Schedule Changes

Non Rever

Dec 20, 2002
New schedules were loaded over the weekend. Some highlights I found are FLL-SJO & GUA are cancelled. GUA will move to CLT. Did not see and additional frequencies for SJO.
FLL-SDQ/KIN will go to 2 X's daily. SDQ will RON. I noticed some reduction in frequencies for CLT. Probably as a result of of no last bank of flights. Last CLT departures will be apprx. 9:15pm.

CLT-LAX 4 X's daily.
CLT-SAN/SEA....2 X's...They usually drop the AM departures for winter.
CLT-ORD only 5X's daily.

Im sure there are lots more changes out there. Theses are just a few i found. I did not have time to look at PIT schd's.

I was checking flights for and arbitrary date of 16JAN05. I'm not sure when they actually begin/end.

FLL will be transfering from a "mini-hub" to a focus city. No more banks. Flights will be scattered and tailored to O&D, which will also allow better utilization of limited gate space.

Next week's upload will be seeing new FLL routes, including the return of some dropped in May.

The SJO/GUA service may be returning with Republic Airways using E-Jets.

And I wish US luck on CLT-GUA...they're gonna need it.
Looking in RES on sabre or the HUB timetable how can I tell if the new
schedule (Oct. for example) is loaded?
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traderjake said:
"Looking in RES on sabre or the HUB timetable how can I tell if the new
schedule (Oct. for example) is loaded?"

Every once in awhile you may see a briefing that mentions a schedule change. I knew PHL-GRR was cancelled. They had loaded those flights as 0's/sold out until they were removed from sabre. When i checked the schd's sunday they had been removed. Also watch focus F*new/service. It will highlight schedule change additions/deletions and dates, as well as rez rebooking info.

"And I wish US luck on CLT-GUA...they're gonna need it."

What kind of luck will we need? I assume your talking about baggage/documentation/communications problems.
Non Rever said:
What kind of luck will we need? I assume your talking about baggage/documentation/communications problems.

Filling the plane profitablly with virtually no local traffic. Though the CLT hub does get tons of feed, which was the reason for the move.

I don't get why US Airways didn't go for FLL-MGA, when MIA-MGA is the second most traveled route between the United States and Cental America.
Well According to the TCICS entry for October, SJO and GUA are STILL showing operating from FLL. Not sure what you looked at. The TCICS entry is what gets loaded into Sabre for Sale at a later date.
November TCICS for GSO shows:

600 am CR900 to CLT
755 am 737 to CLT
900 am D3H to CLT
1100 am CR900 to CLT
1210 am D8H to CLT
155 pm CR7 to CLT
315 pm RJU to CLT
440 pm CR7 to CLT
645 pm RJU to CLT

Also has two GSO-PHL RJ's 10 mins a part at 530 pm.
Shows a non-stop RJ to CLE at 550 pm.

Only one mainline flight per day :down:
gso-crew said:
November TCICS for GSO shows:

600 am CR900 to CLT
755 am 737 to CLT
900 am D3H to CLT
1100 am CR900 to CLT
1210 am D8H to CLT
155 pm CR7 to CLT
315 pm RJU to CLT
440 pm CR7 to CLT
645 pm RJU to CLT

Also has two GSO-PHL RJ's 10 mins a part at 530 pm.
Shows a non-stop RJ to CLE at 550 pm.

Only one mainline flight per day :down:

Wow.. that's breathtaking. THIS in GSO, yet we have ENDLESS whining about the plight of PIT!
gso-crew said:
November TCICS for GSO shows:
Also has two GSO-PHL RJ's 10 mins a part at 530 pm.
Shows a non-stop RJ to CLE at 550 pm.

Only one mainline flight per day :down:

A N/S to CLE? Are you sure of this or is this a typo??
Light Years said:
What's an RJU?

It denotes which commuter carrier runs the flight. I know RJW is Air Wisconsin. Who is RJU, PSA maybe? Only useful in TCICS and when doing equipment subs.
jimcfs said:
A N/S to CLE?  Are you sure of this or is this a typo??

It shows flight 4003 inbound from PHL at 530 pm .. Turning around and going out to CLE at 550 pm as flt 3979, equip type RJW.

Frequent travelers, the CR900 has a first class cabin.

Add a couple of non-stops to the PHX or LAS hub and it would work. A lot of LAS passengers out of PTI. LAS to High Point is going to be hot ticket for a few years with the furniture industry here and the international furniture market moving to LAS.