Sean Hannity is a moron...



Did you hear this idiot, he said all the Ron Paul supporters were redialing by the second!!! You would have thought this chickenhawk would know that you were only able to call once from the same phone to vote, considering this was a poll/debate hosted by Fox News. Boo-hoo, i'm Sean Hannity and if you don't vote for the candidate i want you to, your a poo-poo head!!!

The very moral and very Christian Sean Hannity...
BOY, did you hit the nail on the head, about Hannity !

Of All the "Right wing radio NUTS", at least Limbaugh/Savage have a certain degree of originality.

But Hannity, is a Hanger' on'....A WANNABEE....ZERO originality.

You've got to figure that anyone, that holds the record for having guest appearences of ....SKANKY Ann Coulter/Oliver CONTRA North, and "Newt" Gingrich on his "show", Needs them/uses them for his own "failed Attempt" of trying to hang with the big boys(Limbaugh/Savage)

BOY, would I LOVE to hear private conversations that Occur between this BUFFOON, and his partner(NOT) Alan Coombs.
BOY, did you hit the nail on the head, about Hannity !

Of All the "Right wing radio NUTS", at least Limbaugh/Savage have a certain degree of originality.

But Hannity, is a Hanger' on'....A WANNABEE....ZERO originality.

You've got to figure that anyone, that holds the record for having guest appearences of ....SKANKY Ann Coulter/Oliver CONTRA North, and "Newt" Gingrich on his "show", Needs them/uses them for his own "failed Attempt" of trying to hang with the big boys(Limbaugh/Savage)

BOY, would I LOVE to hear private conversations that Occur between this BUFFOON, and his partner(NOT) Alan Coombs.

WOW! I listen to Both Hannity & Combs on their respective radio stations Get Combs on Sirius. I think Hannity is trying to find some middle ground between Rush and Savage. Savage of course feel's the same way about Hannity as you do.

So are you in agreement with Mike Savage a right wing NUT on at least one issue.
I fail to understand why anyone listens to any of these nuts on either side of the aisle. My wife likes to listen to Oberman. I would listen to him as a form of entertainment until he did a segment on BA that dealt with them running aircraft empty across the pond (and else where). Working for AA and in crew skd I had a very good idea of why there were doing it. The indication was that BA was doing this for entertainment purposes and just to piss off the Eco folks. No one seemed to ask why. Perhaps it was because they had cargo, crew for the rtn not the out bound ... etc. hat pissed me off and I try to watch him any more.

OReilly, Limbaugh, and all the other talking heads are just gas bags. A lot of their drivile is unverified rumor that has no business being on or near a news program.

Novak is coming out with this BS that Clinton has dirt on Obama but has admitted he has no proof. Just a I heard it from a friend who heard it in the bathroom from a janitor who works for his father in the mail room of .... Give me a freaking break. If you have proof of a story, put it on the table, if not STFU and stop pretending like you matter.

Yes I hate talking heads.
I had some spicy Mexican food for lunch. It didn't agree with me. I ran to the mens room and took a huge Limbaugh, then wiped my Hannity. guys don't support Air America?

No wonder...I always new Lib's were a cheap bunch... :lol:

Novak is coming out with this BS that Clinton has dirt on Obama but has admitted he has no proof.

Funny goes with the Bill and Hillary dirty pool and politics playbook.

View attachment 6795
Rove New Newsweek Columnist
Newsweek magazine hired the president's former deputy chief of staff, Karl Rove, as a columnist last week. What do you think?

Alan Baker,
Systems Analyst
"His insights into the presidential race will be invaluable. I wonder if he thinks McCain should be backstabbed or just trash-talked?"

Julie Pertwee,
"I wonder if it still counts as planting stories when you're doing it in your own column."

Dave Troughton,
"Karl Rove is the last person I want to get sex advice from."
WOW! I listen to Both Hannity & Combs on their respective radio stations Get Combs on Sirius. I think Hannity is trying to find some middle ground between Rush and Savage. Savage of course feel's the same way about Hannity as you do.

So are you in agreement with Mike Savage a right wing NUT on at least one issue.



The one(and perhaps only) thing that I agree with Savage on, is he is NOT "wishy washy" about DUMPING :up: :up: on....EL-CHIMPO :down: :down: :down:

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