 9/11 so long as you bring Muslims into it.  Perhaps the ad would be less disgusting had the two guys who brought down the "twin towers" would have been shouting "allahu akbar".    Not sure why you are trying to bring Iran (who, like Iraq, had nothing to do with 9/11) into the discussion.   
No I'm sure you don't get it. Your not racist against the mexicans in the ad are you? They only have free speach if the libtards agree with it, how typical. What about disrespect of the flag, or the national anthem? Your only offended by disrespect of 9/11, nothing else? I'm just conflating issues like you do, all the time. Don't like it? Too bad.
Hackman said:
No I'm sure you don't get it. Your not racist against the mexicans in the ad are you? They only have free speach if the libtards agree with it, how typical. What about disrespect of the flag, or the national anthem? Your only offended by disrespect of 9/11, nothing else? I'm just conflating issues like you do, all the time. Don't like it? Too bad.
Ahhh...disrespect of the flag.  Glad you brought that up.  How dare that black athlete sit down and disrespect our flag and our veterans and our country during the national anthem.  Here's how people should respect the national anthem....note that they are all standing...and if you look really close - most faces are white.

You know...the last line where every white guy screams "Chiefs" is replacing "brave".  And in the anthem, "brave" represents our troops and veterans.  But....it's their free speech right to do what they want to do.  I'm sure you won't have a problem with it.  
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KCFlyer said:
Ahhh...disrespect of the flag.  Glad you brought that up.  How dare that black athlete sit down and disrespect our flag and our veterans and our country during the national anthem.  Here's how people should respect the national anthem....note that they are all standing...and if you look really close - most faces are white.

You know...the last line where every white guy screams "Chiefs" is replacing "brave".  And in the anthem, "brave" represents our troops and veterans.  But....it's their free speech right to do what they want to do.  I'm sure you won't have a problem with it.  
What an idiotic comparison. When they (whites? what the hell does that have to do with anything?) replace the word brave with the word Chiefs they aren't showing outright disdain for America. I wholeheartedly agree with Trump. maybe he (Kapernick) should find a country that works better for him. Goddam right. Its about time someone told the America haters to go to hell. Love it or leave it! 
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Zom JFK said:
What an idiotic comparison. When they (whites? what the hell does that have to do with anything?) replace the word brave with the word Chiefs they aren't showing outright disdain for America. I wholeheartedly agree with Trump. maybe he (Kapernick) should find a country that works better for him. Goddam right. Its about time someone told the America haters to go to hell. Love it or leave it! 
What is idiotic about it?  IMHO, it is MORE disrespectful to the veterans and troops to replace the ONE WORD in the anthem that represents them with "Chiefs" than it is to sit down during it.  I've been to a few Chiefs games.  The stadium holds about 80,000.  About 75,000 of them are white.  THEY are disrespecting the flag....our veterans....and those that died fighting for this country.  But that's okay.  They are proud Americans...and besides, they are proud of their team.  But they are standing up to show their respect.  White people LOVE this country.   But woe the black man who doesn't stand.  
Let me ask you....I'm assuming by JFK that you are in NYC.....would you consider it respectful if everyone at the stadium replaced "brave" with "Jets" or "Giants"? 
And FWIW, I love it, but I'm ready to leave it.  If I were younger, I would.  I do not like the direction this country is heading....let by the "patriots".  
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